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Is it Really going to happen again?

to break the spirit of the population hundreds and thousands of Hindu women were forced to marry there are a streets tipu Sultan rapist people who tried to commit genocide their name should not be on our towns and streets thousand temples were destroyed in Kashi for almost 80 years all of Kashi was in Ruins a blind man can see what is Gan RI brail you can see these are Hindu icons that's why I said Hindus are M pranis our voice is not loud people say 20,000 temples 40,000 temples is it even feasible to reclaim all of this coming specifically to the Kashi Temple and the case sadguru uh in the case of aodha I think people kept asking us show us the evidence where is the evidence and so on in this case uh I mean lot of you would have visited Kashi through gate 4 when you go there the first uh Vision you have of the Gan wapi mosque first of all that is an oximoron uh a Sanskrit name well of knowledge for a mosque is a little uh odd the Western walls the ruins are all the remains of a 16th century Grand Temple that was built there uh and despite that as you mentioned we've gone through the peaceful route cases have been going on for 2 250 years in this case unlike aoda we like to argue in the court there two argumentative Indians that we are and now we have dumped them they kept asking where is the evidence now we've dumped them with 800 pages of archaeological survey of India's report that just came back came out last month uh or so which details every little bit so how much evidence is sufficient for those opposing the temple to actually say we will agree does orang need to come out of his to and say yes I did demolish it and that is only when they will accept this see most of the temple demolitions that happened uh they always had a historian with them because in their mind they wanted to be remembered as people who demolished this Temple and demolished or destroyed idolatry and established whatever they think is the highest form of religion so they wanted to be remembered as those people who destroyed these temples so the proof to doesn't mean anything because they themselves have written very proudly that I destroyed this Temple and for example in matura the man who is writing down says this is the greatest building I've ever seen in my life so elaborate so magnificently done this cannot be the work of a man's hand there is a Divine hand in this but they proceed to demolish and uh it's all they themselves have written you can't say that they wrote lies this is because people who wrote Our textbook screwed up our minds so badly that uh we don't have a voice to say this is not right and uh unfortunately our legal system political system uh and education systems very key three aspects of this nation were taken over by those people for first 50 60 years and because of that our own minds are like this where I have taken some time to turn my mind upside down otherwise my school college mind though I barely went there still it had influence on me because uh somewhere there is a sense of as I said it's become aspirational to be like the uh Invaders there is also a sense of shame to be the victim so we don't want to be identified with that if possible we would like to change the color of our skin not but a whole lot of people there are movies like this where people are changing the color of their skin of course there are Cosmetics to change the color of your skin because somewhere Invaders have become aspirational which a terrible thing to happen to any people but it's happened fortunately there is a Revival and suddenly there's an upar and there is political will and uh suddenly Judiciary seems to have found its feet uh finally so let's forget all these things if we just go by the Constitution of the day which itself has some aspects because nobody ever can write a perfect book about anything it's okay because you're a book writer I'm saying completely agreed to that nobody can ever write a perfect book this is the Dilma of any any book that you write if you read it over a thousand times you will see still it's either this must go that must come that must go this must come endlessly it will go unless somebody else an editor says either you give it to me tomorrow or you're done this is the nature of the book so Constitution also even edar did not claim it's a perfect Constitution a very well done work but not a perfect book having said that there there are some issues but even if you go by the present day con institution it's very simple a blind man can see what is Gan bra you can see these are Hindu icons in India there's a big uh chatter about what's happening at the Gan VAP mosque where there are two different kinds of contestations one by the Hindu petitioners who are saying that this was uh originally a temple which was raised by mugal Emperor orang and the other led by audin oesi and many others uh who feel that because of the existence of the places of worship back 1991 the status of the gyanvapi mosques should stay as it is I'm very curious to know as somebody who looks closely at Society how you think this very contentious issue should be looked at and address thousands of temples were raised to ground during invasions well we couldn't protect them then now uh talking about all those thousands of temples doesn't make sense because you cannot rewrite history in that sense but at the same time very iconic places I think the communi should sit down together and work this out this is not for the benefit of the nation that everything we fight whatever you say I will oppose whatever I say you will oppose this is not the way forward uh some very iconic places I think for once we should sit down and say okay these two three sides let's settle this rest of it don't raise it again I think we should do that instead of going one at a time one at a time and keeping the controversy on unnecessary enemity between communities this is not necessary I feel as a civilized society for once we should sit down and say okay what are the issues can we settle it or not we should sit down and settle it there must be some give and take in this uh about this particular thing I'm not conversent with the news so I don't want to make a comment on that but I feel that will be a way forward for both the communities above all for the nation it's important I think we should stop thinking in terms of Hindu community and Muslim Community right now India is at a juncture where if we do the right things we could be a significant nation in the world in terms of economy in terms of uh political power in every way Nation could become a very significant force in the world I don't think we should squander this going on uh making everything into a big dispute I know local politics uh people will try to play for their advantage I I would beseech people and the News agencies and media house not to make this controversial just make sure that we go towards a solution once for all rather than raking it up every few y

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