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Pray That You Never Make The Mistake Of Trusting People Like This

as you go through life do you really know who is around you do you really know who was in your inner circle I asked this question because at one point or another you have to accept that not everyone around you is from God not everyone around you is Godly as they appear to be on the surface consider this David at one point was running for his life and the enemy who was after him was not some foreign Invader or rebellious dictator but it was none other than Absalom his son Joseph was betrayed in the worst way by his brothers his family the people he grew up with even if you look at the life of Jesus it wasn't the Pharisees that betrayed him it wasn't the Sadducees it was no one else but a member of the 12 disciples it's arguable that Judas was the most trusted in the disciples because the Bible says that Judas was The Keeper of the money bag for the twelve foreign and for him to be the money bag keeper the one with the company credit card he must have been trusted but the most trusted in the group became the very person who betrayed our master from these examples I want you to know that you cannot place your trust in people because people change people will fail you people will grow jealous people have hearts and the Bible says the human heart is the most deceitful of all things and desperately wicked who really knows how bad it is [Music] and so my prayer as I deliver this message to you is not for you to hate anyone or be skeptical of everyone but rather for you to know that the safest place you can put your trust isn't Jesus Christ [Music] during the ministry of Jesus whenever a crowd gathered to hear him teach not everyone in that crowd was for him not everyone who came to hear Jesus teach or see him heal the sick was for Jesus in and amongst the crowd were people like the Pharisees and the Sadducees who came only to watch so that they could find fault and accuse Jesus there were others who came really seeking to hear from God there were some who were skeptical and wanted to see and perhaps even be entertained all in all Jesus Christ had many people who were near him people who came to hear him teach and heal the sick but even in that crowd the devil was working and so in your own life be careful who you allow to be close to you be careful of the people around you because the devil can and often does sin people when he wants to hinder you or ruin you now this message is especially relevant in this day and age to the church and here is a warning about this from The Book of Romans Romans 16 verse 17 to 18 says I urge you brothers and sisters to keep your eyes on those who cause dissension and create obstacles or introduce Temptations for others to commit sin acting in ways contrary to the doctrine which you have learned turn away from them for such people do not serve our Lord Christ but their own appetites and base desires by smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting the innocent and the naive whether in your church assembly or Friendship Circle at some point you will find that there are those who are near you who simply want to cause conflicts create obstacles and even introduce Temptations for others to commit sin now we are not to hate anyone we are not to turn anyone away but we are commanded to love our neighbor that means to love all people we are told to bless those who persecute you and so we need to love like Christ and with that said we need to love with wisdom some people need to be loved from a distance you cannot be yoked with unbelievers but instead you should strive to lead them to Christ without forming close intimate personal relationships with them so dear friend pray for wisdom when it comes to those closest to you pray for discernment when it comes to those closest to you it's to our advantage that we should go to Christ we're the ones that need saving we're the ones that need to be redeemed not him it's to our benefit that we should go to Christ and the beauty of this deal is that Jesus Christ made a promise in Hebrews 13 verse 5. the Bible says keep your life free from Love of Money and be content with what you have for he has said I will never leave you nor forsake you in case you didn't know you can have money but it will not save you money will not buy you eternal life it won't buy you another minute here on Earth but if you have Jesus Christ you have eternity in heaven to look forward to nothing on this Earth can promise never to leave you nor forsake you but Jesus can he has promised to be with you until the end of the age so today even if you were to lose everything you own you would still be blessed beyond measure because of that great promise you see I would rather have Jesus than silver or gold because Jesus Christ loved me while I was yet still a sinner he loved me despite of my sin regardless of my mistakes and he's undeterred by my many flaws that is Grace Psalm 34 verse 10 says the Young Lions suffer want and hunger those who seek the Lord will not lack any good thing a gospel singer by the name of Jekalyn Carr has a song called You're bigger and in the song she says you're bigger than any marital problem you're bigger than any broken home you're bigger than our mistakes the stripes on your back make you bigger your blood makes you bigger Your Love Makes You bigger you overcame death and that makes you bigger how true are those words our God is indeed bigger than any situation he's bigger than any circumstance you face or any problem and so my message to you today is to encourage you to praise God praise the Lord in the middle of your situation praise the Lord as you go through that situation and then praise Him in Advance for victory in your situation [Music]

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