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Nikola Tesla: “GOD LIVES HERE” (The full explanation)

Nicholas Tesla ventured into the Realms of the extraordinary often described as unlocking God's mind he stated if you want to find out the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy frequency and vibration it's a concept that's so powerful so profound that it's the foundation of everything we're about to uncover everything is in constant motion vibrating and spinning this may sound like a simple concept but it's at the heart of understanding the universe's Mysteries you see every object whether it's a bacterium an atom or even a soccer field has its very own unique Prime resonance frequency think of it this way it's like each object's personal musical note in the cosmic Symphony just as a skilled musician can manipulate sound to create beautiful music we can manipulate these objects by resonating with their specific frequencies now let's explore how this connects to ancient beliefs and creation stories in Christianity it's said that God created the universe through his Divine word similarly in Hinduism the primordial sound m is seen as a source of creation and even the ancient Egyptians believe that the Universe was brought into existence through sacred songs these creation stories have remarkable similarities such as the six days of creation in Christianity and the Egyptians six aspects of arms and the old Seeing Eye of Horus it's like different cultures around the world had an underlying understanding of the power of sound and resonance in the creation of our world sound has the astonishing ability to bring physical form into existence imagine this every sound has a unique shape and a specific form just like each of us has our own fingerprints faces and body everything in the universe has its own distinct signature shape the indigenous people of Australia have their own captivating creation story they believe that time began when supernatural beings awoke and broke through the Earth's surface imagine the Earth's surface like this metal plate these beings with their sacred songs shaped our world Hans Jenny's experiments with schematics using powders on metal plates reveal How Sound creates Landscapes over time in a real sense sound and vibration can shape mountains valleys and even volcanoes it's all connected to the vibrations and Resonance of the earth when God said let there be light it wasn't just a phrase it was the power of sound creating light you can even experiment with this concept by attaching a simple speaker to an LED light and witnessing it yourself now consider Royal Raymond r a man who delved into the world of Cur ing diseases through sound and resonance his work was groundbreaking and hints at the potential for sound to heal and transform but it doesn't stop there some individuals have even harnessed the power of sound to achieve levitation what's even more intriguing is that hurricanes could be generated or controlled by sound Yes you heard that right in 2003 two individuals patented the concept of creating hurricanes using sound it may sound like science fiction but who knows it might be happening to create our weather nowadays now let's talk about magnetic fields it's essential to understand that everything in our world has some form of magnetism even things we don't typically think of as magnetic like water aluminum graphite and glass exhibit magnetic properties for example aluminum is a type of magnet called paramagnetic and even oxygen can be attracted to magnets here's a quick experiment if you have a small amount of liquid oxygen you'll be surprised to see that it clings to a magnet we'll explain why in a moment some substances like gadolinium oxide and cupric sulfate are considered paramagnetic in fact cupric sulfate a type of salt can be picked up by a magnet now take a look at this image of an electron it may surprise you to know that this isn't a particle but rather a resonant wave yet we're often told it's an electron highlighting the misinformation that can Cloud our understanding Nicola Tesla in an interview from 1928 had a revolutionary perspective on electrons he believed they were fundamentally different from the commonly accepted atomic theory Tesla didn't believe in the existence of the electron as it was portrayed in science this challenges our long-held beliefs and reveals an agenda in mainstream education and science that might not align with the truth you might wonder what does all this have to do with sound resonance and Nicola Tesla well it's all connected we see a pattern emerge a pattern of chematic shapes and ancient structures that are more than meets the eye for centuries a remarkable group of scientists inventors and researchers have questioned the existence of electrons and the atomic model we've been taught to accept without question first things first there's been a lot of talk about the electron in scientific circles however many notable scientists like Nicola Tesla and Einstein had their reservations about the existence of this tiny particle they believed there might be something more to it and they were onto something the stern circus is our term for the whole controversy surrounding the electron you see over the past 200 years scientists inventors and research archers have fiercely debated the existence of electrons and the atomic structure we've been taught it's a topic of hot contention and it makes you question what you learned in school now let's dive into chatica of the stern circus imagine that every stone circle you've come across is actually a representation of the sound frequencies emanating from the earth at that specific point these ancient structures were like musical scores etched into the landscape but it goes even further some of these stone structures resemble magnetrons and flower-shaped patterns these flower-shaped circles aren't just for show they're like ancient giant magnetrons capable of cutting metal within seconds that's how powerful these things were curious about their energy generation magnetron scientists confirmed that a massive 40 m wide magnetron could generate more energy than all all the power plants on Earth combined Adam's Calendar is one of the most powerful of these ancient stone circles it seems like all these Stone circles send their frequencies to Adam's Calendar making it a sort of collection point for the energies created by millions of stone circles this is where it gets fascinating Adam's Calendar exhibits a distinctive teroid effect and it's still active today researchers measured it but what does that mean it's like a gigantic circuit board powered by Earth's sound and activated by the sun's movement it's a simple yet brilliant concept state of your mental health is actually intertwined with the frequency of your vibrations Nicola's scientific breakthrough revealed the possibility that elevating these vibrations might hold the key to achieving a more harmonious and balanced State of Mind Unlocking The Mysteries of the universe involves exploring non-physical Re

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