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My Promise To YOU | Gods message today | God blessings message | God’s Message Now

[Music] my beloved child I want you to know that blessings are on their way to you and they will soon arrive like gentle rain showering your home with Grace there is no love greater no plan mightier than what I have in store for you I can offer you a steadfast purpose fill you with Serenity and transform your most challenging circumstances into something beautiful I will lead you out of the desert and bring you to a Refreshing Spring embrace my blessing with faith joy and humility never underestimate it for sometimes it may appear in simple ways While others Chase Grand blessings I choose the humble and seemingly small for I see the potential for greatness within them open your eyes my dear one for wondrous things are about to unfold seek my word and you will recognize the blessings that are approaching you my gaze searches for a humble heart and my spirit yearns to fill a life that is always ready to give love and forgive know this I have chosen you and you should never doubt it your destiny has been written on an eternal scroll since the foundation of the world and I have carefully traced your path with my loving finger the time has come for you to understand what I have prepared for you come into my presence every day before my altar lay your questions and shortcomings before me and receive my forgiveness rise and prepare yourself for the time is near and you have important tasks to fulfill there are countless miracles in which I intend to use you let us embark on this journey together for you have my unwavering support remember I love you and there are blessings in heaven with your name written on them I understand that you may be questioning why certain things have happened in your life trust me with all your heart for both in heaven and on Earth circumstances are aligning in your favor I have issued an unbreakable command for you to receive abundant provision freedom from debts Supernatural wisdom and blessings specially crafted for you and your family your Divine inheritance is not a matter of chance I loved you even before your birth and I have prepared countless beautiful things for you but above all know that my eternal love is the most precious gift of all I loved you when you felt distant and I continued to love you when you return to me your occasional mistakes do not frighten me I will never reject you for your sins you come to me with a sincere heart filled with repentance and Truth I see your love for me and I understand your heart and reasons I cherish your sincerity and no one can ever deceive me unlike others who put on a facade of perfection and Holiness coming into my presence to judge and accuse you are different your spirit radiates peace your attitude is kind and your thoughts are pure even when you stumble you rise with confidence in faith never let Mortals point fingers at you in this world no one has that right if you maintain this attitude of Faith approaching me every day with a humble heart eager to hear and learn I will reward your efforts with Abundant Blessings I know your desires are not rooted in material things you seek blessings and protection for your family I will grant you that and so much more I will prepare you to be ready and when the doors open do not be afraid to step through even as you listen now Supernatural Miracles are unfolding in the spiritual realm new people will enter your life opportunities like never before will arise and situations that may initially seem like problems will transform into blessings through your faith and patience they will bring peace to your home and provision but remember the most important and beautiful blessing is already yours my eternal love declare your belief in me it is here in my hands the ultimate solution to all your problems so come to me my dear one what are you waiting for you know that I love you you've always felt it deep within you even if you feel distant at times even if doubt Whispers that you have failed and that I do not love you know that it is not true in your heart a flame continues to burn and a fervent desire to return to this waiting and longing home resides within you do not be afraid come I understand that you may feel confused not knowing what to do you thought you had Faith but many disappointments came your way especially from those you trusted people went their own way and seemed to forget about you you became disheartened because you thought I did not come when you called but let me assure you I am always on time I never left your side I watched over you provided countless answers and offered all the solutions you needed even if you didn't always believe me I spoke to you with beautiful words but you sometimes struggled to to accept that your omnipotent God would speak directly to you please do not stray from this path this is where you are truly loved this is your home your Sanctuary where you can feel protected and filled with peace allowing you to rest at night with deep and rejuvenating dreams tonight as you sleep you will dream of standing beside a crystal clear River and with your eyes you will look at me I will extend my arms and you will walk Barefoot on that miraculous water carrying away all your pains anger and frustrations when you wake up in the morning you will feel different full of strength you will realize that I have removed the heavy burden from your shoulders you will feel great and this is one of the rewards for those who believe again who accept their mistakes and return to their faith you do not need to search for someone who speaks beautiful things to you I am here my word is life it is good receive it in your heart and you will be filled with my Holy Spirit I am your life and your blessing the true solution your heart needs declare your belief in me with all your faith for a great blessing is on the horizon Can you feel it can you sense the peace but I urge you to nourish your heart with my word and not allow doubts to erode your faith stand firm I have the final word I will heal you of all ailments rise with courage and all curses debts and painful memories from the past will fade away from your life your Liberation is at hand today the chains are breaking joy and happiness are coming to you in abundance I will work a powerful miracle of Praise in you your mouth will be filled and your heart will overflow with joy what I have spoken will come to pass I have promised it and you will see it with your own eyes you will receive everything you need even to bless others and help those in need now with fervor allow me to touch your body your soul your heart with my power and heal all your pain removing your discouragement open the doors of your soul to me and be filled with my peace you have fought so hard been steadfast persevered and remained persistent you paid no heed to discouraging words and criticisms from people the day has come for you to claim victory to receive provision and prosperity entrust your plans to me and I will assist y

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