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How to find True Love?

the nastiest situation happen not among enemies but among the so-called loved ones an opinion is a way of fixing a person into a straight jacket love means nurturing a person into a new possibility I'm saying throw yourself into your love affair and die into it something will happen love but be beached why do you want to love then some teachers some gurus some guides will say you know you can love but you must be detached love but it cannot be conditional it should be unconditional so there's versions of it I just want to know the simple way of make you keep coming back to me is to give you something that you cannot do to give you a teaching which you can never do you must love but you must be detached now you have to keep coming back to me for consultation endlessly I'm saying throw yourself into your love affair and die into it something will happen something worthwhile will happen if you willing to die into the process not just anything whether it's your work or your life or your love or whatever if you do not know how to throw your entire self into it you will never know the taste of what it is love but be detached why do you want to love then only because you want to include somebody as a part of your life part of yourself that's why you love no I love but I am detached this means you have to come back to consultation every day it's like a psychiatrist job every day you have to come and sit on the couch you need treatment and there is a fe I only said see what is this need for love in a human being you must understand a human being constantly constantly a human being is longing to be something more than what they are right now if this finds a simple basic physical expression we call the sexuality sexuality means just this physically you're trying to make something which is not you a part of yourself for a few moments you may succeed if you try this mentally it gets labeled as greed conquest or maybe simply shopping some people go for Conquest with swords and guns some people go with checkbooks and cash you know credit cards the thing is you want to include something which is not a part of you as yourself that is the whole effort whether you want money or wealth or you want to occupy a nation what is it something that is not you you want to make it yours yours is an effort to make it a part of yourself if it happens emotionally on the emotional level if you try this we call this a love affair you're trying to make somebody who is not a part of you a part of yourself emotionally this is a love affair if you do it consciously we call this Yoga Yoga means Union so all these efforts are fine everything has its own Beauty but has its own limitations when you understand the limitations of all the other methods nothing right or wrong about it it is just that it will work briefly it will not work for always when you realize that you consciously try to include when you consciously become an inclusive process if you sit here if you experience everything as yourself then we say you're a yogi so this is a love affair successful so how is that how do you include everybody in your love so because you are looking at love as something that comes to you or you yield to the process of love only because you appreciate a particular quality a shape of somebody's nose or the shape of their mind or their thought or their emotion or the way they speak or the way they do things or the way they relate to you something okay the many many things you should not make them work you can make your thought work you can make your body work don't try to make your emotions work whenever you try to make your emotions work for you your situations turn nasty initially I love your Works after some time you trying to make emotions work for you the harder you try to make it work the nastier your life gets because em emotion is not for work emotion is just to sweeten your life your thought and your body should work emotions just there it's like a flower that you wear in your hair nobody wears anymore you don't make this flowers work the microphone works something else works the flowers need not work they're just there that's all emotion is like that it's just there Pleasant and wonderful if you try to make it work if you try to extract some life from around you with your emotions it is bound to turn ugly so if you don't have a working brain if you're not capable of thought then you try to use your emotion to make it work and it may work sometimes that's a whole problem it works initially and then you try to push it further then your life turns so nasty so horribly nasty among people who supposed to care for each other the nastiest situation happen not among enemies but among the so-called loud ones we are loud ones we have strong opinions about each other no that means you're trying to fix life an opinion is a way of fixing a person into a straight jacket love means nurturing a person into a new possibility these two things cannot go together no way they can be together you make some judgments for the moment to nurture it better you you raring children at home you have to make some judgments where the child is right now to rare them to next possibility not form an opinion on him the moment you form an opinion you have no interest in nurturing that life into your possibility you only want to fix it in a shell of your opinion and you'll be disappointed if it doesn't go by your opinion if truly it's a loving relationship there should be no opinions there should be only nurture

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