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my beloved child today I encourage you to look within and hear me letting my message touch your heart deeply life may present challenges testing your faith which once burned brightly within you my hope is for your faith to shine with love and passion and for you to always cherish your spirit Zeal and the will to live gifts I've lovingly given you now is the time to walk back into the Light Of Hope to feed your soul with my promises and truth even when you walk through tough times you don't need to be scared because I'm always with you I'll guide you help you overcome challenges protect what you dream about and support you to achieve your goals life can be tough but remember I've already overcome the hardest parts and I want you to live a life full of happiness I wish for your life life to be filled with victories and blessings and I don't want you to know defeat remember the words you've heard because as you grow happier and more blessed there will be people who might get jealous and wish for your downfall that's just how life works sometimes but know this I lift up those I care about even though it might attract negativity from others they may not like seeing the joy and faith in those I bless don't be afraid because as long as you follow my guidance no one can truly hurt you I'm not asking for Perfection I understand you're human and might stumble what I'm looking for is your heart and for you to keep focused on my teachings your commitment matters to me you turn to me in good times and also reach out in tough times this shouldn't stop keep moving forward pray with heartfelt tears for your tears plant many seeds whether the sun shines or the rain falls keep going steadfastly because I will ease the storms and quiet the waves for you I'll resolve your struggles and take care of your concerns but what I desire is to see you consistently loving and seeking me making me the priority in all aspects of your life you'll find that this Faith becomes a powerful tool dispelling evil conquering your weaknesses and providing you with spiritual and Supernatural strength to face Temptations fears and all challenges before leaving your Abode bow your head for a few moments dedicate your plans and all your Affairs to me pray for your family utter words of faith and peace Rejoice for I am your Shepherd and you shall lack nothing to me you are my daughters my sons and my beautiful little lambs I shall guide you to Green Pastures and lead you beside Tranquil Waters in your home there shall be no more shouts or confusion those conflicts that tear at the heart shall cease I shall distance from your Abode the malevolent individuals thieves of love and disruptors of peace I shall uproot all sin and error hidden in the corners seeking to corrupt your faith and happiness I shall take away sorrow you shall not see misery or poverty at your table the time will come when you'll see abundance like bread appearing at the right moment new chances for growth and learning will emerge I'll cleanse your household of any negative influences or habits that undermine your character and belief remember I'll always be there holding your hand steadfastly focus on what's positive pure and the wonderful things I plan to do in your life avoid seeking companionship in the wrong places or returning to people who stay down and never improve I'm not just your provider I'm also here to bring you Joy so you don't need to look for validation or acceptance from anyone else I don't need anyone's permission to bless you so you shouldn't ask if you should love and serve me the answer is always yes in me you find a love that's pure unbreakable comforting and healing remember I'm the only one who died and rose again for you so you could have salvation and eternal happiness with me now tell me beloved to Grant you this Everlasting Love gather your strength today stand tall and ready for Victory is near the fight may be tough and the journey hard but I'm here to support you never fear to fight and persevere in your dreams when the world attempts to hinder you when the enemy conspires against you to topple you stand firm like a sturdy Rock rid yourself of negative thoughts of the feeling of fear that impedes your path do not allow anything or anyone to distinguish the dreams within you do not alter your plans do not yield If Ever I caused you to dream it was to let you know that I have the power to achieve anything trust in me I'm right there with you battling on your behalf that's how it will always be approach your responsibilities with Zeal and perseverance strong and steady faith can bring about wonders and achievements that surpass all all expectations Faith especially coupled with obedience is crucial for accomplishing the seemingly impossible your faith brings me joy be mindful though that there will be those who envy and criticize you don't worry if they call you crazy or extreme for following my teachings March forward like a conqueror the naysayers will eventually fall back confused ignore any that tries to divert you from this journey you're so close to receiving Abundant Blessings it would be tragic to give up now I didn't call you to be defeated with me you're destined to be a conqueror the sacrifice I made was for your Victory on that cross you were on my mind if you're listening to me now know that your hardships are not unnoticed I am your almighty God and I've marked you with my favor for your belief and loyalty your life is a gift from me don't ever forget that I will never cast you aside or forsake you and Trust everything you do on this day first into my hands with humility and gratitude and wherever your feet tread there you will be blessed my presence and power will go with you and your family delivering you from dangerous enemies and conflicts what concerns you I have already resolved I listened attentively to the prayer you brought before me dismiss any thoughts of defeat and fear celebrate and be patient you might find it challenging to wait and remain calm at the same time but now lean on your faith find rest and trust in me as a child trusts close those weary eyes the ones that have cried so much and rest your head on my shoulder that catches every tear and hears every cry my child I cherish you it's not my desire for you to endure so much pain I don't want you to keep worrying I'm filling your spirit with clear and vibrant water from my endless Love's River I've prepared this blessing for you and into your heart I'll pour this rening and cool blessing to refresh your faith day by day each day is a new chapter yesterday brought pain and tears prayers and challenges but today brings peace happiness and calm leave your pain in the past live one day at a time your future is safe with me don't fret over issues and circumstances that are for me to solve Play Your Role trust pray and have faith don't stop living because you're facing troubles don't hide away because of others ridicule say my name out lou

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