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Investing In Technologies for Wellbeing – Bengaluru Tech Summit Hosts Sadhguru

Sadhguru: This is the highest technology. Your super, super computer is also, a small outcome, a drop out of this one. Life should be constant process of exploration, only then there is science. You are forgetting that you are playing the whole game on a particular stage, which is not your making. I would say the future of industry and business should go in this direction. There must be human potential business. Sadhguru: Namaskaram Nivruti. Nivruti Rai: Namaskaram Sadhguru ji. Sadhguru: Is it ok if we start this tech summit with a one-minute chant? Nivruti Rai: Yes, I would love it. Sadhguru: Because the greatest piece of technology that I have access to, is just this one (Referring to oneself). So, let me get it to a pitch (Laughs). Nivruti: I would love it. (Sadhguru’s presence) Sadhguru chants Jananam Sukhadam… Sadhguru: Namaskaram. Nivruti Rai: That was beautiful Sadhguru ji, such a beautiful start. Namaskaram. Sadhguru: Now the… the thing is, one thing in all this technological developments we have forgotten, the greatest piece of technology which took millions of years for nature to manufacture, is sitting here. Human mechanism is the most supreme technology we have. And we have no education system, where how to access this technology, how to keep this technology in its highest prime, but we're doing various other things that is also important, external technologies. But, if we want to really produce technologies which are significant for next few generations of people, it's most important that we access this technology (Referring to oneself) (Laughs) because this is the super, super computer here. I'm saying this is… this has micro compress… what, processors which nobody can match. I'm not trying to depreciate your company, but, you know, this is made by creation (Laughs). Nivruti Rai: Very, very true, Sadhguru ji. Like you're saying, you know, it took millions and millions of years to get the smartness into the living beings (Sadhguru laughs). And we do very correctly say the computers today can be equated to the earthworm's mind as compared to the human mind. So, the evolution like you say is, you know, so worthy. So namaskaram, Sadh… Sadhguru ji, and welcome to the Bangalore Tec… Tech Summit. I'm very honored that I got a chance to talk to you. Nivruti Rai: (Speaks in Kannada – not transcribed) Sadhguru: (Laughs) (Speaks in Kannada – not transcribed) Nivruti Rai: (Speaks in Kannada – not transcribed) Sadhguru: (Speaks in Kannada – not transcribed) Sadhguru: That's wonderful you’re making the attempt (Laughs). Nivruti Rai: Sadhguru ji, the one question that I wanted to start with, you know, it is a beautiful confluence of technology and spirituality. You're called the mystic, but let me start with a more basic… Sadhguru: No, no, let me correct the question – from a very high-level technology which is the human being to, you said, earthworm like microprocessor you are doing (Laughs). So, two technologies (Laughs). Nivruti Rai: Very, Very true, so that's how evolved you are in terms of, you know, your inner technology. But, Sadhguru ji, the first question is a more basic question. Today, the world is facing the pandemic, and a lot of us are living in fear, are living in anxiety, living in pain. What are some of the things that you could suggest, you know, very simple things that people could do every day to… to basically get the balance of mind and peace of mind? Sadhguru: Well, it's an unfortunate reality that there is a pandemic, all right. Over a million people have lost their lives, and many, many people have lost those who were dear to them, and how they lost them is also very significant. When they lost their parents, some of them even their spouse or their children, they couldn't be there. They could not even attend the funerals – forget about tending to them, they could not even attend to the funerals. This could leave a huge scar in their minds for a lifetime, because that's not easy to handle. People die, that's a different matter, all of us die. But at least you are there, taking care, doing something that you believe, you know – if not for them, at least you believe, you know – because of your attendance, you feel some relief in that whole process. That relief is missing. So, definitely a certain level of stress and anxiety building up. And as you know there is economic losses, and there are structural changes in our life. See, (Laughs) in the last forty years, thirty-nine to forty years, I had never slept at home for more than eight to ten days. Now I'm sleeping on the same pillow for four months, five months, which I've never done, it's a welcome change for me. But it's a huge structural change; that means all the programs, all the events, all the schedules, everything called off. Well, at the same time, technology already had solutions, but we were refusing to use it. Pandemic is forcing us to use the technology. See, you and me are doing fine. Right now, you're in Bengaluru, I am in Tennessee, but we're doing fine. Well, it would be a different thing to meet personally, but this is good. What is the point of technology developing it and not using it? Having said that, well, the concerns of health are there. One thing is, your fundamental concern of your own health and well-being and life. Another thing is the concern of your family and friends and, you know, people that matter to you. And the concern of loss of incomes, loss of business, closure of businesses, lof… loss of employment, and structural changes in the society, you're not able to meet people, you're not able to attend to things that you had taken for granted, you know? Simply you want something, you just walked out on the street and bought what you want or met who you want, that's gone. So, these structural changes are actually impacting people much more than various other things. So, one important thing is personal concern about… our own health, which is also an important aspect. Because only if you are alive, all the other concerns are relevant to us. One thing is to enhance the immunity. Immune system can be greatly activated by doing certain simple processes. Right now, millions of people, particularly medical professionals, are doing these practices which we taught online, it's called Simha Kriya which brings your immune system up very quickly. This is one thing we must do, because staying alive is a fundamental responsibility right now. And keeping people around us also alive is also equally important responsibility. The next thing is the mental situation – staying physically alive is paramount, next thing is your mental situation, because staying alive should not become a torturous process. Right now, it is becoming like that, and the number of suicides are increasing. WHO is talking about… suicide pandemic may unfold. So that is, really, if the virus didn't get you, you're doing it to yourself. That is a terrible thing to happen in the world. But unfortunately, humanity is m

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