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Katt Williams EXPOSED The Truth: “The Secret Codes They Don’t Want You To Know”

I came in this business saying I was going to expose when I talked about Michael Jackson when I talked about R Kelly they cancel me for these things are not allowed to allow losers to rewrite history to me Hollywood's a mafia it's a big dark Mafia because they but I think it's an agenda to it you think so I think it's an agenda attached to it I made $6,000 doing doing crash crash didn't I remember the movie Crash yes that's right that's right the business don't pay actors anything that's why we're that's why the strike is going on actors are struggling Cat Williams born Micah Sierra Williams on September 2nd 1971 in Cincinnati Ohio is a prominent American stand-up comedian and actor he gained Fame with his role as Money Mike in the 2002 film Friday After Next known for his sharp wit and dynamic stage presence Williams has released several successful comedy specials I came in this business saying I was going to expose when I talked about Michael Jackson when I talked about R Kelly they canell me for these things because why would you talk about another black dude race is not where the line is drawn it's God's side and the other side and we don't care nothing about the other side period period all of these uh big dick deviants is all catching hell in 2024 it's up for all of them it don't matter if you Diddy or whoever you is TG Jakes any of them the every all lies will be exposed that's all and and and and anyone who takes that the wrong way know why they take it the wrong way despite facing legal issues and controversies Williams has remained resilient and continues to be a significant figure in comedy he also lent his voice to the character aimp named slickback in the animated series The Boondocks his impact on Comedy is marked by his unique humor and ability to connect with audiences some of us are against the Illuminati and we are against the Illuminati at our own detriment when people are against the Illuminati then they get punched in the face all the time the Press hates them nobody likes him end quote we all love Dave Chappelle exactly Dave Chappelle has never been a part of the Illuminati they don't want him or me or people like us um but now it's not uh necessary for us to stir up that hornet nest unless we intend to get stung a million times I didn't understand that they had to sting me a million times I'm still not going to join but I respect it a little more Williams critiques are not just about his personal experiences but also about the broader struggle for racial equality in Hollywood he calls for a more inclusive and Equitable industry that genuinely values diversity and provides equal opportunities for all these people are not powerful Satan can't create anything that includes blessings for his people that's why you know what the number one job of somebody that sold they sold Hollywood is is to act like it didn't happen likely to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God Howard argues that the American government has consistently failed to address the structural racism embedded in its institutions he points to the disproportionate rates of incarceration police brutality and economic disparity that affect black Americans as evidence of a racially biased system I could understand how black people or people of color were running and trusting the government after what happened to them with the Tuskegee experiment and for people that don't know what the Tuskegee experiment was in the early 1920s um a group of government officials came down doctors and they went through the black community and they said there's a sickness in all of you guys and we're going to cure it free of charge and they injected the black population with syphus and left left it untreated for 60 years and just watched how it ravaged the body for 60 years it wasn't stopped until like 1970s late 70s that they stopped the experiment and I don't even know if they've paid reparations to them the so the government has been using all of these chemical warfare or um biological warfare against its own citizens for a long time Terrence Howard has been Vo about his criticisms of the American government particularly regarding systemic racism and the treatment of black communities as a prominent actor and public figure Howard uses his platform to shed light on the deep-seated racial injustices that persist in the United States for quite some time and a lot of that is just based upon the fact that I don't really know how to complain because all of the people that I ever looked up to had to go through it too so I know how much they talked about Martin Luther King and I know what they end up doing to him I know this same story about Jesus and a few of my uncles so now I know that if your mouth is really really big and you try to tell the truth for a living and you like to air people out hatred is coming your way I didn't know it was going to be this type of hatred but you know I'm Concrete in all things uh because of he who strengthens me so so that doesn't mean I always make the right decisions but I am going to stand by what I stand for and um I'm only continuing to do it because I was looking for somebody who was doing it instead of me and I just must to miss them you know what I mean so at some point you have to figure out what example are you trying to be if it's just going to be you going to make it and live happily ever after and go off into the sunset then that's what that is otherwise you're on the front line of this battle and those of us who understand that um understand that this is a part of what comes with it man you see this Mark Zuckerberg building this $270 million bunker if you have a billion dollars we have learned that you can do whatever you want to do when Eli mus wants to send space things in space he don't have to ask nobody's permission Congress don't meet Senate don't meet no Police Department got to be warned he don't need a permit none of that if you got a billion dollars you do what you want to do and then you tell them what you did and that's how it goes do you understand that people that are not very bright are in charge of nuclear bombs all across the country mhm that's what he knows he knows that 30% of all weapons systems are running off regular WiFi so what does that mean that means if a solar flare or a meteor hits either one of those literally a bomb can go off just because the system accidentally got turned off yeah that's what he knows the the people that are Empower know that the people that are running the most complicated and deadliest things on the planet are just an average idiot and you know lots of idiots I do yep and these these people are not special back in the day they were yeah not today not today patience I'm saying you see the same conversation um with Tesla or Da Vinci or like information is what is limited and whole Industries can be built upon you your ability to know how certain things are going to hit certain people and this wa

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