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Is Premarital Sex Wrong? | Sadhguru

sadhguru we as students stay away from our homes from the familial emotional comforts in terms of our careers we move out seeking greener pastures in that we seek company in opposite sex some people get into relationships which gradually progresses to physical intimacy satguru the question is then why as Generations we cannot discuss it openly or is premarital sex till a taboo [Music] see this is not some kind of a prescription this is an individual need right now we must understand this in this Society we handled human sexuality like this before a girl attains puberty they are named this is the boy you're going to marry at the age of six or seven they don't marry but they say they keep telling him your uncle's son this guy you want to marry him you want to marry him they're telling him you're going to marry her so they have not seen each other they have not met each other they have nothing going but emotionally they're being bound before they touch each other physically they want them to be emotionally Bound in a strong way so this is the technique of the culture how they dealt with it so when you become or attained to your puberty when your body blossoms into certain possibilities now your emotions are already with somebody so you handle your body you don't go wild because your emotions are already attached to somebody so by the time they're 15 16 the girl gets married by the time the 1718 the boy gets married they get into agriculture or business or whatever whatever their activity so one important aspect of the life of the youth is settled one thing is emotion another thing is a physical requirement both are settled at an early age and of course those days children came within a year or two years so they got engaged and they got busy and they life went on all right today our lives have changed because by the time you finish education most people are minimum 24 25 years of age PhD means 30 what 35 I don't know what it depends how kind your professor is [Applause] education time is 25 years of age by the time they get employment and settle down somewhere to reasonable Financial Security years of time all right the peak of human hormonal function is between 15 to 30. you are not teaching people some ascetic way to live you're not giving them some sadhana that they're transforming their energy into some other possibility and attaining to something else there is no such thing and there is close proximity with opposite sex if you don't want to address it then you will create an unhealthy Society very unhealthy society which unfortunately is finding expression in violent ways in our society because we've not addressed the fundamental needs of a human being first thing is nourishment if nourishment is taken care of you must understand nourishment is survival once survival is taken taken care of naturally the species this is not even individual the species that you are is longing to reproduce this is how it's built it's longing to reproduce because this is survival of the species if people don't reproduce there is not going to be human race isn't it so your body and your mind plays many tricks and how when you look at somebody you suddenly think they are the most beautiful suddenly you think they are the most fantastic we will discover later many things but initially everything is clouded see I'm telling you let's say you are 10 12 years of age you looked at people they're quite normal suddenly you became 14 every little bump on somebody's body is a world by itself simply because your hormones begin to influence everything in a way you harm your intelligence is your intelligence is hijacked by your hormones now this is not to be judged as bad or good this is a natural process there may be a few people who will go beyond that it's fantastic for them if they can go beyond that they're not compulsive about it they went beyond it fantastic for that person but you expect the whole society to go beyond it you're just stupid such a thing doesn't happen so definitely the debate of when and how sexuality should happen has to come in but now we are still having a certain cultural aspects to us that we are an emotional lot we are still an emotional Lord people suffer immensely when things happen without the needed emotions a whole lot of people at least there may be a few people who are about that but a whole lot of people suffer so for our country for our society how to deal with this without causing a major disruption in the social structure is something that we must debate you must do research on it how to do it [Music] [Applause] foreign

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