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How to make peace with CHAOTIC Mind?

but every day people around me witness things which they think is nothing short of a miracle but there's no Miracle life is a big miracle in this Cosmos this solar system is a speck tomorrow morning if the entire solar system evaporates nobody will notice it in that spec planet Earth is a micro speec in that micro speec Los Angeles is a super micro speec in that you are a big man that's a serious problem this is your psychological drama exaggerating things to a point where where you think if you have one bad thought the whole world is ruined we' have gotten identified with the thoughts that we generate with the emotions that we create not understanding it's our prerogative to create the kind of thought we want the kind of emotion we want if you created the kind of thought you want and the kind of emotion you want would you not do the best sort of thoughts and the best kind of emotion do you take away negative thoughts don't identify any thought as negative because it's just a thought who told you it's negative it's just a thought you're making it up maybe you like it what's a problem if you understand it's just a thought it has no power if you think it's a reality then it destroys you it's just a thought isn't it how emotions and thoughts can be physical first of all this distinction between emotion and thought it doesn't really exist what you call as emotion is just the juicier part of the thought the way you think is the way you feel isn't it so right now I think this is a wonderful person now I have sweet emotions towards him now I think he's a horrible man now I have ugly emotions towards him can I think he's a horrible man and have sweet emotions towards him can I think he's a beautiful man and have ugly emotions towards him is it possible no because the way you think is the way you feel and the other way around also the way you feel is the way you think you have sweet emotions towards somebody whichever way you look at them everything about them looks beautiful once you have sweet emotions towards somebody do you see your thoughts start telling you all kinds of beautiful things about them but suppose suddenly the sweetness of emotion went away tomorrow suddenly your mind starts telling you all the horrible things this person is yes or no because thought and emotion are not separate thought is dry emotion is Juicy but it's the same thing most people don't even see that they keep repeating the same Cycles in different scenery and they think they're okay it's good of you at least if you're noticing it the scenery may change life scenery will anyway change the last time some rubbish happened to you you were in school next time it happened to you you were in college so the scenery was different next time it happened to you you were in a job next time it happened to you you were married but the same things are happening if you closely observe your life suppose you're going to kamb from Isa Yoga Center and you saw outside there was se you know there that's a nice name utam means uh a dark so you were going to quor you came toam you looked around and you passed now there's no danger they put a bridge there was a time when you had to go through and you were driving happily towards quor again eram came oh again utam it's okay bad luck and again you keep driving after some time again Pam came ah something no but coincidence again Pam came you must know that you are in if four times the same town is coming on the way to Kut the that means you're going in circles that means you're not going anywhere but every day people around me witness things which they think is nothing short of a miracle but there's no Miracle life is a big miracle are you a part of it or are you out of it that's a big question isn't this a big miracle this guy eats a noodle and becomes like this is it not a miracle I'm asking it is a miracle isn't it is it is this not Miracles and miracles all over the place the question is only are you consciously a part of this Miraculous Creation or are you stuck in your own logic and outside this miracle that's all the big differences

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