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HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN LIFE | Short motivational story |

foreign [Music] it was winter season and the court was being held in open courtyard in the sunshine the priest and all ministers were also present in the court King's family members were also sitting there there was a costly table like thing kept in front of King's throne just then a man came and asked for permission to enter Court after getting permission the man came to front bow down to King and said sir I have two identical diamonds out of these two diamonds one is real while one is fake I have visited many different kingdoms and asked them to identify which one is real and which one is fake but till now no one is able to find out the correct one and finally I am the winner now I have come to your kingdom can you or anyone in your court tell me which diamond is real and which one is fake if anyone tells me which diamond is real and which is fake I will donate the diamond to your Treasury but if you can't tell then you will have to pay me the heavy price for this diamond I will give only one chance and in that one chance anyone will have to give me the right answer saying this he put both the diamonds on the table the king accepted the challenge of the man and process of finding real diamond started first of all King himself checked both the diamonds King saw that both are diamonds were identical in shape size color and appearance there was not even a slight difference between both of them the King was confused he could not decide which one is real and which one is fake therefore he sat back on his throne then he invited his ministers to come to front and find out which diamond is real and which one is fake all the ministers came one by one checked both the diamonds closely but no one could identify which diamond is real and which is fake all the ministers went back to their seats seeing all his ministers disappointed the king looked at the people present in the court and said is there anyone who can find which of these diamond is real and which one is fake but no one was daring to come forward all the people were afraid that they have only one chance and if their gas turns out to be wrong then the king can also punish them there was complete silence in the court finally an old blind man came in front with a stick in his hand he told people to take him to the king a man helped him and brought him in front of King then he said to King sir I am blind from birth but still I want to try let me check my capability I may be successful and may not be but even if I fail there is no harm because you have already lost King thought that there is no harm in giving a chance to him and gave him permission the blind man took both the diamonds in his both hands felt them for a while and then raise up one piece of diamond in his hand and declared that this is the real diamond and the other piece is fake The Man Who challenged accepted that Blind Man's judgment is correct and as per his promise he agreed to deposit the diamond in King's world everyone was surprised to see that what not even intelligent ministers could do this blind man has done the King was also surprised to see this so he asked the old Blind Man how he came to know which of these two was the real diamond and which was the fake the blind man said sir it is very simple we all are sitting in the sunshine I touched both the diamonds one by one the real diamond was little cool in temperature and the fake diamond which was made of glass was little hot in temperature thus I came to know that the cold one is diamond and the piece which was little hot was glass the King was very happy after listening to this from the blind old man he honored him in his court and gave him many Rewards [Music] in our lives we will find that the person who keeps his cool in all situations is like a real diamond such person always gets success in their life and a person who loses the school in Old situations and becomes angry at Small Things is like a piece of glass such people break down easily in their life and lose courage they can never get success in their life therefore if you want to progress in your life then always remember that no matter how many difficulties come in your life no matter how many odd situations you go through always keep your mind cool and work patiently because the one who maintains the school even in difficult situations is the real diamond [Music]

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