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How To Live Happily In Life | Zen Story Of A Zen Master And Chickens |

[Music] a disciple approached his master and asked Master what do people need to be happy the master asked what do you think disciple thought for a moment and said I feel that if one's basic needs are being met like having food and drink a place to live a good job and security then he will be happy hearing this the master did not say anything and asked the disciple to go on a walk with him the master and disciple walked for a while and then stopped near a door the Master said open this door disciple opened the door and saw that there was a chicken Coupe in front of him there were a number of chickens all imprisoned in big cages then the master asked his disciple do you see this chicken Coupe yes said deciple then the master asked do chickens get food yes said deciple do they have a house to live in the master again asked it yes kind of said the disciple are they safe from cats or dogs the master asked yeah they are said the disciple do they have eggs the master again asked yes they lay eggs the disciple replied do you think they are happy Master again asked listening to this disciples started looking at those chickens closely he didn't know how to tell if they were happy or not while the disciple was thinking the master said come with me both again started walking and after some time stopped near a Big Field there were lots of chickens in the field they were neither imprisoned in any cage nor was there anyone to feed them they were themselves searching for food and playing with each other Master asked do these chickens look happy disciple found this question a bit strange and he started thinking the environment here is a bit different the chickens here are living in a natural way eating drinking and looking healthier so in a muffled voice he replied yeah perhaps the master said of course these chickens are happy then the master continued chickens in the coupe have all the things you thought were necessary to be happy their basic needs like food drink and shelter everything is there but are they happy no they are not whereas chickens roaming in the open have to find their own food find a place to live protect themselves but still they are still happy why the disciple couldn't speak then in a serious voice Master said you see my child in our lives we all have to make a choice either we can live like chickens in a cage a life where we will not exist or we can live like those chickens in fields who can live a free life by taking risks and exploring infinite possibilities you asked me about how to live happily so here is is my answer you cannot be happy just by breathing or surviving to be happy you should have the courage to live life freely the story of the disciple and the master teaches us profound lessons about true happiness and the choices we make in our lives real happiness doesn't just come from having basic needs like food and a safe place to stay rather true happiness is more about being yourself taking on challenges and dealing with uncertainty ities in life much like the kaged chickens some people may opt for a more secure and predictable path While others are those who are like the free ranga chickens and choose a life that involves more risks and exploration the analogy between caged and freerange chickens reflects our own choices in life the cage represents self-imposed limitations the fear of the unknown and a reluctance to step outside the Comfort Zone on the other hand the chickens in the field represent Those Who come out of their comfort zone Embrace life's uncertainties take risks and explore infinite possibilities in essence it encourages us to question whether we are merely existing within the confines of our comfort zones or actively living with the courage to face challenges make choices that reflect our true selves and follow a path that leads to real happiness it reminds us that true satisfaction doesn't comes from the exter internal trappings of security but from the internal freedom to live a life of purpose and [Music] exploration

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