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How to Deal With A Toxic Personality | Sadhguru

whenever people behave in unreasonable ways they think spirits have taken or taken over that's why they never get straightened out the first step that you need to see is this you don't know where it is but it acts up all the time isn't it if you see this the moments of horror will go down by itself [Music] somebody else's or yours somebody else's or yours oh in a moment we can handle it if you just show me where it is i'll just shoot it right away where is it how do you know it's there maybe you're just nasty no say it's like this whenever you behave in a pleasant manner what's your name okay whenever you behave in a pleasant manner you buy her whenever you behave in an unpleasant manner it is mr ego it's a sure way to deceive yourself for the rest of your life you just have to see this is isha yoga you just have to see if you're pleasant it's you if you're unpleasant it's you if you see this you wouldn't like the unpleasant part of who you are you'll deal with it there's nothing to deal with it are you unpleasant right now no you just have to stay like this that's all it doesn't take anything it just takes free breathing that's all to be blessed does it take some other commodity to become pleasant no no just oxygen that's all only when oxygen is scarce you could become body can become unpleasant otherwise you can sit here and die pleasantly you know really tell me what other ingredient do you need to be present nothing no it is only because you think there is some other entity which makes you unpleasant like ego it is just like saying i'm possessed when our people behave in unreasonable ways they think spirits have taken or taken over no they don't want to see that they're unreasonable people that's why they never get well that's why they never get straightened out the first step that you need to see is this if i'm pleasant it's me if i'm unpleasant it's me if i'm wonderful it's me if i'm horrible it's me if you see this you will stamp out the horror quite efficiently you can't stay with it for too long because it is another spirit called ego it's an elf called ego it goes on and on and on endlessly see this is a very good trick you asked a question about ego now i ask you where is it you say i don't know it's a damn good trick you don't know where it is but it acts up all the time isn't it it's a trick there is no ego there is just you sometimes pleasant sometimes unpleasant sometimes beautiful sometimes horrible if you see this the moments of horror will go down by itself you don't have to do anything you just don't have to do anything if you see it's me who is being horrible it will start going down you think i'm horrible because of my ego or usually because of somebody it'll never ever go down you will remain horrible the rest of your life or maybe beyond and maybe beyond you know you may find employment in hell that's one that is one good thing about being horrible if you torture yourself efficiently and everybody around you they may give you employment in hell in heaven there is no employment because there's nothing to do they won't choose me for employment in hell i really have to get hard with people maybe then they will but you will find employment if you don't stop deceiving yourself with this ego business it's better to be unemployed in hell i'm telling you everybody will be good if you're unemployed in hell isn't it so please don't start practicing here for employment in hell don't start practicing unpleasantness here because you think you're practicing for employment in future after death at least let's have a vacation a lot of work right now people who are have nothing to do right now or people who are refusing to do anything worthwhile right now are seeking employment after death no no do everything that you have to do now after that let's have a vacation you must be so pleasant and useless that nobody should give you a job out there [Music] you

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