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Keep Going With Faith | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say

my dear child put your faith in me and the plans I have for your life you're stronger than you think and many successes are On Your Horizon incredible blessings are on their way when you fully commit to what I want for you you'll be surprised by the Wonders I can do through you I'm by your side guiding each of your steps with kindness and insight you can't fix everything in your life all at once but I have the power to change the whole world and rearrange things for your benefit don't worry about what's ahead or lose sleep over it future events shouldn't cause you anxiety you seek peace from me and I give you calmness so stay peaceful when facing difficulties when urgent issues arise remember what to do I've given you my peace now trust in my kindness lift your hands to the sky and with the Deep faith in you say thank you my God for being so reliable I want to hear those trusting words my angels feel Joy and worship when they hear your praise the Heavenly hosts sing glory to God Almighty and all creation stand still everything in existence knows I'll reach out my hand and as a caring father I'll answer your prayers with Miracles and wonders I will work Marvels in your life because of your thankfulness and adoration you can freely enter where I am present your heartfelt praise is the key come closer and I will fill you with my spirit you'll be empowered I'll enhance your spiritual insight and gift you abundantly when it feels like you're drowning in problems and can't find the light because of the heavy burdens realize you're being rooted not buried I'm cutting away the dead branches that block your growth new Roots will emerge I've planted you in rich soil to thrive and prosper my love for you is vast and everlasting you have tremendous strength inside you capable of surpassing your wildest dreams you're imbued with my Holy Spirit and loved beyond your understanding to reach your dreams and Rise High you you must let go of burdens free yourself from constraints that block your path don't hold on to material things or human accolades they're not truly significant no one in this world can dictate your life your joy isn't tied to possessions certainly you need material things and money to help others but remember what I've told you don't worry too much put me first give me your heart and soul focus on your family pre and work hard and honestly treat everyone kindly and with respect I'll make sure you have everything you need and you won't have to be sad stressed worried or afraid you'll do well better than you can imagine but listen to what I'm saying stay focused don't get sidetracked and don't spend your energy and time on things that wear you out I want you to be ready alert well trained and prepared [Music] I'm getting you ready through this important message get up from any loss or failure they're just part of your journey stop looking back and focus on what you can do from now on what feels like a huge storm in your life now will seem like just a light wind later keep going with faith and you'll see the beauty and hope in every new start I'll always be there for you loving you guiding you at every step trust in me in my power in the dreams I've put in your heart and in the abilities and Gifts I've given you show kindness and respect to your family and those who stand by you I've arranged for your Prosperity not for selfish gains but so you can be a blessing to others in your moments of need I'll be like water in a dry land those who seek me will be drawn to you Embrace this Divine affection with happiness with this love you'll be able to overcome any obstacle you encounter now with affection say I welcome your love dear God you've asked for my guidance you wish to be reassured that you're on the correct path today I'm here to share my intentions and plans for you but first cleanse your heart of any negativity I forgive you for feeling isolated I've always been with you steer clear of those who feel alone and refuse to trust in my promises I vowed to be everpresent if they choose disbelief don't let their doubt affect you hear me again I'm with you trust and perceive I'm your father sense and acknowledge I've never abandoned you consider and Ponder you faced some really tough days some really hard times nights filled with struggle but think about it when did you ever truly lose look in the mirror touch your face feel your heartbeat you're still here strong in spirit free to make your own choices and think your own thoughts if you're missing something material remember it doesn't change the fact that I love you deeply I've always been with you I'm with you now and I'll always be there my promises are steadfast and deep inside you know this I love you so much remember on that cross when I said it is finished it was the ultimate Act of love forever remembered through time this love which is unshakable not something anyone can take from you understood by only a few is yours to hold on to through any storm my plans for you are filled with love consistent through time I've always loved you I love you now and I will never stop loving you trust in this find comfort in my presence Let Me ease your burdens you've kept your faith strong now continue to trust in my words stay close to me I'm right here with you never leaving your side don't be afraid I cherish you don't lose hope I am your support always timely always perfect trusting in me will bring you incredible blessings and joy you're stepping into a time of happiness and celebration greetings today I am here to assure you that I am with you watching over and protecting you and yours I have decreed your comings and goings ensuring nothing disrupts your path I understand your concerns and I know you are right you are human and your adversaries are formidable yet this loving and faithful God residing in your heart is even mightier bring your burdens to me lay them down before me and watch as I transform your concerns into magnificent blessings through my promises and strength remember what I've always told you I was with you I am with you and I will always be with you you will never be abandoned be courageous know that you possess great bravery use all the gifts and tools I have given you to overcome the challenges in your life you will be victorious in your struggles overcoming hurdles defeating adversaries and banishing every harmful spirit that tries to invade your home with sin and negativity stand firm and Proclaim my teachings break the chains that bind your loved ones this is the reason for your faith to stand against unseen spiritual foes they are afraid of me and will scatter when they see your bold and confident Faith however if you show Fear if you lament over your circumstances if you become upset with me during hard times or when blessings are delayed harmful spirits will take advantage of this and attack you when you are most vulnerable but do not be afraid protect your heart immerse yourself in my word and ho

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