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If You Don’t Pray About It Nothing Will Happen!

foreign now there may be some of you who have gotten to a point where you're so low that you think God has forgotten about you there may be someone who finds themselves today at a point of uncertainty you don't know whether to turn left or right you don't know whether to cry or smile and regarding whatever it is that's making you feel this way if it's sin if it's an addiction if it's your marriage or if it's the fact you can't seem to find someone to marry if it's your job or financial situation I want to encourage you to pray about it pray about it before you give up pray about it before you look anywhere else pray about it before you look to anyone else and the reason I'm telling you to pray about it is because too often when we find ourselves in these uncertain positions we either drift away and get lost in the sea of our problems or we start paddling trying to find a way out of our problems we start trying to use our own strength to get out of the mess we're in we do our best to use our resources and know-how just to try to save ourselves but I would like to encourage you to pray about it call on the name that is above every other name the name of Jesus Christ when I read Jeremiah 33 verse 3 which says call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know when I read that scripture I hear the word of God telling me to pray about it whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation God wants you to call to him Psalm 50 verse 15 says call on me in the day of trouble I will deliver you and you will honor me that means pray about it so let your hope be found in God he says trust me in your times of trouble and I will rescue you he says abide in me and I will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest as children of God in every battle we find ourselves in we are always fighting from a position of victory it's not a case that we're fighting for victory but rather from victory because I want you to understand this when you fight for victory then that means your enemy has a chance however in Jesus and with Jesus we have the victory so we fight from a position of victory and so my message to you is clear don't be disheartened don't be frightened you're not looking to win you're fighting from a position of strength the battle has already been decided and Jesus Christ wins he is undefeated [Music] now remember this for the battle in your family you're fighting from a position of Victory because you have Jesus for that battle concerning your children you're fighting from a position of victory whatever the fight is that's before you remember that you are fighting from a position of Victory because of Jesus Christ if you go into any family there are Customs there are traditions they have ways of doing things some eat at the table together every night some go to the local Diner every Christmas Eve and they've done so for the past 20 years if you go to some parts of the world in certain communities they have their own traditions and Customs certain African Traditions require the man to pay a dowry payment to the family of the bride before marriage in certain Jewish communities they have a coming-of-age ceremony a bat mitzvah all across the world people from all kinds of walks of life all have their own traditions and customs but there is a man in the Bible who had a very interesting custom that he follows and this man is known for other things and I'll tell you his name in a moment but this man had a custom that constantly brought him closer to God a custom that drove his heart toward the lord and I believe it was his custom what he did on a regular basis it was this that caused him to experience the power of God in his life the man I'm talking about is Daniel and yes we all know Daniel because he was delivered from the lines then but I want to highlight a different side to Daniel that you may never have paid attention to the Bible in Daniel 6 verse 10 says now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed he went home and in his upper room with his windows opened toward Jerusalem he knelt down on his knees three times that day and prayed and gave thanks before his God as was his custom since early days Daniel's custom was prayer Daniel's habit was prayer and I want you to notice that he prayed in secret his relationship with God was sacred to him it wasn't for public display so that people would say he is Holy no it wasn't for people to see but Daniel in home to his room to his prayer closet and God on his knees and it was just him and the Lord now the Bible says in Matthew chapter 6 verse 5 to 6 and when you pray you shall not be like the Hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets that they may be seen by men assuredly I say to you they have their reward but you when you pray go into your room and when you have shut your door pray to your father who is in the secret place your father who sees in secret will reward you openly in the New Testament there is a key message that comes up over and over again and do you know what this message concerns it's about prayer in Romans 12 we're told to be constant in prayer in first Thessalonians 5 we're told to pray without ceasing in Ephesians 6 we're told to pray at all times in the book of Colossians chapter 4 We're told to continue steadfastly in prayer in James chapter 5 the Bible says the prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working now these are just a few scriptures I haven't even touched on all Jesus's teachings about prayer that are given in the four Gospels and so people of god let's fight to pray when life is good remember to pray when life is challenging remember to pray Come Rain or sunshine just pray regardless of the Season you're in you have to fight to pray and you're actually strengthened by those prayers one of the reasons why we have to be so strong in prayer is because as children of God we have enemies we have the devil and his demons to contend with and then we have the world and the flesh as enemies but I want you to understand that all of these enemies that we face as believers they have one thing in common they cannot win against the power of God they cannot overcome the blood of Jesus the enemies we face they cannot destroy a person who fears God they cannot overwhelm someone who's always found to be in the posture of Prayer now Psalm 34 verse 7 reads the angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and he delivers them saints of God I encourage you to find a quiet place to pray that is your own find a prayer closet find a quiet place where you can be alone with the Lord a place to meet with your heavenly father in secret away from the constant notifications of a cell phone away from the endless chatter of the television and away from the interruptions of friends and family members the Bible says when you pray go into your room and when y

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