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Keep This Playing While You Sleep | Blessed and Peaceful Prayers | Fall Asleep In God’s Presence

one of the things that I love about the Lord is that he loves to go to the places where he can find those who have been rejected those who have been hurt and abandoned he loves to go to places that nobody puts high on the map in fact Mark chapter 2 verse 15 to 17 says while Jesus was having dinner at Levi's house many tax collectors and sinners were eating with him and his disciples for there were many who followed him when the teachers of the law who were Pharisees saw him eating with the Sinners and tax collectors they asked his disciples why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners on hearing this Jesus said to them it is not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick I have not come to call the righteous but sinners this passage epitomizes exactly why I love the Lord he is a God who makes it his business to go and find himself in a situation where there are those who have been forgotten denied shunned away and pushed to the side God loves to connect with the people who others consider to be outcasts he's a God who gives us what we don't deserve we don't deserve eternal life but he offers it to us we don't deserve the great love that he has shown us we don't deserve His Amazing Grace but his grace is still sufficient and none of us deserve Mercy but we have to thank the Lord for his Mercy the Bible says in Lamentations chapter 3 verse 22 to 23. the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases his mercies never come to an end they are new every morning great is your faithfulness now life can be Bittersweet at times it's a combination of enjoying the good and pressing through the bad it's a balance between working hard and enjoying the fruits of your labor there is a duality to life smiles and tears defeats and victories love and heartbreak and the thing is all of us go through tough times all of us go through Seasons where it seems as though the odds are stacked against us and pain becomes a feeling we're all too acquainted with in Psalm chapter 119 verse 71 David said it is good for me that I have been afflicted that I may learn your statutes you see the Lord is concerned more about our character than our comfort level he cares more about our growth as believers than the number of blessings we receive I would even say that God is more concerned with the state of our hearts and our happiness I believe that as we go through life and face different trials should we remain in the Lord should we continue trusting in the mighty name of Jesus Christ should we stand firm and believe God's promises to be true then we will experience what the Bible talks about in James chapter 1 verse 2 to 4 as the Bible says consider it nothing but joy my brothers and sisters whenever you fall into various trials be assured that the testing of your faith through experience produces endurance leading to spiritual maturity and inner peace and let endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work so that you may be perfect and completely developed in your faith lacking in nothing so now let us pray our dear heavenly father thank you for another day thank you for your grace and mercies which are new every morning I pray that you strengthen our hearts today May the Holy Spirit strengthen our faith today may he remind us that when the Troubles of Life start to overwhelm us we have a friend in Jesus when our problems are many and we need relief when we need peace I pray that the Holy Spirit reminds us that we have a friend in Jesus we serve a living God who is more than able to carry our burdens and give us rest I know that you are an all-powerful God there's nothing that is too difficult in my life for you to deal with you still move mountains and you still cause walls to fall there is nothing too big for you and for that I am grateful that you first loved me I pray that you give us the strength to rise up each day and fight against the struggles which seek to weigh us down I praise your name for you are the god of the impossible there is nothing too big for you to handle no problem too great or challenge too difficult for you to overcome God you can do anything I am asking that in the middle of my weakness make your strength known father with each and every one listening today we bring before you our burdens and troubles help us not to fear but to trust you help us not to be discouraged but to have joy in you help us not to take your goodness and kindness for granted I declare my faith and your ability to fulfill your promises to me you will fight for me and win the battles in my life you are Mighty powerful righteous and true I bless your name my father your word says the Lord shall preserve you from all evil he shall preserve your soul the Lord shall preserve your going out and you're coming in from this time forth and even forevermore I bless your Holy Name Lord for your promises I confess by faith that my Lord will keep me from all harm Jehovah Jireh watches over my life and preserves me from evil I declare that evil will not touch me or come near my house because my savior will preserve my going out and my coming in you are my shepherd my guide and my source of Hope may your name be glorified Lord Jesus from this day forth and even forevermore I pray that the words I have spoken may be established in the name of Jesus thank you for listening to this prayer thank you Lord for hearing us in Jesus name amen Lord Jesus you are great and you're mighty Lord I pray that your word may be kept hidden in my heart may I live my life according to the principles and the commands that are in your word Lord I pray that the Holy Spirit would bring the word of God to life for me may he bring it to life in me may your word be ingrained in my heart and should the devil try to tempt me let your word rise up in me should the devil try to lure me with riches with fame or anything in this world God help me to remember that your word in First Corinthians 10 verse 13. it says no temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able but with the temptation will also make the way of Escape that you may be able to bear it Lord it's in you that I find satisfaction it's in you that I find contentment if I hunger you are the bread of life if I thirst I will come to you Jesus because I know that in you my heart will flow rivers of Living Water keep me strong Lord Jesus help me to reject the advances of Satan help me to declare your word when I'm confronted by evil Lord I stand on your word because it says in Isaiah 41 verse 13. for I the Lord your God hold your right hand it is I who say to you fear not I am the one who helps you Lord I Thank you for such a promise I will not fear because my help comes from an almighty God although the devil may work against me I trust you to help me Lord although my enemies may come against me I trust you to be my Defender Lord Jesus indeed a thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my r

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