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Its Not Karma And Its You – Sadhguru Explains

karma is not about punishment and reward karma is not about being sinful or virtuous karma is about understanding the legacy of information that comes with our birth and continues through our life enhances itself to various levels and impacts every dimension of our experience a book and Karma has been over you because the word Karma has gone everywhere in the world become part of almost every language but what Karma means the level of misunderstanding and misinterpretation of this word is phenomenal so I thought it's time to release a book on Karma as a guide to craft one's Destiny your destiny also will become a more conscious possibility that means essentially you're going where you want in your life for most human beings socially career-wise they may be going where they want reasonably but in their experience of Life a whole lot of human beings are not going that way the level of suffering that one creates within oneself is largely because we are attributing our experience to various things Karma means action action means my doing so my life is my karma essentially means I am the maker of my life so this book explores step byep step possibility of how you can take charge of your destiny in this sense only 21 are still having a some kind of an existence the other remaining uh whatever 63 is that 63 they're completely gone you cannot see them anywhere it doesn't matter how you see but you can see them as memory imprints within your own system because that imprint and that experience is still here this one is a real thing everything else in receding order they're active in this there are two in the current one there are two one is the physicality which carries the memory of everything another is the source of creation which is the basis of the future either you can let your past become the future when you allow your past to become the future we look at you and say it's her karma when we say it's her karma what it means is she's allowing her past to be her future there is no fresh possibility in her that's what it is when we look at someone and say karma we are just saying they are allowing their past to become their future there is no future for them really you do not want your life to be cyclical you want your life to go forward you don't want to be part of the cycle the last chant that you were singing just now is means this cycle I want to break it somehow cuz once you get into a cycle once you get into a circular moment you are not going to go anywhere if you say somebody's going in circles what does the expression mean to you it simply means he's not getting anywhere isn't it so when we say it's his karma that's what we're saying he's not going to get anywhere because on the circle he thinks it's a New Journey it's a New Journey because he has very short memory everybody's in a state of dementia what is before his mother's wom or what is in his mother's zo also he does not remember they are in a state of dementia so the circle looks new every time they go through it it looks new they are like animals in a loop you know in a circus they put animals on the loop this is just like that in India particularly in the yogic culture probably it's there in somewhere in the maybe it's in the yoga sutras itself this example they're compared to the Bullocks at the oil mill what they do to the Bullocks in the oil mill is they blind them that means they blindfold them they tie something over their eyes or they tie everything like this and just leave this and it's on an oil mill as far as the bulock is concerned it thinks it's going somewhere it's like you go on a treadmill feels like you're going somewhere but you're not going anywhere that is karma but you have to become free from the memory which rules you and the memory is not just in your mind every cell in your body carries memory this much is very clear to us through genetic science and other things you are carrying the memory of your forefathers and you're still behaving like like them you're still having a nose like them look at this unless you had a nose job done recently there are many many symbols are there are many many aspects in the body which clearly say that the memory of these 84 Creations are still there in your body it is there in every atom in the existence so what you're trying to cleanse is you want to cleanse it from the memory because this memory binds you this memory gives you a sense of belonging at the same time this memory binds you you it doesn't let you go so when you do sadana you're trying to cut everything because without cutting that without cutting your anchor you're not going to move ahead so why this memory is holding me back it is that memory which is given integrity and stability to your body and the structure of who you are right now without this memory this body couldn't be created without the memory of a single cell animal being Within You Without all that information being carried through the evolutionary process and you sitting here without that memory this body cannot be structured and held together so memory is not your enemy it is just that you don't know how to hold it you are into it that's a problem you are into it now you want to get out of it you want to make use of the memory but you don't want to be used by your memory that is spiritual sadana

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