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Kanye West EXPOSED The Truth: “The Secret Codes They Don’t Want You To Know”

why am I protected why did I become the richest black man of all time like why how did that happen so the ultimate service position is leader of the Free World to be the president of the United States we get too caught up in the past and what everyone's saying and what everyone's tweeting and sometimes you just have to be Fearless enough to break the simulation what they do what schools are doing is exactly what the CIA does with Pixar films and Disney films Kanye West boldly proclaims that the ultimate service lies in leading the Free World aspiring to the presidency of the United States it's it's funny you know in this world that we live in there's two main motivating forces and I tweet about it all the time it's love or fear and you you can't explain love you know my cousin is locked up for and I I I love him I saw he did a bad thing but I still love him reflecting on societal battles West acknowledges the futility of challenging entrenched indoctrination and media conglomerates the Disney guys you know you might not believe in God but God believes in you it's not a battle you can win it's like don't jump Anakin I have the higher ground kind of situation so you could put out all of the indoctrinations and you know moves and have the biggest media company but why am I alive it's difficult to make me unhappy now I could deal with frustrations but when those frustrations are it's like when you've allowed people to be in your life that shouldn't be there and then they do the thing you knew they were going to do and you're screaming at them but you really need to scream at [Music] yourself I thought it was good I thought it what I was supposed to do at that time you know if I see something I see opportunity I'm going to go for it you know what I'm saying we only you know we're all going to die one day yeah it's true so live like that live like you could die tomorrow you know go for it you know that those steps would have low that those steps have have been the um you know the platforms that allowed me to make it this far west reveals the personal cost of expressing support for Trump facing ostracism within the black community for diverging from monolithic thought and just as a musician uh African-American guy out in Hollywood all these different things you know everyone around me tried to pick my candidate for me mhm and then told me every time I said I like Trump that I couldn't say it out loud or my career would be over I get kicked out the black community because blacks are we're supposed to have a monolithic thought we can only like we can only be Democrats and all so um it even when I said it right before I went to the hospital and I expressed myself and when I came out I had lost my confidence so I didn't have the the confidence to Take On The World and the possible backlash and it took me a year and a half to have the confidence to stand up and put on the hat no matter what the consequences were and what it represented to me is not about policies and because I'm I'm not a politician like that but it represent it represented overcoming fear and doing what you felt no matter what anyone said and saying you can't bully me liberals can't bully me news can't bully me the hipop community they can't bully me because at that point if I'm afraid to be me I'm no longer yay that's what makes yay and I actually quite I quite enjoy when people uh actually are mad at me about certain things you must enjoy it yeah I actually quite enjoyed cuz your wife was mad at you right I mean according to your song your wife was upset about that WR or wrong or even if I changed my mind about it or thought about it more which I'm not saying I did just place a thought out there that everyone's not thinking sometimes embracing his faith West asserts that aligning with God will lead to Divine favor and success why am I protected why did I become the richest black man of all time like how did that happen and the more and more I lean into God and work for God the more wins God is going to bestow on our team on Jesus gang and for me to go out and just State an obvious and empathetic statement in the middle of the most liberal Central like to go that was like ten and square or something right with Candace Owens and we both wore the shirt at the same time you know we got some Jesus soldiers out here and people say they're willing to for it but we live for it we're living for the battle and what's the battle for life itself our children they're us through the food they're King us through the content they're King us through the programming but God is alive and is alive in all of us and we will overcome West exposes the manipulation of black trauma for political gain condemning the exploitation of suffering for electoral victories SOS would use black trauma economy for to win an election what I love is having a healthy conversation and as opposed to there's certain things you know boom this drops people going to have hats on Boom this drops it's going to be you know black people and white people with signs boom this drops so hey China hey left agenda hey what we're going to do is say that our species can have a healthy conversation with unw ing resolve West welcomes challenges as opportunities for growth and problem solving and the whole thing that the comparison to this church to me going and saying okay why why am I running for president is to be in service and that service to my my own ego uh you know I feel like God says to me like haven't I given you enough and I I gave you an ego that helped you overcome all these you know roadblocks and smoke screens and people telling you what you can't do now you need to realize when you're doing things for your ego and when you're doing things for me this is like God the what I feel God is saying to me uh cuz it it really irritates me when people say God told me to tell you so I'm very like mindful with this kind of wording this I'm saying I have a feeling that that's what God is saying for me to be in service so so the ultimate service position is leader of the Free World to be the president of the United States it's sometimes you see me on Twitter I say I want all the smoke I want all the problems because the problems are the opportunities There's an opportunity to solve things and kwow uh he created the keyboard kerswell uh he he has this video that Mark romanic this uh director that shot 999 problems for Jay-Z which is like my faite uh maybe like top five or top two favorite videos of all time uh he also did uh closer for Trent resar and I like I just grew up on MTV in the 90s and I love Mark R romantic videos but he would share um he'd share little bits and pieces I remember Ray K kwell talking about the ability for us to have a Utopia but us being led by the least Noble and the most greedy West challenges societal norms advocating for fearlessness in Breaking Free from traditional constraints to advance as a collective I think people focus too much on t

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