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I’ll Break the Chains Holding You Back | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message

just my word is enough to heal you the power that comes from what I say can bring you life and lift you up you might think you're not worth having me come into your home but I'm telling you now your faith and humility have caught my eye I want to come into not just your home but your heart too there I'll write the words that heal you with just a touch I'll break the chains holding you back I'll take away your pain and all your fears worries and troubles will fade away because even the sky listens when I speak I'm speaking directly to you because I want to see you happy when you spend time with me it lets me hold you close and show you how much I love you keeping you safe from harm this is what I want to give you in this life so I'm asking you to believe with all your heart and accept it the strength you're looking for is ready for you to grab it to wrap yourself in the healing and changing power of my Holy Spirit which is right here for you you don't have to keep living with the pain of the past or think that you have to face the bad things you've done alone you live in a world full of trouble but remember it's a world I've already won over for you you're a child of the almighty God and that's a promise trust me in every step you take and in every challenge you face because you will come out on top I know there are times you find yourself crying for hours sometimes not even knowing why let me tell you it's because deep down you're longing to come back to me your heart misses me your spirit is searching for me and everything in you knows that without me you can achieve nothing it feels like life life is slipping away from you doesn't it the peace and happiness you've been longing for seem just Out Of Reach every day feels like your loved ones are drifting further apart listen to me I'm right here with you right beside me there's a spring of blessings waiting to flu your life with everything you've been missing ready to wash away all sadness dive into these Waters and let them clear away the sadness from your mind you won't ever feel empty again that's my promise to you your faith has made things happen my word is all you need today I've brought healing into your life you opened your heart to me and I've made my home with you and here I'll stay I'm looking out for you and your family ready to bless you more than you could imagine invite me into your home today open up every part of your life to me let my blessings flow in bringing peace to your soul and comfort to your heart I've purified your home from all its faults with my breath I've brought life into every corner I've cleared out the Clutter and the mess left by your trials you're clean and forgiven now you just have to accept it I'm not saying you're perfect or that you won't face Temptations you're my child and I love you but you're also human there will be struggles but I'll always be there to help you up and support you as you move forward even when you slip up yes you'll make mistakes on your own I know fighting your battles might leave you feeling down mocked and ashamed as if you're covered in mud once again but keep your eyes on me I've called you into this battle and it's with my strength that you'll be cleansed empowered and forgiven over and over again keep going no matter what stands in your way your enemies full of Spite and without a shred of regret are jealous of the victory I've wrapped you in they'll do everything to attack you trying to shake the peace you found in me you're hearing me and I know you get it you love your family and want them to succeed which means facing challenges headon working hard keeping faith and believing in what I've promised you you're set for blessings and your enemies can see it which is why they're out to block your path they underestimated you thought you were too weak never expecting you'd turn to me admitting your flaws and mistakes that's when I decided to forgive you lift you up and bring Prosperity your way I'm always with you no one can make you feel small beat you down or defeat you if you stumble I'll pick you up this is my pledge to you your family even those far off will experience my presence in a whole new powerful way take my hand get ready to win I'm breathing fresh life into you sending blessings your way While others shiver in fear you stand strong ready for whatever comes brimming with courage you'll walk in broad daylight under my watch and at night while you rest I'll whisper to your heart I'll show you wonderful things guide you so you can walk confidently tomorrow avoiding the traps by your hidden enemies I'll protect you from harm lift you up and carry you to a place of safety where you'll find your blessing those who trust in me are like eagles soaring high with shess focused on their path they know who they trust and who loves them deeply and bravely they'll fly high reaching for the sky touching the Divine and on a Mountaintop they'll find new strength and unbreakable Faith returning home stronger filled with belief knowing they must keep seeking and serving me trusting and hoping never doubting the powerful words that gave them wings to fly a different world awaits you one unseen by others if you trust in me where others see only lack you and your family will know security with your table always full I give you gifts to grow I plant in you and your loved ones a confidence that can't be shaken go out and gather take hold of the bounty with certainty the master of this Garden is your father in Heaven I've picked you to thrive on the land I'm giving you put aside your fears your excuses and the reasons you've been holding on to you're not just relying on what you can see anymore you've gained a deeper awareness now if you face A new challenge turn to my words kneel down and quiet your heart for a while I'm waiting in the Stillness and my holy spirit will talk to you offering Solutions answering your prayers and clarifying your doubts you've no need to fear the forces against you or let any barrier stop you with resolve you'll leap over obstacles you'll find renewed strength as if you were young again you'll Stand Tall against opposition not with physical Force but with the mighty support of my Holy Spirit your victories won't come from aggression or Force seek me I'm right there with you in your room in your heart enveloping you the moment you call I'll answer just say the word I'm the one who empowers you with my grace and love with me you can do anything your adversaries will scatter overcome by the vibrant Faith within you I'm talking about blessings that will come knocking it's not about luck or strength I bless those I choose this isn't a contest I don't rank your successes or compare you to anyone I'm here to have a conversation with you and to bless you because of my love which is unwavering While others go to Great Lengths to earn my favor Dawning sadness and undertaking significant act to catch my e they're missing the the true heartfel

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