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Let Me Fortify Your Spirit | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message

draw near my beloved child with a heart brimming with trust this day is ordained for your blessing a Divine appointment for joy to wash over you imagine me lifting away the shadows of Sorrow that weigh upon your soul the burdens that have long dimmed your light feel my hand tender and strong resting upon your head Envision my love a boundless and pure stream flowing directly into your heart I yearn for you to experience the profound relief that comes from surrendering your fears and burdens into my ever waiting hands let me fortify your spirit in the quiet chambers of your heart listen for my gentle whisper an eternal echo of my love for you I love you I say yesterday today and forever more my love is unchanging vast as the heavens Eternal and inexhaustible it is my deepest desire to reach out to you to guide you through the trials of this world that can wound so deeply I am here ever presentent ready to illuminate your path my holy map is drawn with patience and Grace leading you towards healing Freedom a life filled with happiness and a Revival of your spiritual senses come let me take your hand and guide you along the Tranquil path of peace and serenity in your heart let the seeds of deep lasting Joy germinate and flourish together we will cast aside the gwing worries that once seemed unconquerable behold today I reveal to you you have never been forsaken by your heavenly father who holds you so dearly I have come to rekindle your destiny believe in me for you are not lost or bewildered you are merely in a season season of mental Repose a sacred pause before the dawning of renewed strength and Clarity my cherished child I do not desire to fill your future with fleeting dreams or uninitiated projects I refuse to let you lend your ears to those who seek to piler your time and resources luring you away from your dreams to chase theirs such is not the way of my spiritual Kingdom within your heart I have swn dreams and with my support you shall strive and attain them you will triumph over Giants and dismantle forces of Darkness but this requires you to dwell in my presence absorbing the wisdom that will be your guide and strength haste has no place in this journey it's not a matter of fleeting emotions or Surface feelings you have matured grown in character and steadiness you have transcended that former realm through my word I I will navigate you reveal your steps and direct your path watch for my signs for I will visit you with the morning's first light bestowing upon you the gift of sacred wisdom do not let go of these words there will be days of joy and days of Sorrow moments of numbness and Times of exuberant leaps yet in this elevated Supernatural realm turn to the scriptures nourish yourself with my word and in times of decision or adversity return to my embrace my Holy Spirit Will enshroud you offering Solace and guidance in overcoming life's hurdles heed my direction here I decree avoid entangling yourself in burdensome long-term debts resist the world's push towards bondage pause reconsider do not get ens snared by The unwise Who prey on the innocent your wisdom wisdom Prudence courage and intelligence Shield you from deception shun vows that contradict my will evade evil and prevent your family from being ens snared in misery due to Ill choices remember if you Heir or fall into sin my arms remain open my forgiveness Everlasting I will absolve your contrite heart and Lead You Back to the right path out of love I caution you against The Perils in this troubled world the enemy is cunning ready to exploit any lapse in Focus or faith leading you into unseen pits my words stem from profound love aimed at keeping your soul mind heart spirit and body Vigilant this message is a blueprint for blessings seek me in my scriptures where my will and plan for salvation are laid bare each morning as you awaken step through the supernatural gateway to my presence with these words of faith God is good I embrace his Blessing with gratitude today I bestow upon you my boundless love share with me your feelings when you hear of my love for you your thoughts knowing I am attuned to your innermost desires and fully aware of your circumstances how does it feel to be so cherished safeguarded and loved my desire is for you to stand secure in my love regardless of whether you sense my presence or hear my voice your emotions are not the measure of our connection trust in my written word for it is a firm promise that nothing not even the fiercest of adversities can separate you from my love even amid a throng of foes you will never be isolated or without hope do not Harbor any doubts about my boundless love for you be assured for you are familiar with my unwavering promise hold fast to it with an unshakable belief even in moments when Temptation beckons or you feel frail in times when your plans unravel when betrayal Shadows your path or when disappointment strikes remember my protective presence envelops you there's no need to seek Solace elsewhere Proclaim it boldly let the heavens themselves bear witness to the faith and conviction of your spirit a spirit that devoutly believes in me your belief in me dear Jesus transcends mere emotions you are not ens snared by transient feelings your faith stands Resolute you are devoted and steadfast in adherence to my holy word place your trust in it declare with conviction I Believe In You Christ Jesus and know that unseen to you Legions of warrior Angels rally around you this very moment battling on your behalf until you surmount your challenges and attain Liberation from your tribulations it is decreed it is affirmed I personally vow this and I shall fulfill it Joy infuses your heart kindling courage and bestowing the peace you yearn for while you may experience an indescribable motion I implore you my child to hold a steadfast certainty of my presence beside you even if unfelt my love for you is ceaseless I am your Eternal protector night and day I Am with You greeting your soul each morning accompanying you throughout your day I am here I love you on the day you reach out to me expect my response know that I heard your cries on those nights of tears today I'm eager to impart to you a profound sentiment one that will dispel your sorrow eradicate loneliness Vanquish depression and heal every lingering wound in your heart your faith is evident but I desire that you accompany your prayers with heartfelt tears laying bare your soul in my presence holding nothing back unveil the entirety of your experiences the good the bad the unsightly the long ago injustices the Deep eded bitterness that seems dormant but insidiously gnaws at your soul causing anguish robbing your peace and thrusting you into despair cling not to these burdens hoard not the emotions that invade the darkness of Dawn and Rend your spirit bring forth that chest of memories which has only served to self- punish and estrange you further from my love I will renew everything even transfo

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