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New Year New Goals: Eckhart Tolle on Transforming Desire into Fulfillment

what you do really is [Music] secondary some may do great things Others May do things that look on the surface not so [Music] significant but how you do it is primary when the how means the Consciousness that flows into what you do for on ETV we can have some Stillness on normal TV that would be Dreadful often people ask questions about manifesting or the power of not the Power of Now The Power of intention and how does that relay to the power of [Music] now and about wanting one person asked a question about what's the difference between wanting continuous wanting that I write about in A New Earth always wanting or needing the next thing and what's the difference between wanting and intention intending to create something and what is the importance of manifesting things in your life or creating or is that counterproductive somebody asks maybe we should focus on something else not on manifesting or creating H now there are many exciting books these days about creating and manifesting the secret teachings of Abraham channeled teachings and so on and so often people ask well how does that relate to Stillness and inner peace and acceptance of what is and surrender to the present moment and living in alignment with now is there a conflict is one wrong or misleading or leading you into illusion and so they ask and then expect me to [Laughter] answer so this is an important question for almost everybody unless you've reached the age of 95 and then you you can be almost sure that you're not really into manifesting anymore when it's you've done that being there done that and some people don't have to reach 95 before they have a feeling that my life is not does not need to be focused anymore on creating or manifesting so it may have something to do with the stage not necessarily chronological age uh there's some has something to do with where you are at in your own life but really your own life is a microcosm of the microcosm so if you look at the universe the first thing you see that it likes to create and it likes to manifest on this planet alone the universe is continuously creating and manifesting countless life forms millions millions of life forms and then outer space we can only assume we don't know what exactly is there but there's a vastness of life out there that's for sure and probably many more life forms than we have on this planet which is more than we can count and the life forms both in the sea and on land including humans they seem to enjoy a dance of coming into being and destruction they eat each other up if you're born in the sea you go around it's a transformational process and this entity becomes you and then suddenly something comes up from behind and gret you and you become that entity continuous dance and also if You observe life on this Planet the universe also seems to manifest a conflict and sometimes people say I don't want conflict but if there were no conflict at all in your life challenges and so on um what would that be like imagine going to a movie that has no conflict in it would that be interesting maybe I doubt it a movie in which nothing goes wrong everybody's perfectly fine all the time no challenging people everybody is so conscious it's nothing happens it's well could try that maybe that's an idea for a script writer or maybe there the script wouldn't be very long how many people would come and watch that movie don't know so you have that you just by just looking not having a theory about life but just looking you see that the Universe loves to manifest and also it seems to be the case that life forms over periods of time become more differentiated many more come and even the human societies become more complex we've had ancient civilizations that were quite complex but probably our present civilization if we can call it that is the most complex which of course includes problem ridden also that goes with complexity it's full of and every individual who is part of this civilization has a life that is full of problems because you live in a very complex civilization so it produces complexity I mean computers just getting into I I can't get into that anymore maybe I've gone beyond that age it's so complex I can't I cannot learn all these stuff that you need to know on computers boys can do it six year olds to me it's too complex and the differentiation of the the analytical mind science cutting every phenomenon up into little pieces and then you have little pieces and then each piece is cut up into further pieces and the microscopes get bigger and bigger now let's examine that and everybody's specialization gets narrower and narrower because you can you have to be because there are thousands of people writing phds about your subject so you have to have only a little corner then you have to take that out and then examine that and then spend 3 years examining that complexity of course complexity cannot go on forever at on some level complexity at some point if a tree grows too many branches eventually suddenly a wind storm comes and most of it collapses so the universal likes to create to manifest to experience a play of form that's one movement and you can see it in yourself on some level you enjoy that or you enjoyed it or you still do enjoy it and then there's something else in humans you can only really see that perhaps in yourself an inner phenomenon the universe also wants something else it wants not only to experience that manifested life it also wants to experience peace and something that is not touched by the continuously fluctuating forms it wants to know itself deeply directly in its Essence and that really is the root of spirituality is that the Universe not only wants the outward movement it also wants the inward the return movement to the one and so every human being also embodies these two movements and that seems you are torn sometimes between the outward movement into form and the inward return movement to the source where it all started but the source that was never really lost that is still there because it's Timeless the source of all Life Is Timeless and it's in you and you feel drawn back to that and that is the pull towards spirituality peace Stillness being rather than doing and then you wake up the next day and you look in a shop window and say oh that looks nice I need to get that I'd like to do this get that achieve that and then you get okay but on the other hand I want peace also the two exemplified by perhaps e exemplifies the return movement mostly and you have Tony Robbins goes is that and not one of the other is right or wrong it's only perhaps if you totally lose yourself in one or the other maybe that's not quite it unless you live in a cave somewhere then you can lose yourself in being can is it possible and perhaps this is the challenge of the universe here on this planet and perhaps on other planets is the challenge to reconcile the two movements rather than have them separate either one or the other is

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