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How Can You Overcome Problems with Mindfulness? | A Guided Meditation with Eckhart Tolle

no need to think right now there's nothing to add to this Moment by thinking about it so all that thinking would do is obscure your awareness your awareness of the present moment which means obscure your awareness if you have problems waiting for you you can think about them when we finish and even then I would suggest and recommend that you set aside brief periods when you think about your so-called problems if they are real in other words a real problem is a situation that you need to deal with either right now in the moment when it arises in which case it's not a problem it's a challenge or something that tomorrow you may have to do or next week week or next month and you may have to think about what you're going to do to the extent to which it's possible to plan and set aside a period of time when you do that and then when that's done come back into a present moment awareness so the worst fate is for your mind to be occupied continuously with past and future and as you know past and future exist in the mind remove the Mind thought there's no past or future past or future exists for you as thought it's indispensable for dealing with the Practical aspects of life but it's a huge obstacle for going deeper within yourself deeper into reality a huge obstacle to finding that state of connectedness with that deeper reality a huge obstacle to knowing who you are so right now all you need to do and there's no doing but just use a word all you need to do is look at the image on the screen listen to the words which are all pointers sign posts and as you look at the image on the screen and listen to the words be aware also of yourself as the still space the still presence without which you would not be able to look at the image on the screen or listen to the words it's only because there is that light of presence that receives the sense perception of seeing and hearing that there can be seeing and hearing the moment you start thinking about past and future the moment you start thinking some of your consciousness incarnates into form the Incarnation I believe Carnation comes from flesh car caral it it the word Incarnation is to become form to become physical form but it's not necessarily physical you become a psychological form every thought is that so some of the Consciousness incarnates into mental formations and that's okay there's a there's nothing wrong with that it's a good thing you're able to think it's not a good thing to lose yourself in the thinking why is it not a good thing because it makes your life miserable and if you make your life miserable you make other people's love lives miserable without even knowing what you're doing that's the essence of unconsciousness the really unconscious people which is still millions billions on the planet they don't know that they are making their lives miserable and other people's lives miserable or as somebody once put it they know not what they do and here you can learn to become comfortable with the Beautiful let's call it State it's not a state the beautiful state of not thinking become familiar with that experience how lovely it is not having to think

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