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HOW TO GET RID OF SORROW AND SUFFERING | Crow and Buddhist monk story |

foreign [Music] a crow was flying with a big piece of meat in his mouth he was looking for a tree where he could comfortably eat that piece of meat while flying a flock of eagles started following it seeing this the crow got very scared he started flying higher and faster to avoid them but flock of eagles were continuously following him the poor Crow could not get rid of those Eagles while he was flying over outskirt of a village he saw a monk sitting under and meditating the scared Crow quickly went to the Monk and said sir please save my life from these flock of eagles who are following me they want to kill me the monk opened his eyes looked at a scared Crow and said don't worry my friend these Eagles are not out to kill you but they are after the piece of meat that you are holding tightly in your beak just leave it and see what happens then but the crow did not want to leave that piece of meat just then the flock of eagles approached near the crow saw that and he flew away from there and again started Flying high in the sky but flow coffee girls for continuously following him after a while when Crow could not keep flying higher and Eagles were about to reach him he followed the Monk's advice and dropped a piece of meat from its peak immediately the flock of eagles stopped following him and started following the falling piece of meat the crow heaved a sigh of relief he again went to the Monk and said always one your advice has saved my life as soon as I dropped that piece of meat all the eagles stopped following me and started following that piece of meat your advice saved my life tamong said my friend sorrow and pain remains only as long as we hold on to it by knowing the reason and giving up our attachment to that all our sorrows all our pain will end up immediately the crow understood the meaning of Monk's words he bowed onto him and thanked him for his advice if we see in our lives we will find that like in the story the piece of meeting the Crow's mouth was the cause of his trouble and as soon as he dropped that piece of meat Eagle stopped following him and he came out of trouble similarly bad habits in our life are the cause of our sorrows but we think that maybe these bad habits gives us pleasure so we don't want to leave them but we must remember that until we leave these bad habits we will not be able to get rid of our sorrows for example if someone has upset stomach but he is not able to give up his habit of eating junk food then how can he get queued he is also holding a piece of meat in his mouth just like a crow and expecting to get rid of sickness similarly if a lazy person expects to be successful in his life then how can he be successful unless he leaves his bad habit of laziness it is our attachment to bad habits that does not allow us to get rid of suffering similarly our attachment to Outer things and people becomes cause of oversuffering life is not painful but we hold on to the cause of pain due to which pain does not leave us therefore if you want to get rid of suffering in your life then just drop the cause of suffering just leave the bad habit and all kinds of attachments which are causing you suffering if you left the cause then you will find that you are absolutely free and no trouble can ever bother you foreign

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