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One of The Most Eye Opening Speeches Ever | Tony Robbins

what makes the difference in the quality of people's lives what makes some people leaders and other people followers what makes most people talk about a dream and never follow through and other people just a small percentage kick ass take names you can throw any obstacle at them they find a way to break through what's the difference so it made me obsessed to want to know why people's lives turn out so differently and my first answer growing up poor with no great role models was well some people are just lucky they grew up in a family where everybody loves each other and they stay together you know some people are lucky they gr up in a family and everybody's educated and so they work hard to educate their kids or some people are lucky they grow up in a family with lots of money so they have resources to travel and learn and expand and do whatever they want and as much as I wanted to believe that story that some people are just lucky that they had a better family when you pay attention and you're even slightly honest with yourself that story doesn't hold up does it cuz when you look around what happens to people that are truly given everything and they don't have to work for it what happens to the person who's born and they got total love and support from their family they have total Financial abundance they don't have to worry about it whatsoever they got all the great education what happens to the majority of those not all but the majority of those people don't build any muscle they're not hungry because everything was given to them so they don't have any hunger that could give them Drive which if you ask me Tony what's the single most important key to success above anything else it's not Talent it's not skill it's hunger if you get enough hunger going in you for an answer you'll find the answer if you get a hunger enough inside of you that says I got to take things to the next level I got to achieve I got to make a difference I got to expand you will find the answer people's intelligence will expand if they got enough hunger but if you got everything and you're not hungry you're not going to have much and then you find these people that life seems to have stepped on you know the kind of people I'm talking about life has kicked them in the face they've experienced tremendous Injustice nothing has been fair to them they've been abused mentally emotionally sexually spiritually whatever and very often those are the very people that most of us are inspired by who achieve levels that most people never dream about and who touch Society so how many came here for some breakthroughs a breakthrough means a new quality of life so let me give you three keys to a breakthrough any one of these three can give you a breakthrough but if you do all three of these you're going to have an extraordinary breakthrough so let's start with something so simplistic that none of us would be emotionally attached to it and we all know it's true and that's let's take a symbol in society literally 60% of Americans are overweight now I want to ask you a question is that because the strategies required to losing weight are so complex that it's just completely overwhelming no however if you have the wrong strategy you're guaranteed failure even if you're motivated and driven and excited is that fair to say so if you have the wrong strategy it's not going to work so let me give you three things and reverse order of importance okay reverse order least important first if you want to breakthrough one of the things to give you breakthrough is a strategy a new strategy could change everything does that make sense a new way to do something if you come up with the right strategy it could save you a decade it could save you 5 years what is a strategy it's a specific way to do something that if you do it that way you get the result every time think of a strategy like a recipe if you know someone's recipe and they took 25 years to figure out how to make the perfect chocolate cake and you're not a baker but you got their strategy you got their recipe how often can you get the same quality of chocolate cake if you follow their recipe if you follow their strategy how often will it work how many times every single time that's the beauty of a strategy you can give someone the perfect strategy and they can still not do it they can even know it's the right strategy and still not follow through that's why the problem in our society is not a lack of strategies so is it a strategy problem do you think no so don't get me wrong I believe strategy is invaluable but strategy without the next two is basically worthless in my experience you know what to do but you don't do what you know but the right strategy versus the wrong strategy is critical I why don't you to make a note of this really important yeah have to do the right thing at the right time I'll give you an example my country buying a house right thing to do in my country 2007 wrong time if you bought a house in the United States in 2007 right now you're upside down anywhere from 30 to 70% 70 in places like Las Vegas they're down 70% I have a friend that at $10 million home just sold for3 million bucks that's why my friends I'm a student of Seasons that's why you have to understand and become so incredibly bright and aware as to what's really going on so when someone tells you the strategy you go is that really right now because they'll show you a strategy that worked the question is is it working now you want someone who's done it and is doing it people go to psychiatrist all the time that are taking anti-depressants for their depression and they wonder why they don't get better I mean we're weird this way I'm telling you if you're going to get a strategy you better get somebody who's doing it someone's getting results now strategy isn't critically important even though i' be up on it is it's still a huge Advantage with the right strategy yes or no so what's the second thing the second element though that affects whether you're going to use the strategy or not is the story you tell yourself does that make sense because if your story is I'm big boned or I've tried what everything if you tried everything you'd have the answer right but when people say I tried everything what does that do it makes your brain go see I've tried everything there's no reason to try anymore it's not my fault I'm just big boned I just have low metabolism right it's just uh I've always been this way and by the way people's stories are often true but they're not effective it may be true that you have low metabolism it may be true that you're a big bone but that's not why you're fat it's because you're doing nothing to change your metabolism make sense or I I don't have a relationship with a great man or great woman because all the good ones are gone isn't that a common story people tell themselves and what does the story do it kills your hunger it kills your drive it gives you a reason not to fa

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