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Rejoice in My Name | God Message Today | God Message for You Today | God Message for me Today

my beloved child blessed are those who rejoice in my name all day long and exalt in my righteousness this name which you know as Jesus represents me in all of my glorious attributes when used with reverence and love it draws you closer to my warm and loving presence I am aware that many misuse my name turning it into a word of anger or frustration this misuse pains me deeply for my name is sacred a symbol of my love and sacrifice for Humanity yet I encourage you my faithful follower to lovingly utter the word Jesus throughout your day use it to express your joy in me to seek my guidance and to ask for my help remember I am God your savior I am always ready to assist you to uplift you for the glory of my name I invite invite you to bask in the joy of my righteousness to exalt means to be filled with delight Elation and Jubilation think of this joy as the Triumph of good over evil of light over Darkness recall the moment on the cross when I declared it is finished with those words I proclaim the greatest Victory imaginable the conquest over sin and death for all who believe in me this Monumental achievement has forever credited my righteousness to you my beloved you are adorned with the robe of righteousness a garment symbolizing salvation wear it with pride joy and Jubilation I have empowered you to stand on the heights the term the heights can signify many things literally it might mean something elevated like mountaintops or towering buildings figuratively it can represent the Pinnacle of Joy or significant responsibilities as you strive to reach these Heights in your life whether in achievements recognition or spiritual elevation remember the responsibilities that accompany success take pleasure in the good you accomplish through me with me and for me as you are mine you can stand firm picture yourself girded with the belt of Truth and protected by the breastplate of righteousness all of my teachings are founded in Truth for I am the truth this gives you a solid foundation a rock upon which to stand firm the righteousness I have bestowed upon you is perfect and eternal regardless of the trials and tribulations you face this righteousness will keep you steadfast in your journey through life remember to seek me in all things whether in moments of happiness or time times of struggle turn to me I am your guide your protector and your constant companion when you feel lost or uncertain remember my words and my promises they are the light that will lead you through the darkest of times nurture your faith for it is the key to truly understanding my love and grace faith is not merely believing in my existence it is trusting in my goodness and my plans for you it is knowing that no matter what happens I Am with You guiding and supporting you every step of the way practice compassion and kindness for these are qualities dear to my heart show love to others as I have shown love to you in doing so you become a Living testament to my teachings a Beacon of Hope and light in a world that often seems dark and cold remember my children that you are never alone I am always watching over you ready to listen and to help in times of Joy share your happiness with me in times of Sorrow turn to me for comfort I am your father your Creator and your Eternal supporter rejoice in my love and let it fill your hearts spread this love to others for in loving one another you honor me walk in my ways follow my teachings and let your life be a reflection of my love and righteousness in the quiet Stillness of your heart as you Traverse through the daunting valleys of Life know that you are not alone the path you walk though shadowed by uncertainties and fears is illuminated by a divine presence that never falters nor fess this radiant light is a testament to an unwavering vigilance a constant Guardian that Watches Over You ensuring that no depth is too profound no Darkness too consuming for my sight there will be moments when you find yourself deviating from the path slipping into pits of Despair or error it's in these moments when you feel mired in the consequences of your choices that my grace extends its hand most fervently cry out to me and I shall lift you from these depths setting your feet upon the solid rock of my love and forgiveness my commitment to you is unshakable for even in your faltering My Love Remains a steadfast anchor fear a frequent visitor in the valley May whisper doubts and paint Shadows of dread but remember this promise I am with you always I have vowed never to leave you to journey ahead of you preparing your way as you walk through the adversities of life let your heart Echo the comforting refrain I will fear no evil for you are with me in moments of loneliness when the world seems cold and indifferent remind yourself of this truth I am taking care of you these words are not mere platitudes but the Assurance of a savior who knows intimately the challenges you face this world with all its imperfections and trials cannot separate you from my providential care when worries about the future Loom large Retreat into the reality of my love and protection like a child in a nurturing family you need not fret about the tomorrow for you belong to a Heavenly family rich in resources and boundless in love your needs and concerns are not burdens to me but precious trust that you can lay at my feet entrust your life to me and live with the confidence of one who is cherished by the king of kings in this assurance find your peace your rest and your joy for in every Valley I am there in every uncertainty my hand guides you in every fear my love encompasses you so walk boldly beloved child for you are never alone I see your troubles and I know the conflicts that weigh on your heart but I want you to know that you are not alone in this journey I am here to help you open your heart to me and you will witness the miraculous unfold before you leading you toward the solution you seek you've made a Wise Choice by seeking me in your time of need I desire more than just a passing encounter with you I long to hold the most sacred place in your heart to be the for most occupant of your thoughts make a commitment to me today not just for this moment but for a lifetime you will see how my presence in your heart brings about a profound transformation a change you've been yearning for you sense a void in your life an emptiness that needs to be filled invite me into your heart and you will experience a transformation those who have hurt you will come seeking forgiveness closed doors will swing open and those who once rejected you will now value you I will introduce you to new Faithful Friends and I will chase away sorrow and loneliness from your life my words are not empty they possess the power to change your circumstances for the better dispelling the darkness that surrounds you do not be discouraged by unexpected obstacles or the words of others who may speak speak ill of you do not let misunderstandings

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