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Is Astral Travel Possible? | Sadhguru Answers

what is being referred to as astral bodies just allowing the etheric body to float around it needs enormous sadhana for a person to do that getting the pranic body out and putting it back is easy etheric body needs much more [Music] [Music] see most of the people i know that a lot of stuff going on here in united states everybody is doing astral journeys it's just hallucination okay you lie down and just imagine that you're flying here or flying there that's not it unfortunately everything becomes ridiculous when all kinds of people start handling it what is being referred to as astral is there are five kinds of bodies physical body mental body energy body etheric body and bliss body these are five dimensions of the body we are referring to everything as body in yoga so that you can understand it as a physical entity though the last two are not physical still we're referring to it as a body because yoga is a method not a philosophy it is not a philosophy it is a method so we are seeing how to employ a certain method to make use of certain things what is being referred to as astral bodies leaving the physical body mental body energy body and the bliss body intact and just allowing the etheric body to float around that means you can conduct your activity here because your physical body mental body energy body is intact but just allowing the etheric body to go that's a certain kind of mastery you can't just psych yourself into it it needs enormous sadhana for a person to do that compared to etheric body pranic body is physical it's more physical kind of presence it's energy but it's a physical energy etheric is a transitory energy it is neither physical nor beyond it is a transition this body is totally beyond the physical so getting the pranic body out and putting it back is easy and it's a much stronger experience because a physical part of you goes out and gets back etheric body needs much more sadhana because that is not even in your experience it is not something that you can touch unless you are in a certain level of sadhana and intensity within yourself but every street corner they are doing astral travel these days that's just hallucinations [Music] you

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