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Honoring the Present Moment | Eckhart Tolle Explains

but the more grateful you are for what is the more things will come to you would really have chosen for yourself as your life purpose perhaps it's not even that great a job but nevertheless you honor it in this moment you give it attention you do your best and then it will evolve into something else hello hello so unlike you with Oprah I am bursting with excitement right now so thank you so much for having me and um I also just want to um give you a giant virtual hug oh thank you as I'm sure so many in the room would like to do as well thank you and uh my question is around manifesting uh I get twisted in my head about about that because uh all my life I I have felt I have a purpose and the purpose is connected with joining and being of service and support and expansion of consciousness and I know it's out there I know that that's going to be something I'm very involved with at some point and I am familiar with manifesting and the Deep knowing of you know what that is and at the same time there are a lot of spiritual teachers that talk about being very specific when you manifest something and I have no idea what it's going to look like I and I most of the time when there is something related to my deeper purpose if I try to go you know left and make that happen usually I go right the like it's the Invisible Hand guiding me right and I feel like well I'm not man you know what I mean so I don't really feel like I know I'm the right one to manifest my purpose because I don't know as high as my deepest self yes so um are you manifesting your purpose in your life well I know that it's going to be there I I in the sense that I've always had the sense you know once I retire in five or 10 years or something that I'll be doing something else right that has to do with that and but I don't know if it's here I don't know if it's there I don't know what it looks like I don't know if it's working for eart teachings or whether it's you know working at a Wellness Center or participating in something I have no idea what it looks like I just know that that is my purpose yes can you summarize my question is do I need to be specific because that's so much of what the spiritual teachers that I was just listening to One recently right the specific when you manifest your purpose yes for some people that works but it can also limit it um if uh if I had been specific I would probably have limited it uh sometimes the universe have bigger plans than you have and so um my first experience of manifestation which is a is a it's a form of spirituality to to manifest it's important it's not the deepest uh the deepest is to realize the essence of who you are then you can still manifest if you want to and you'll be quite good at it but it's secondary so for me there was a kind of Spiritual Awakening when I was 17 years old in the sense that I'd always been very very negative and um always one of the Mind patterns thoughts that could go through my head was bad things always happen to me of course they always do they always and they did uh and then I accidentally came across some books that at the time I was living in Spain with my dad and uh a German woman had gone back to Germany and he left left some books with us they were spiritual teacher is not well known anymore a German spiritual teacher with a Chinese name and um I started reading these books and they were about the there's a relationship between your external life and and your inner State and if you change your inner State you changed your external life that was such a revelation to me i' never heard that before and at the time I was uh learning to type teaching myself on a typewriter that they don't exist anymore uh to type and I remember I copied practicing typing I copied many pages of those books uh and then I started practicing changing my thoughts and becoming feeling good things were going to happen to me I was not very specific because I didn't know what exactly would happen um I attract good things into my life I attract whatever all and then a few months later shift happened I was longing to get away from the where I was living with my dad and his second wife uh that was as dysfunctional as my his first wife my mother with the the the living together I need to get out of here please take me out of here and find finally I got a job offer in England without an interview it was a miracle and it was a good job and had virtually no qualifications it was an absolute miracle and uh the and I knew it had I had created I had manifested that just amazing and one of the happiest moments of my early life was saying goodbye I'm off that was so wonderful and uh and in England all things many things developed miraculous things that could never has have expected so if I don't think you need to be too specific unless there's something that you desperately want or need but hopefully since you've gone deep enough into yourself there's nothing that you desperately want or need because whatever Happ happens on the horizontal Dimension is an adding on as Jesus said whatever you manifest in this external life is lovely but see seek first the kingdom of heaven that all the things that that you think that you need will be added on to you so what he's saying is ex the world of external manifestation yes you have to deal with this world and it's a can be a lovely practice but it's an adding on and there may come a time when you don't need to manifest anything anymore things think have acquired a certain momentum and it's growing the I've asked some successful people did you practice manifestation before you achieved your sex and one or two said yes yes I did um one specifically said I think he's probably told about it publicly so I probably don't need to keep his name a secret but I will anyway just in case well he said um he had put a he had wrote himself a check for I think it was I can't remember how much it was $10 million something and put it in his wallet yeah and he always poed at it and uh 3 years later he got a check for $10 million for move rooll and he got it then I asked Oprah did you ever practice man did you he said no it just it just came what she does practice is a gratitude book every day she writes something to be grateful for or several things to be grateful it's a very powerful tool Al it's a tool to to help you be present to be grateful means an appreciation an alignment with what is so that's a powerful thing that is non-specific but the more grateful you are for what is the more things will come to you if you if you honor honor this moment what is this moment then the future the so-called future which never comes except as the present moment will reflect that uh mindset so there are others sometimes people just start an activity which they enjoy and then enthusiasm comes in and they do more of it and more of it first on a small scale and they continue perhaps they musicians like the Beatles they I don't think they ever thought we are go

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