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How Hardships Can Make You Stronger | Sadhguru

this is the fundamental thing that every human being has to do little distance will completely change the way you look at things suddenly the activity of the mind is a great entertainment suddenly you find you can use your body and use your mind whichever way you want it is never going to rule you again [Music] how can i use hardship as an opportunity to use growth how to use hardship as a opportunity when we say hardship life can be only physically hard mentally hard happens because of you but physically hard can happen because of terrain because of situations because of variety of things so physical hardship may involve some pain so physical hardship people who go through physical hardship always come out stronger is that so always your very training is a fact probably a training to be a soldier is harder than fighting a battle except for the risk involved in terms of hardship training looks like purposeless hardship always this is true for a soldier this is true for a yogi early in the morning four o'clock get up and do yoga mind will ask you idiot why are you up everybody is sleeping yes even for the yogi this problem is there mind will ask you idiot what are you getting up at four o'clock in the morning and what are you doing everybody is sleeping they wake up and drink coffee at seven o'clock what are you doing but uh because you put your body voluntarily through that hardship it gets you to your place where nobody else can get isn't it so hardship is a physical hardship is a tremendous possibility because you can the nature of physic human body is such that only with use it gets better if you do it willingly hardship will be joyful if you do it unwillingly it's the most terrible thing so the question is only of willingness and unwillingness as i said in the very beginning that was not to make a joke out of your terrain realities in which you live what you think is heart duty if you want to give a punishment probably in the forces put him at twenty thousand altitude but people who go mountaineering and other things climbing to twenty thousand they think is fantastic isn't it so what is the difference the difference is only mindset somebody is doing it willingly somebody thinks they're being forced to do it that's all the differences so this is all life is wherever we are anything we're doing any given moment of our life if we do it willingly it's like heaven if we do it unwillingly it's our hell isn't it anything just anything do you like gulab jamun no i'm asking this officer you like gulab jamun so right now i'm going to get lot of gulab jamuns and i'm going to put it in your mouth more and more and more gulab jamuns that can become the worst experience of your life isn't it when you want to eat gulab jamun you tip it in your hands willingly and you ate it it was so nice when you don't want it if somebody forces it down your throat it's terrible so the difference is only in willingness and unwillingness this is the fundamental thing that every human being has to do so right now whatever we do maybe if i had a choice i would do something else but right now i am doing this let's say whatever i'm doing if you do it willingly even that thing that you don't like becomes a wonderful process if you do it unwillingly then you will see it becomes a terrible process but i don't like this why should i do it willingly okay if your choice is to suffer please do it if you don't like it you don't do it tomorrow but today when you're doing it you do it willingly if you do it willingly even that thing that you think you do not like even that becomes a great pleasure and becomes a process of growth for you so definitely physical hardship can be used in a big way to bring balance and well-being to yourself psychological hardships are entirely your making nobody else is doing that to you only you can do that to you isn't it to stop that you as i said this is something all of you should do because this will give you distance little distance little distance will completely change the way you look at things it's like this you see the traffic jam traffic is jammed you're stuck in it everybody's cursing each other and getting angry and in delhi also they kill each other traffic jams people kill each other you know suppose you're flying in a airplane or a helicopter and look down traffic jam looks really nice you know have you ever noticed this it looks quite nice simply because there's a little distance the same thing with your body and your mind if you create a little distance when i say distance you must understand this what your body you gathered your mind you gathered it is possible to create a distance if you create a little distance suddenly the activity of the mind is a great entertainment no positive no negative nothing it's a great entertainment it's only negative positive when you're stuck in it once you're little out of it suddenly you find you can use your body and use your mind whichever way you want it is never going to rule you again so physical hardship definitely can be harnessed it can be a great opportunity for a human being to build themselves into a deep level of strength and well-being mental hardship is your making you must stop that [Music] bye [Music]

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