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Master The Art of Letting Go | Buddhist And Zen Story On How To Let go Past |

this story is for those who struggle to overcome their past and are always said because of it it is a story that illustrates how to let go of the past and find peace it gives hope to those who watch it till the end it teaches a very important lesson about how Letting Go can change our lives and make us happier the story is as follows once they live and master named Hiroshi who was Reed for his wisdom and serenity people from near and far came to him for guidance on various matters one day a young woman who was tormented by grief visited the Zen master and asked for his help he wanted to know how to let go off our pain and F peace the Zen master welcomed her and invited her to sit with him he looked at her and said tell me my dear what troubles you the young woman burst into tears and said master I am filled with sorrow I have lost someone I loved and I cannot get over it every day I am haunted by the memories and the agony I wanted to learn how to let go and find peace in my heart the Zen master listened with care his G eyes showing compassion he asked the woman to follow him he led her to a river that followed near the monastery he pointed to the river and asked the woman what do you see the woman said sir this is a river the Zen master asked can you see the water flowing in the river the woman noded in yes the Zen master asked what would happen if I stop the water from flowing the woman said sir the water would stop and gather in one place the Zen master asked would it still be a river the woman said no sir it would be more like a pond the Zen master asked would the water be as fresh and clean as it is now would it be drinkable the woman said no sir the water would stagnate and become polluted over time many impurities and dirt would accumulate in the water the Zen master said you are right if the water stays in one place it becomes dirty and unhealthy then he turned to the woman and said this is the answer to your question if you hold on to your past memories and emotions your mind will also become like a pond over time it will be filled with negativity re resentment and despair The Art of Letting Go is like releasing the water just as letting the water flow keeps it pure and fresh letting go of your pain and sorrow will free you from suffering true peace and healing come from Letting Go the young woman looked into the Zen Master's eyes seeking guidance she asked but how do I Let Go Master how can I release the pain that has consume me the Zen master looked at the woman with kindness and said Letting Go starts with acceptance acceptance of what has happened acceptance of your pain and acceptance of the impermanence of all things understand that holding on to the Past will not change it it will only take away your present moment and prevent you from seeing the beauty that life still offers you practice forgiveness for others and for yourself holding on to resentment and blame will keep you stuck in a cycle of suffering by forgiving you let go off the anger and open your heart to move forward the young woman absorbed the Zen Master's words and a ray of Hope Shone in her eyes with gratitude in her heart she bought to the Monk and said thank you master I will try to practice acceptance and forgiveness I understand now that by letting go I can find peace and heal my heart seeing this she left with lighter steps the story teaches us the importance of Letting Go in our daily lives our life is also like a river that keeps slowing and changing dwelling on the past is like stopping the water and making a pond a pond gets stagnant polluted and unhealthy over time likewise when we think too much about our past our mind gets filled with negativity pain and resentment moving on from the past is like letting the water flow and restoring the river likewise when we let go of the past we release our negative emotions and feelings and become fresh like a flowing river moving on from the past helps us to accept what has happened and forgive ourselves and others acceptance and forgiveness frees us from the pain and sorrow that holds us back holding on to the Past hurts or regrets only makes us heavy and stops us from moving forward it is like carrying a heavy backpack full of stones everywhere we go but when we learn to let go it is like dropping that backpack and feeling lighter Freer and more peaceful Letting Go does not mean forgetting or denying what happened but it means accepting it and allowing ourselves to heal it is about letting go of things we can't change and focus on what we can control when we let go we open ourselves up to New opportunities experiences and happiness therefore always remember sometimes the bravest thing we can do is to let go and trust that everything will be okay because in letting go lies our greatest freedom and [Music] peace [Music]

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