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HOW TO GET RID OF PROBLEMS IN YOUR LIFE | Problems in life | Buddhist story |

foreign s are very common in our life but some people get so upset by the adversity in their life that they do not understand what to do today's story is for those people if you also want to end the problems in your life then watch the story till the end once upon a time there lived a very wise monk near a town people often used to come to meet him with their problems and seek solution for it one day many people came to meet the monk with their problems and were waiting for him to come after some time the mom came into the room and started listening to their problems one by one after listening to the problems of all the people the monk suddenly got up and left the room people were surprised to see his behavior after some time the mom came back to the room he had some white papers in his hand he gave white paper to all the people sitting in the room when everyone saw that paper they noticed that there was a small black circle formed in the middle of the paper then monk addressed everyone in the room and said every one of you has a piece of paper in your hand what do you see in this paper all the people in the room set sir there is a black circle in the paper the monk again said see once again what do you see in this paper everyone started looking at the paper again they all said that there is a black circle in the middle of the paper the monk asked them several times what do you see in this paper and every time they all gave same answer that they can see a black circle in the paper now the monk said my friends I asked you so many times that what do you see in this paper but every time you all give the same answer that there is a black circle in the middle of the paper but did you not see a white color page outside that small circle every one of you noticed a small black circle in the paper but there was also a white color outside the black circle which you all fail to notice similarly a lot of good happens in our life but instead of seeing that we keep our attention only on some bad things which happens in our life we have got such a beautiful life we have got so many good things in our life which can make us happy but we focus only on problems and keep getting sad seeing that problems will come and go the more we focus our attention on those problems and frustrated we will become if you look at people richer than you you will find yourself unlucky but if you look at poor and homeless people you will start feeling yourself lucky you will find a life the way you see it if you see happiness in your life you will find happiness and if you see sorrow in your life you will find sorrow life is only a reflection of your thoughts your life becomes whatever you will focus on if you focus on the sorrows in life then life will become sad for you and if you focus on the pleasures in your life then life will become Pleasant for you if you change the way you look at things the things you look at will change therefore if you want to be happy in your life then always Focus your attention on the positive aspects of your life only then you can lead a happy and a trouble-free life [Music]

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