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How To Stop Overthinking | Gautam BUDDHA Motivational Story |

goam Buddha had a disciple whose name was Shon he was a prince he became M after getting inspired by Buddha on the first day when he started going for arms Buddha said to him till yesterday you were a prince today you are a Mong you don't know anything about asking for arms that's why I have told one of my female Shas that until you become proficient in asking for arms you should eat food there so don't ask for arms go there and have your food Prince Shon who had become a mon went to eat at shika's house there was a distance of 2 mil on the way as he walked he began to think that he would never get to eat his favorite food again now he would have to accept whatever was given to him he fondly remembered all the food he loved upon reaching shika's house and sitting down for the meal he was surprised to find that his plate contained only the food which he loved most he thought perhaps it was merely a coincidence that these dishes were prepared today anyways he ate his food quietly while eating he thought after his meal he would have to travel another 2 miles in the afternoon he thought to himself I used to rest after meals shika was sitting beside him and Fanning him she said oh monk if you take a rest for a while after the meal I will be very pleased he was again a little surprised he felt that he had not said anything he had just thought in his mind it may be a matter of coincidence I have come from far away therefore she must have thought that I should rest for a while anyways shika laid a m for him to rest as soon as he laid down he thought today I have neither a shed and not even a bed now the sky is the shed and ground is the bed today I have nothing shika was behind him from behind she said oh monk everyone comes here empty-handed and leaves empty-handed nobody has anything there is no bed better than the earth and no roof greater than the sky please don't be set now the prince found it hard to believe that it was just a coincidence he sat down bewildered and asked what's going on can you read my thoughts do you know what I am thinking Shava replied yes definitely the prince questioned how is that possible the female monk explained initially I used to observe my own thoughts during meditation eventually my own thoughts faded away and my mind became clear of thoughts now I can observe the thoughts of those near me alarmed the prince stood up and exclaimed I need to leave now please let me go he was visibly shaking Shava responded why are you so frightened there is no need to worry you have not rested enough yet you have just sat down please rest a little before you go but despite her reassurance the M did not stop he went straight back to BHA and explained that from tomorrow he would not be able to go to shika's place 4 foot Buddha asked what's the matter did something go wrong was there any mistake the prince monk replied Master there was no mistake I was treated with great respect and I receive the food I love the most but I will not go there again please let this matter go Buddha responded how can I let go without knowing the reason the prince Mong said sir I don't want to go there because that female Mong can read the thoughts of others and that's a very dangerous thing because seeing that beautiful woman even sexual thoughts arose in my mind she must have read my those thoughts too what impression she will be having about me how can I go there now how can I face her Buddha replied you have to go there I sent you there for a reason until I say stop you will have to go there it might be for 2 months or even 2 years but you must go but but yes go consciously and awaken from within observe the thoughts that arises within you and witness any desire that emerge don't do anything else don't try to suppress them let them come and go your only task is to observe them from now this will be your only spiritual practice the next day the mon set off again for shika's house but today he felt very nervous he was observing his mind while walking as he neared the woman's house his panic and nervousness began to increase he started feeling troubled as his restlessness grew more so did his awareness as he got closer to the house of the woman who could read his thoughts he began to turn his attention inward he became fully aware of his mind and body as he climbed the stairs of the house he was completely aware he was conscious of each step he took every breath he inhaled and exhaled even the slightest thought or desire that surfaced in his might he could see it he set foot on the first step and looked within himself he was surprised there was no thought inside he set foot on the Second Step there was a complete silence ins IDE him his set foot on the third step he could see it through his mind there was totally emptiness there and no thought he entered the house he became more and more calm in his mind today he was completely present and aware as if a lamp is lit inside a house and every corner is illuminated he ate his food quietly savoring each bite and left the house feeling life and joyful he came back dancing and fell at the feet of Pua and said oh Lord a wonderful experience has happened today then he explained when I reached her house I became completely aware inside fully conscious I was shocked there was not even a single thought inside all thoughts had become white I have never felt empty like this in my entire life Buddha said said I sent you there for this very reason the way to nullify the thought is to become fully aware of the thought the more aware you are of your thoughts the less power they will have over your mind now no need to go there from tomorrow now living life as if your thoughts are being read by everyone if we see CL ly in our lives we will find that we are often not conscious of the constant stream of thoughts running through our minds it is like our mind is always thinking but we are not paying attention to what it is when we are not aware of the thoughts constantly passing through our minds it can lead to our thinking this is a widespread issue that affects millions of people worldwide and this overthinking can often Le lead to feeling of anxiety over time but what if the people around you could read your thoughts just imagine you are at the place of that young M aware that the person in front of you can read your thoughts how would you react would you feel comfortable letting your thoughts flow freely no knowing that someone can read your thoughts would likely make you more conscious of them you would start to pay closer attention to each thought as it arises as you become more aware of your mind your mind will naturally begin to calm down as your mind begins to calm down you will notice that your thoughts start to fade away and with them your desires also start to diminish when the thoughts in your mind start to seize the joy within will begin to overflow that's exactly what happened with that Prince Mong Buddha intentionally sent him to his femal

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