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I Have Always Been With You | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message

my dear child if I didn't leave you alone yesterday I certainly won't abandon you today I have always been with you during both your struggles and your Joys through sadness and happiness I have neither rejected nor forgotten you stand strong if you feel your faith faltering boldly proclaim the promises I have given you tell those who disturb your peace that I am with you every day until the very end you depend on me hold tightly to my grace don't be caught up in doubts about whether you deserve these blessings if you choose to believe embrace the blessing I am offering you when you accept it it will grow into vast gifts and wonderful Treasures in your hands you will have everything necessary to bless your family and to give to those in need there will be an abundance of food health strength and peace but you must use your faith and come to claim these blessings don't hesitate anymore don't turn back don't hide in the shadows from my presence I am speaking to you because I want you to come closer and I want to answer your prayers I want to lift any curses and heal any sickness affecting you and your family I'm not here to take anything away from you but if I do remove something it's only to replace it with something better you're at a crucial point in your life you've changed you're not the person you were yesterday you're ready to make decisions confidently ignore those who only see the negative don't try to please everyone many people don't want to see you blessed when you share your plans some will try to discourage you and drag you back to a place of defeat but it won't happen because I'm with you you will keep moving forward and when the time comes to open doors use your faith and I will be there with you they will see all the challenges that once made you stumble I will place wonderful blessings in your hands but I ask you to take care of them use them wisely so they can grow and lay the groundwork for even greater blessings when the time is right you and your family will take sign significant steps toward a brighter future encourage your children education and wisdom can transform families and entire nations in your home the heroes and Leaders of Tomorrow are being raised before my return they will serve as vessels for my word used mightily however this can only happen if you honor me in your home and your children witness it let your actions and demeanor reflect your faith faith never resign yourself to the notion that your character is flawed and cannot be changed for me nothing is impossible I can transform hard hearts into tender ones those who once shouted will soon laugh with the joy of children I will touch the lips of those who have spoken against me and they will start to speak words as sweet as honey this transformation will show your family that my power is real even if the world challenges their faith even if they hear that I do not exist or that I cannot help them trust that my glory will soon be evident in your home your neighbors will witness my light shining at night and angels will guard every corner of your house people will Marvel at the Supernatural and miraculous events occurring in your home many will come to you and you will pray for them I will answer your prayers directly I will raise the sick solve problems and heal wounds a wonderful spiritual Revival is starting in your family these are the last days and although many claim they want to understand the mysteries of my return their hearts are not truly seeking me I will reveal my love only only to those who truly believe in me those who are sincere and upright do not hesitate to trust me with your soul to carry my message and to dedicate your lives to this cause and to loving others this is the significant message I am planting in you today remember where and when you heard it stand up look towards the horizon as far as you can see I will use your life to Showcase my glory even in distance foreign lands you will encounter languages unknown to you but I will inspire you and my holy spirit will work through you and your family a wonderful spiritual Revolution is starting though you may face tough days there will never be a day without my love you might face many challenges but you will never be alone my love and protection will always envelop you wherever you are right now as you listen to these words close your eyes Embrace this message and pray feel free to ask for what you need resources healing encouragement and the wisdom to achieve your goals pray for your family and all the people you care about tough times may come but my presence is constant I am not distant you don't need to raise your voice for me to hear you I'm there when you cry I stand beside you I listen when you pray I won't turn away from your please there's no reason for me to ignore you you come to me because you trust in my word you've moved past anger and bitterness you've realized how important it is to forgive you know the power of a grateful heart your prayers are potent I treasure the requests you make with faith I consider them lovingly and answer them with care receive these answers patiently and with faith looking forward to the blessings that will soon be yours I am touching the hearts of those you care about show them their importance to you and your commitment to me this will influence those around you the world bombards them with ideas that pull them away from me but you are a light in the darkness leading them back I wait for them all I even protect those who doubt me your love for them is enough for me I will bless and shield them from harm and slowly they will see that their lives are a gift of my love not mere coincidence one day they will appreciate what you have done for them your sleepless night spent in prayer your tears shed begging for their well-being storms may come the Earth May Shake but those who turn to me will find Hope and plentiful faith Others May resign themselves to a life of confusion and failure struggling to tell right from wrong but you will be empowered amidst the storm your ship will have robust sails and my wind will guide you to your goal do not fear when challenges arise do not lose hope when resources dwindle confront these temporary troubles bravely hold my hand and proceed with resolve remember how seriously you accept my truth if you truly believe in me hold your head high and dive into the challenge without fear I give you courage and confidence I will lead you to a land filled with plenty where blessings abound as you walk this path keep your eyes fixed on my words and ignore meaningless threats I am here acknowledge me today say it out loud I believe in you my beloved Proclaim with your own voice that I am your Shepherd and you shall not lack even as the Earth shakes you will rest by Peaceful Waters feeding in Lush pastures I will nourish your soul with Divine sweetness guiding you hand in hand on righteous paths do not be afraid for I love you and will always be by yo

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