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How to Deal with an Exploitative Spouse? Sadhguru

sguru namaskaram how to conduct oneself when you know when you have a very exploitive spouse you know you're talking about how to conduct him or yourself myself no actually you want to know how to fix him right no s so this is very important I'm particularly talking to you PR it on it's very important that we are straight with life you understand what you want is your hus has been fixed but because you're sitting in front of me you're saying sguru how do I fix myself to fit into this exploitation which is not the truth you want to know how to fix the man yes or no please tell me all the ladies if you perceive him we don't know what he is we're not talking about your husband I do not know what he is but if you perceive him as exploit ative obviously you want to fix him isn't it if you perceive yourself as a problematic wife then maybe some thought about maybe I want to fix myself will come up when you perceive somebody as exploitative the intention is to fix them isn't it but we don't want to be straight about that because uh the culture doesn't tell you the culture tells you fixing your husband is not a good thing you must fix yourself so if you get a headache go for a foot surgery then the foot will be aching more than the head kind of fixed at least your attention is gone so it's time if we are concerned about life it's time that we are 100% straight at least with ourselves maybe in the world we don't know what profession you have what situations you have we don't know how straight you can be I will not interfere with that but at least with yourself you must be 100% straight very important otherwise neither yourself nor your life situations will ever get fixed simply complaining and going on life will be a lifelong complaint for a whole lot of people because they don't want to address it they want to beat around it the question is from Mr Shanker from ch namaskar saguru my wife is a wonderful woman but she has a sharp tongue sometimes I am afraid even to go home why are some women made like this they are wonderful on one level but quite terrifying on another level please throw some light within a person right now we're talking about woman if there are such qualities in a woman that she has certain streak of Genius or she has extraordinary talents or she is super wonderful in something we don't want want to surrender her intelligence her Brilliance her genius her Talent her skills at the altar of good behavior because you can train your puppy dog to behave well well but never surrender human intelligence genius Brilliance Talent competence at the altar of good behavior good behavior can be learned intelligence cannot be learned genius cannot be learned you have to unleash it you cannot learn it in the process of of unleashing uh a significant possibility in case not necessarily don't take this as a as an endorsement of your bad behavior I'm not saying that if you want to have some bad behavior you should show some extraordinary uh Talent or uh Brilliance or intelligence otherwise you have no right to throw yourself around even then you have no right but uh Never Surrender significant aspects of human life in the form of intelligence competence Brilliance genius at the alter of good behavior because good behavior can be learned and it's only socially significant it has no life significance as such this is not about the wife this is not about the boss this is something to do with yourself because human beings have gotten into this place wherever you place them they have found a way to suffer this happened one day Shankar and Pai had a mega fight with his wife then in a fit of Fury he left the home and walked away in the evening he loitered here and there just outside the town he was moving around not knowing where to go what to do going back home immediately was not palatable then he saw a sadu a sasi was settled down settling down beneath the dree for the evening or the night he looked at him and uh he Lo he seemed to be very well organized and absolutely no issues under the tree he seems to be perfectly fine then he went to him and said sadu mahaj be both him like this see we say this like uh life is like juggling a ball if you're alone just one ball easy to do you become two two balls little more difficult more leads more attention then you became four you have four balls to juggle then you have an Indian army on you you have 10,000 balls to juggle all do you so how many balls can you juggle joyfully that's how many you should pick up

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