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My Presence Will Go With you | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message

[Music] my beloved child pause for a moment it's no coincidence that you're hearing these words they hold great significance they are the light for your soul brightening every part of your being they heal your emotions ease your stress and bring Clarity to your mind most importantly they reveal your immense worth your Simplicity moves me I love you as you are and have no desire to change your essence do you hear me do you understand me I want to transform you but not alter who you are if you need to mature I will guide your growth if self-control is a challenge listen to me daily here you will find my healing words that work wonders in your mind cleansing painful memories and emotions you once fell into sadness easily but now you are different look at yourself come listen to me close your eyes you are in my presence surrounded by my glory if your soul cries today it is from joy in my eternal Kingdom there will be no more tears no more sorrow no more pain this promise begins now on this Earth I have sealed all my promises with my resurrection and my Holy Spirit dwells in your heart I am here to gift you with the ch chance to embrace a new life each morning you have the opportunity to refresh your thoughts and dreams to rekindle your aspirations and make your deepest desires come true those who turn away from my word live in isolation trapped by fear they wander without hope Longing For Love and Affection but you my dear one know me just as I have not judged you and have not repaid you for your sins go and share with others that what they truly seek is found in my presence I stand here with open arms my hands reaching out ready for anyone who hears this word of life and accepts it receive this living water this Cascade of Love there is healing for your soul I have miracles for all those you bring to me share this message with those in need and you will witness how each heart is touched I I love them so much that I gave my life on the cross for their sins so that whoever believes in me will have eternal life you are growing closer to me each day and our relationship deepens with every moment listen clearly now and let there be no doubt about my will for you give me another minute do not leave just yet outside regrets fall like rain and the desire to live fully f Fades those who do not know me lash out in their confusion without faith they try to hinder others from believing they live to discourage those who like children come to me with pure hearts and without demanding signs do not step into the shadows of fear the path is still dark and I do not want you consumed by troubling thoughts do not walk with the wicked or follow the violent even if they surround you and mock your faith remember that my holy spirit is within you your eyes shine with courage and no one can defeat you this is the hour to face life boldly but wait until your soul finds peace in my powerful and Living Word you do not need anyone to predict your future because I hold it in my hands and my plans for you are for good and prosperity trust in me for no diagnosis or judgment can Prevail over my will I am your God and I will heal you I am your Defender and I will protect you carry these promises in your heart and face all challenges with courage do not forget to share this message for I Am With You Always guiding and strengthening you but when the earth trembles and your hopes sink into the pit of despair come again stop what you are doing I wait for you with open arms to console and strengthen your faith I love you this pleases me I love your sincere attitude your tender way of giving thanks your desire to come early and spend time in my presence it makes me happy to see you like this despite the daily struggles you face you come with or without enthusiasm but you dare to kneel and tell me how you feel I am touching your heart believe it because even when you are tired you prefer to give me time it is better to release all your worries from your soul early and discard all sadness I want you to rise renewed filled with happiness your spirit light without burdens to drag and from your lips Praises not complaints or foolish words only beautiful prayers and phrases of worship I am also pleased when you give a word of encouragement to a person in despair that fountain that flows from your lips to bless is Anointed with Divine oil that heals diseases and distributes Heavenly gifts it is time for you to start your day you have many things to do you have spent a good time here with me and now you have my blessing for everything to go well come with confidence my power accompanies you my grace goes with you wherever you go I have placed the map in your heart marked the path for you you know where to go many rise lost and disoriented their lives are prisoners of anxiety because their future is uncertain they do not feel protected they are slaves to their emotions because they have not known me go and tell them that I exist tell your family and friends who wander like lost sheep who their true father is The Shepherd of their lives I am the one who guides them on Paths of righteous Shepherds them in places of Peace feeds them with truth and gives Tranquility to their souls even if they walk through valleys of Shadow and death they will not fear because I their heavenly father will care for them forever you took a while to renew your commitment to me but here you are today waiting for a great miracle for your life and I assure you that soon you will see great blessings but do not rush your steps there is time for everything time to run and time to walk days of struggle time to pray days to think about your plans and the moment to make the final decision you will work hard so with tears but when you return you will harvest abundance and joy there will be moments when it seems the Fulfillment of the promised blessing is delayed but your life overflows with Joy when before your eyes that dream you had becomes a reality there are so many beautiful and great Miracles that you are already seeing but many more blessings are yet to come and before receiving them you must rise to another spiritual level open your eyes wide fine-tune your thoughts align your emotions with the music of Heaven let your ears hear praises to my eternal love sing Psalms songs spiritual hymns prepare to witness Supernatural wonders let your heart always be joyful it is not difficult just be thankful for all your blessings and see what happens any frustration ends anger vanishes anxiety disappears you are anointed with joy there is no place for destructive sadness in a soul that is always active in gratitude praise and worship raising your hands to heaven and giving thanks for everything to this Holy Father Who rescued you your blessings do not come because of your Perfection or your many efforts I do not want you to place all your trust in your own talents it is true that you are very intelligent and I will prosper you but you must be clear about t

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