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I Gift You With Peace | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message | God Say

[Music] my dear child today I gift you with peace calmness strength and wisdom I've heard your prayers Touch by the sincerity of your heart reaching out to me you've come seeking guidance and you've come to the right place be assured you are dearly loved just as you are I know you're not perfect but I see true remorse in your heart you're working hard to change your ways your attitudes how you see things and how you treat others I've set you apart for a life filled with blessings you face tough times but going forward you won't have to endure so many challenges my Holy Spirit and my teachings are providing you with extraordinary wisdom you're learning to make wise choices staying clear of those who pretend to be friends but are actually robbing you of your peace faith and security from now on you'll stand strong in any challenge you came to me today because you need me and you'll leave here empowered your face shining with my authority your eyes will radiate Joy your thankful spirit and your lovely smile will open doors and break chains I'm about to shower you with plentiful blessings stand up and start your journey I'll bring good people into your life who will support your spiritual growth and Foster Harmony in your home home but keep away from those trying to drive a wedge between you and your loved ones planting seeds of doubt and division yes you have faith and even if some in your family are still skeptical they haven't fully open their hearts to me I plan to work through you to show them my love and offer hope I give you the strength and bravery you need to care for your family effectively oh always remember you need me seek me constantly and immerse yourself in my word and spirit when you feel low remember there's always hope for you and your family a sure promise of my protection love guidance and plenty of blessings your home will be wrapped in care and my love now do you accept my marvelous blessing with joy and faith I find you so endearing especially how you communic unicate With Me the Way You Close Your Eyes in prayer I treasure the moments your heart fills with joy and divine happiness which I give you easing any hurt or worry after our time together I want you to feel overwhelmingly loved you don't have to walk in sorrow or dwell on your troubles I love you immensely and today you'll experience that love profoundly I'll show it to you Proclaim CL it with my mighty words if anyone tries to trouble you you'll be filled instantly with my Divine love if anything saddens you know that my comforting Embrace is all around you taking away your pain and filling your heart with joy your loved ones will notice your happiness and wonder about its source while those against you will Retreat recognizing their inability to dismay you a Divine Shield of protection surrounds you and Legions of angels stand guard over your home ensuring the safety of your family at all times trust deeply in my love for you it's genuine and Not Mere fantasy it's as real as the air you breathe more powerful and wondrous than any Miracle you could seek my love sustains you offering true life the most precious gift of all your daily gratitude waking up each morning to thank me placing your life and days in my care showcases your deep Faith even when others doubt or ridicule you stand firm believing in an all powerful God you cannot see embodying true belief and devotion yet you know well that I am real Watching Over You attentive to your needs with this Faith you possess you shall rise living feeling knowing that you are a child of the creator of the universe with immense confidence in every step you take with a radiant face exuding happiness my dear child your unwavering gratitude touches my heart deeply tomorrow I'll be waiting to embrace you with my love again even Before Dawn breaks I know how much you cherish your children they are precious to me too I've inscribed their names their faces their hearts their thoughts their desires their errors their battles and their dreams in my book I haven't overlooked what they signify to you I wish for you to have peace to cease worrying about the decisions they've made are you concerned their string don't fret over things beyond your grasp hand over your concerns to me concentrate on your own Journey excessive worry drains you and robs you of Peace conserve your strength and Faith for I desire your prayers for them the time has come for you to let go of what you must release the doves have grown and must now fly release them with confidence let them spread their wings toward freedom for as long as you pray for them my protective mantle shall always cover them accept what I say and have faith faith in my will your mind is burdened with concerns you do not need when you yield to the temptation to control to make decisions for your children to open or close paths for them leave those matters to me there's a boundary they mustn't overstep the honor of your family and your home which must always be upheld if they Heir silence is not your ally I'll endow you with strength peace and the wisdom necessary for confrontation yet let anger not guide your words be conscious of your speech for words and actions can either wound or heal I have treated you with kindness offering you love and salvation now turn your focus to your beloved children trust me they may falter and tears may be shed but the Salvation you've received will reach them too at the right time they'll face the limits I've set true remorse will Dawn upon them and they'll return home with blessings that bring joy and enrich your household gifting you further years of happiness with open arms and Grace you'll receive them back offering another chance keep praying for your children and soon you'll feel my peace surrounding you know that your children rest securely in my care a blessing to your family the moment for healing has arrived to appear in my presence and lay before me all Discord all lack of forgiveness it is time to cast aside differences and embrace a beautiful reconciliation if you accept this blessing allow me to utilize you endowing you with abundant wisdom to fortify your character to acquaint you with my word and to guide those beloved individuals in your household who have yet to follow me even though some people around you might not yet be convinced they'll start to change their minds when they see how my love has transformed you don't be afraid you won't be embarrassed if someone mocks or tries to bother you stay calm because I will make sure they come to see you as a role model always be ready to offer them encouraging words and prayers filled with love avoiding any criticism or judgment if they make mistakes or choose paths different from yours remember it's not your place to judge them I'm not sending you to punish them I'm asking you to love them just as I have loved you you've made many mistakes but I've never turned you away instead I've always been patient forgiving you a

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