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Its a Fool Who Thinks Life and Death Are Two Different Things

death is not something that happens to you sometime in future it's happening to you all the time if you're unaware you're ignorant it comes to you sometime you do not know when but it'll come if you're aware in every moment both life and death are involved if you as much as breathe a little more consciously you will notice with every inhalation there is life with every exhalation there is death if you're not getting the point just do the next inhalation and do not next exhalation and do not take the next inhalation you will get the point every moment even beyond the breath every moment it is happening it's like the ticking of the clock life and death life and death life and death it's all the time happening one who is aware of this will naturally become aware there is no such thing as life and death life is death and death is life they are not different it is only a question of the the crawling out growing up taking the loan from the planet and putting it back but it's just life or it's just death we need not have invented two words for this it's just one thing we can call it the life because they're not two different things it is out of a very gross sense of unawareness about the life process because the wonderful gifts that have been showered on Humanity we are using them like toys it feels this way this mind this brain capable of incredible things but we are using it like a toy only because of so many silly assumptions we have made about life so many kinds of camouflages we have put upon life not seeing it just a w is all kinds of inventions about it too many philos too many ideologies oh I'm going too far A lot of people are just living by some silly slogan that they read somewhere this happened in an African village there was a man eating lion bothering a certain Village grabbing men women and children off and on and having making breakfast of them or dinner so they did not know how to deal with this line because it was a very ferocious animal so they called the big time celebrated hunter from Zimbabwe his name was kandal Smite kandal Smite is a big man carried a big gun and he's a big game hunter big on all things so they invited him for a great big fee he came he walked around the village for 3 Days the landine didn't turn up he had other contracts so he said my time precious time is going away so let me do one thing bring one of your cows here they brought a cow with one slash of his hunting knife big hunting knife slash the animal's throat and then skin the animal took the hide fresh hide put it over his body as camouflage unless you have become aware that what you call is life and what you call is death are not two separate things one who does not Embrace death will not know life at all if you sit here I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die all that will happen is you will not live you'll anyway die but you will not live for sure it's not that I want to die today but if I do it's all right with me I'll do everything to protect myself to nurture myself to take care of myself but if I have to die today it's okay with me now I can step out and live otherwise I cannot live basa a Canada a saint a great poet a fabulous devot a very beautiful devotee a sage and a Mystic wrote hundreds of poems but constantly he treaded many many things he wrote about death lot of things about life but many things about death this is a translation it loses its uh some of the beauty of poetry but uh you get the meaning Bas said sacrifice a lamb brought to the festival eats up the green leaf brought for decorations sacrifice a lamb brought for the festival eats up the green leaf brought for the decoration not knowing a thing about the kill not knowing a thing about the kill it wants only to fill its belly

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