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I Empower You | God Says | God Message Today | Gods Message Now | God Message

my dear child I am your God the Fountain of Grace and Mercy that quenches your thirst for peace and healing in your darkest moments when despair grips your heart know that I am here reaching out to lift you into the light like the Mighty Eagle I Empower you mending your wounds and feeding your spirit with my Everlasting words I've unlocked the gates to a realm beyond the ordinary granting you the strength to walk in safety among life's dangers unharmed and fearless the message I bring to you today is one of Peace a beacon to dissolve your uncertainties and calm the storm within my eyes are always on you guarding your path towards Redemption as the Horizon of the end times brightens I am fully aware of the battles you face each day Temptations lurk and foes aim to see you fall you find yourself encircled often pondering who remains true in these times when you feel abandoned by those you held dear even as kin May drift away in your hour of need remember you are never alone yet I am here as always my love for you grows each day do not place all your hopes infallible humans or fleeting material possessions today I come to reaffirm my eternal commitment as you journey in this world know that I am with you I absolve your sins pour forth my Holy Spirit upon you those who rise against you will stumble they will be judged many will attempt to bring you down but None Shall succeed they will suffer great shame even contemplate their own demise none can snatch you from my hand come close to me put your faith in the promises I've made just for you let these words brimming with my compassion reach you listen closely let your mind be reshaped by my loving guidance ahead of you stretches a path filled with years to explore achievements to unlock you are called to a special and magnificent purpose yet remember the support and strength you seek won't be found in worldly things or those around you if your heart yearns for true and enduring blessings for a change that runs deep let this renewal start within your home home I am your unwavering Foundation you are walking the path meant for you love me with all your heart make me your first thought I yearn to be what you treasure most I ask for but moments of your day start here and trust me once you feel the warmth of my presence you'll find joy in staying longer heart bowed in prayer don't let time slip by unused draw strength be uplifted and invigorated stand up refreshed to claim your victories and face any challenge that comes your way you are embraced and chosen by my sacrifice and victory over death I know you're not Flawless but I envelope you in my grace you are not bound to your failures for I have lifted you from them turn to my word for guidance open your Bible if you seek wisdom seek counsel from my servants who guide you I will speak to you through various means you must be attentive I will Aid your success you know well I have never promised an easy life but responsibilities and concerns will always be present there's a vast difference when someone like you trusts me sincerely I breathe life and joy into your soul placing a crown of Victory upon your head I see you in white garments I grant you Authority skill and en courage to leap over walls and cross borders to go to distant places and showcase my Feats I am equipping you to Triumph to rise like a person of steadfast Faith a rock be a beacon for those who stumble for those who linger in their past and fail to grasp the vast blessing I offer it brings me joy to smooth your way to unlock doors to listen to your prayers and provide solutions to fortify and steer you through challenges I desire your growth teaching you humility through hardships if you entrust your heart to me I will reveal a New Journey bathed in my Splendor where the unattainable becomes achievable where Hearts mellow abundance flows deaths disappear sadness is chased away and joy wraps around you my love and compassion will forever accompany you even when my presence seems invisible I am there in every part of your life witnessing each tear and every smile that Graces your face amidst your gloomiest thoughts I am your beacon in your Frailty I am your might when perplexity strikes I am your Navigator place your trust in me find Solace In My Embrace allow me to gently guide you step by step towards a blissful existence declare now with all sincerity I place my trust in you my dear heavenly father if I tell you that everything will be all right I ask that you believe me if you continue to worry about things you have already entrusted to me you will exhaust yourself you have given me your hand let me calmly lead you to Green Pastures I do not want you to lack anything I desire to satisfy safy your soul with Divine affection and holy tenderness fear not the evils that may come you will stand firm and I will be there I will not let you go I know well that you have felt weak which is why I'm speaking to your heart my dear child I'm right here with you so there's no need to roam lost in turmoil and despair instead come and sit with me take a moment to rest let not worries about what's to come or the Troubles of the world weigh you down focus on what truly counts your loved ones your spiritual journey feeding your soul with my teachings and prayer be kind and extend forgiveness to those who wrong you even if they continue to mistreat you despite your kindness if faced with harm again show love so deep mirroring how I laid down my life for my children that that you too are prepared to endure anything for your family's knowledge of me their blessing and their Liberation as Whispers of conflict stir the air never halt your prayers in your prayer Journal jot down the names of those dear to you share with me your hopes for them yes I am already acquainted with their Journeys and thoughts but it's crucial for you to strengthen your faith to learn to earnestly pray for what's truly significant While others around you may quake in fear at the world's forboding signs you and your family should stand Fearless I will never leave you nor forsake you as Panic grips many you will be a witness to wonders the Heralds of change are blaring your time of Deliverance nears but for now pray have faith stand firm and embrace life don't don't lose heart because of what may come your way have faith in my promise for me nothing is Out Of Reach I cherish you express your love for me as it brings me joy to hear it from you in these trying times hold my hand so that your peace and Assurance remain unshaken by any hardship or dilemma your suffering touches my heart deeply your genuine spirit moves me as I've assured you time and again I will bless you simply because it is my desire tell me now that you're ready to embrace my blessings and hold them dear remember during your lowest points you are cradled in my hand I envelop you in my sacred protection my love for you is boundless you are my beloved child I will bless you out of my own will and

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