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I Still Love You | Gods message today | God’s message for me today | God’s Message Now

my beloved child I come to share with you the most profound and Powerful message you will hear today please Embrace its truth with all your heart know that I love you with a love that is pure and wondrous I have been with you I am with you now and I will always be by your side your family holds a special place in my heart and many of your prayers will soon find their answers the blessings that are approaching are both beautiful and abundant do not be afraid for your help and salvation come from the heavens and nothing can stand in their way challenges may arise and adversaries May multiply for there are forces in the spiritual realm that have risen against you fiercely and relentlessly but I repeat do not be afraid no harm shall befall you my angels surround you and my glorious presence will shield you from all harm do not judge or hold grudges is against anyone for your true battle is not against them your attacks come from a hidden enemy lurking in the shadows a cunning adversary who sets traps to ensnare you using Messengers and servants to wage a battle that may lead to deep discouragement causing you to stumble to combat these malevolent spiritual forces on with my Army of angles through praise and worship kneel in prayer in the early morning it is crucial for the end times are drawing near prepare your soul inform your family and come together in prayer within your home allow my Holy Spirit to take control of your life I will grant you self-control and remove fear filling your heart with confidence the enemy is Crafty and deceitful but do not fear or waver for he is not all powerful omnipresent or privy to your thoughts and my plans he watches your progress with seething Envy many tremble and fear this adversary when he attacks forgetting that they have a God so great and powerful that none can compare you are under the shelter of your omnipotent God my grace Shields you from evil there is no power that can defeat you and no one can accuse you I am your protector and Advocate no one can snatch you from my [Music] hand do not let fear weaken your knees guard your thoughts never believe that the enemy has more power than your heavenly father though he is persistent and shrewd he will continue to hover around your life waiting for moments of weakness or neglect times when you feel breathless or on the verge of falling in those moments call upon me through prayer and I will answer I will Infuse you with strength and protect you if your concern today is for your children and their future simply place them in prayer and entrust them to my care I promise their protection they will be safe throughout their lives under my shadow and care for I love them as much as I love you move forward without doubt for I will provide you with the necessary strength to remain steadfast on your path difficulties will not diminish your spirit for I will fill you with joy and peace allowing you to enjoy my blessings without worry I will be your shield and your strength I will watch over you and keep harm at Bay tell your loved ones to open their hearts to me allowing me to care for them and love them as the good father that I am I have never failed you and will never fail you for I am an almighty God regardless of what others may say or do against you my love for you will never waver good things are coming into your life I will open doors you thought were closed and you will be begin to prosper I have given you my promises and my Commandments now come each morning and listen to the new messages I have for you bow your heart and kneel in daily prayer always be vigilant for the enemy will not rest he will wait for you to become distracted and weakened attempting to make you forget the promises you made to me but now I declare You Victorious and brave a triumphant and strong individual your faith is unwavering your desire to serve me is beautiful and steadfast I want you to begin thinking differently you are no longer a victim of the enemy he is already defeated and you are more than a conqueror I am with you stand up and Proclaim it I am a warrior of my heavenly father Fearless in my path his Supernatural power works miracles in my heart my family and I are in his hands protected blessed and embraced by his love I promise to give you all the good things you ask for in prayer come to me and I will bless your life your family your food your coming and going I will remove all sickness from your body ease your mind of all bad memories lift your burdens free you from debts and Surround you with blessings because you have trusted in me you will be like a tree planted by the streams of water with strong and healthy Roots green leaves and fine seeds that multiply and grow sharing blessings and life with those around you you will not fear the heat you will provide shade for the needy and comfort for those weary of their sins in times of drought you will not be anxious and you will never cease to bear fruit I will show you my favor and Grant you my peace you will always have the the confidence to entrust all your Works into my hands and all your plans will be fulfilled you and your family will be saved from the coming tribulation at all times my angels will surround you to protect you I will fill you with joy and peace and you will have happiness for all eternity do not fear or be distressed for I am with you I will strengthen you and help you I will uphold you with my Victorious right hand whatever you do do it with a kind heart because you do it for me I will reward your effort with a wonderful inheritance trust in me with all your heart and not in your own understanding acknowledge me in all your ways and I will make your path straight I am your resurrection and your life and even if you fall to the ground you will rise for whoever believes in me will never die always remain humble preserve your meekness be patient and tolerant do not be disturbed by those who come to provoke you respond to no one with shouts and do not submit to violence I have given you a brave heart but I also want you to act wisely if you ever feel fear again trust and come seek my face and I will help you I will protect you from evil keep you safe guard your coming and going my hand will be upon you in your home and when you travel from now on always remember before you rise that I am your God leading you by your right hand and with a Serene voice I tell you do not be afraid I am with you I will always help you I love you do not ever feel alone and forgotten envious individuals may come to remind you of your past mistakes attempting to shame you by recalling your sins but pay them no heed do not let bitterness and sorrow take hold of your life even if everyone abandons you I will always be here for you I will never leave your side regardless of what the world says to me you will always be the beautiful sincere person I love so dearly do not waste time with idle people who speak ill of those they do not know filling their Mind

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