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Maintaining Abundance Amidst Financial Limitations | Eckhart Tolle

but of course when you when you have uh shortage of money U that restricts your lives you can't you kind of can't live where you want would like to live or there's not enough freedom of movement because there's not enough money uh there's a sense of something missing and you see it's not just in your mind it's also here when you look at your bank statement you see uh there not very much there uh going beyond the sense of lack that is an in seable part of the ego uh you need to I believe the questioner to some extent has already done that you need to disc discover the fullness of life to use Jesus expression which is the fullness of being which is in seable from the present moment so when you go there you can sense feel that that abundant another expression is Abundant Life that Jesus used you can sense the this Abundant Life in the present moment uh regardless of whether there is actual abundance in this manifested Dimension you feel the abundance of life and you see and then when you appreciate uh all the countless manifestations of life that around you that you that you um perceive with your senses uh and you acknowledge the abundance of life that's no better way let go out into nature you see the abundance of nature the abundance of brain right now that's coming down here that I can hear uh there's an acknowledgement an appreciation even a potted plant I they I have a potted plant there and there's another one here uh to appreciate the the their manifestations of the aliveness of the universe and there's an abundance in everything if you live in a city there's abundance everywhere you can look into a shop window and you see abundance of goods there oh you don't even need to go go and buy them you just appreciate you go past the flower shop and you see abundance of plants and flowers and you pre you give you appreciate and and you feel you feel abundant already uh but the deepest abundance is the feeling of the fullness of life and then I believe what the question is asking at times when he looks at his bankster statement the sense of lack comes back because then see oh uh I have very little there's not much left and then uh the mind will start uh creating a narrative of lack and will will tell you that you've been wrong that actually you don't you don't have much and that can be uh a great hindrance in uh it will diminish your power of manifestation so what do you do when you look at your bank statement or you go to the ATM machine and you want to get out $300 whatever it is and it says you put it in there insufficient funds and that's the time of uh I'm not talking about right now what you what can what you can do on a practical level the the question is uh as much as possible uh do not succumb to the feeling of financial lack even if there is financial lack in your life do not succumb to the feeling of lack and uh that is uh whatever you can do to generate a sense of abundance and the main thing of course is going within and sensing the fullness of life even when you look at your Banks statement look at okay that's what I don't personalize it uh don't have have any kind of projection just this is just factually these are the figures that what I have and then perhaps you have a certain course of action in order in addition to feeling the sense of abundance uh you may have to work out a certain goal that you have that may give you more abundance so you perhaps you have a uh something that want to do to create more abundance and then your manifestation can flow into that so that the the sense of abundance flows into the whatever it is that you are uh ma um wanting to manifest in your life you have to combine action and uh whatever technique you use or whatever method you realization it's is to be recommended that you combine it with some kind kind of action you know so that you can uh generate uh abundance even on this outer level

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