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How Video Games Affect Your Development | Sadhguru

for most human beings [Music] between 24 and 30 is the time when you really shape your life life is going tick-tock in some way you have to make yourself more exciting then the video game [Music] [Applause] if you tend to it properly every day every day it will turn out to be something [Music] [Music] so your problem is not unique it's a generational problem i don't know to what extent these numbers are right but i don't think they're very far from truth some survey says young men aged between 24 and 30 spend a minimum of five and a half hours on the video games in united states of america maybe they're little off this way or that way but i don't think they're too far away see in a young person's life for most human beings between 24 and 30 is the time when you really shape your life isn't it so hello there's a time most people have just finished their education and that's the time they're really shaping their life one way or the other whether you're going into your profession or crime or politics i don't know what's your choice but that is the time you're shaping your life at such a time a crucial time in one's life they are spending five and a half hours on an average on playing some silly game of shooting people or shooting docks or something something all kinds of weird things i don't even know what else is there i've just i know only by what other people have told me i have never played a goddamn game i like games but i've never played a video game because other things have kept me busy i'm not saying it is completely wrong it's a generation generational thing digital digital technology is new and all kinds of things happening on the screen which is far more active than what's happening in the world so it keeps people engaged this is not a moral issue this is uh a mental issue do you want to be a playing things which doesn't get you anywhere all you do is bing in the end playing with yourself and playing with a machine or life is going tick-tock life is going tick-tock 24 to 30 years of age is a time when you have to decide which way you're going to fall in this life isn't it in many ways for me at 25 significant things happened so this is not about making something wrong that's not the point well maybe one day when there is a video game world cup if you become the champion of the champions then maybe people will appreciate that also but i must tell you this i know a family they had two sons and [Music] one of them the other one i don't want to talk about one of them invests only in video game companies all right and he plays video games nearly 12 to 14 hours a day and a physiotherapist comes and works his joints every day because otherwise he does only this i stay in their home for three days in these three days not once this did any of those young boys step out of the room so this is a phenomena in the world right now because the technology is new we are overly excited about it first thing is at the age of three you made him play this so he doesn't know any other game game means on the video that's the only game he knows you can't blame the boy for this now if you want to correct if you throw the s box out we don't know what will happen to you when people get hooked on to something really hooked onto something you try to go in the way they want to kill you for sure isn't it and already he's practiced plenty on the video games he's practiced plenty so don't try throwing the s box out see if you can get him interested put him in a trekking program or a mountain climbing program something where it demands physical and mental attention i don't think he will go and play tennis no but if you put in a program like this initially he suffers he wants to run away usually they don't let them go once you're on top of the mountain at least you have to come back there is no this to come back you have to walk down it may change his perspective or he may resign himself completely with your games because this demands so much pain and stuff you know climbing a mountain is not it's a joy but it's not it's a lot of pain too it's a great joy but it's a lot of pain every time every year when i do this kailash trek in nepal and himalayas when you in tibet when we trek i always think enough i've done enough of these things because uh going through the treacherous terrain most incredible terrain your eyes think so your mind thinks so but your legs they don't agree your legs and sometimes your lungs both of them don't agree that this is an incredible place so for all you know if you put him through that he may never again come out of a video game or he may because he knows so much shooting maybe he should join the army yeah possibly you want to shoot you must at least be in the army because uh at least you're shooting for a cause otherwise you may start shooting on the street so if army is not possible maybe a policeman at least you can carry a gun maybe you don't get to shoot much i'm not trying to joke about this but this is a painful reality that this generation of people are going through we if we have children like that at home there's nothing to blame them for it's we who've done this because a lot of people gave video games to their children because they want to go to the party they want to do something else you want to live your life but this one demands attention you yourself are dying for attention but this one demands attention who's just come so you give him something that engages him uh it will lead to lots of things and there's also a peer situation his friends are playing s box if you don't bring if you don't bring the y box for him he will create certain situations so this is why a lot of people did not understand this probably i said repeatedly i'm saying and i'm saying again see you are not a tiger nor are you a panda i am saying you are not an endangered species it is not compulsory that all of you should reproduce there's no such thing those who think they want to have children and dedicate a certain amount of considerable amount of time to raise another human being who will be better than them they should do it because after all human generations need to happen but it's not compulsory that everybody must have a child so if we want to produce children we must be willing to a lot a certain amount of time accidentally they turned out well that's not the point it's not right once we take charge of a new life a fresh life we must be willing to give a certain amount of time energy and the focus that is required to nurture this life in the best possible way isn't it so one thing if you want to wean your child off these kind of things whether it's video games or television or something something in some way you have to make yourself more exciting than the video game than the television then something else you have to make yourself that kind of a person they want to be with you so you can't a child is not a machine you can't switch it one way tomorrow morning so video games

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