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How To Overcome Depression Anxiety and Sadness | 5 Effective Ways To Overcome Depression |

[Music] have you ever experienced sadness in your life that just does not seems to end have you ever felt hopeless worthless or empty have you ever felt a thick fog of Despair surrounding you and making it difficult to find any brightness in your days if you have then you are not alone depression is a common and serious mental health condition that affects millions of people around the world it can interfere with your daily life your relationships and your well-being depression can affect anyone sometimes it has a specific cause such as a physical illness a financial difficulty a family conflict or a relationship issue other times it may result from a chemical imbalance in the brain which can be influenced by an unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle or poor eating habits however no matter what the cause there are effective ways to treat depression and recover from it in this video we will talk about five such Ways by adopting which you can come out of Despair so let us check out these ideas the first thing you need to do is spend some some time every day in nature you need to understand that your physical and your psychological Health can be easily managed if you are in touch with the elements of nature like water soil light and air the more exposed you are the more balanced you will be both physically and psychologically people who stay indoors most of the time are more likely to get depressed on the other hand people who go outo often especially in nature are more likely to be happy energetic and healthy you can enjoy nature by walking in a forest boating on a river or any other activity the more you connect with nature the better you will feel second keep your intestines healthy and clean especially your large int it is said that your gut is your second brain a healthy gut is crucial for a healthy brain your gut produces most of the serotonin a brain chemical that affects your mood and happiness cleaning your large intestine regularly can improve your mental health and reduce depression you can do this by eating foods that are high in fiber vitamin C and antioxidants such as as vegetables fruits Indian Gooseberry and oranges a clean gut and a good appetite can help you overcome depression depression and digestion affect each other depression can reduce your appetite and good digestion can improve your mood keeping your digestion healthy can lower your risk of depression third do enough physical work nowadays due to everything being computerized physical activity has reduced a lot and this is the main reason for most of our diseases we need to understand that physical activity is vital for our health and happiness humans need to use their energy for external work but many people sit most of the time this can cause problem in their body you should do enough physical work every day such such as exercise or playing sports sports is even better than exercise because it also makes your mind happy and you get to express yourself and release your emotions physical activity keeps your body active your blood flowing and your organs functioning well this way your body digestion and brain stays healthy fourth eat food that that improves your mental ability and balance the food we eat has a huge impact on our mind that's why it is important to eat the right kind of food for our mental ability and balance different types of Works require different types of foods physical work need more energy and protein while mental work needs more brain boosting nutrients some foods that are specially beneficial are white ashcat bopa and vidus omera white ashcat juice can enhance your intellect and calm your nerves it can also lower your cortisol levels which are linked to stress bopa and vious omera are herbs that can improve your memory and sleep quality they can also boost your mood by increasing serotonin and dopamine the hormones that makes you happy having enough of these hormones can help prevent depression if you want to buy these plain tonic Subs then you can find Link in description fifth a good and sound sleep a good and sound sleep of 6 to 8 hours is essential for our physical and mental health it allows our body and mind to rest and recover that's why doctors always prescribe sleeping pills to patient with depression however these pills can have side effects on our body instead we can use natural remedies like bopa and Vias omera which can relax our mind and promote deep sleep we can also practice meditation and breathing exercises which can calm our mind and help us fall asleep faster apart from that adopt healthy lifestyle like going to sleep early and waking up early in the morning all birds and animals do it they all go to sleep early and Wake Up Before Sunrise maintain good digestion never eat unless you are hungry involve yourself in public service Works don't expect anything from anyone we get depressed when what we want does not happen but when we let go of expectation we feel happier and more relaxed in the end always remember that life is a precious gift from nature don't let it waste time will heal everything be patient and hopeful there is always day after night wait for the sunrise because tomorrow when you will look back you will be grateful for your patience in the hard times [Music] [Music]

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