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Good Things Come To Those Who Wait On God

waiting on god is something that all of us need to do as part of our christian lives there are times when the answer to your prayer will come relatively quickly then there are times when the answer to your prayer takes longer than you would like for it to come these are the times when we have to wait on the lord these are the times when we have to trust god's perfect timing isaiah 40 verses 30 through 31 says even the youth shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall but those who wait on the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint when we're told to wait it doesn't mean we should do nothing it simply means we should be placing our trust in god yes we might want something to happen quicker but god knows the beginning and the end he knows everything in between he knows the end from the beginning we don't so there's always a reason greater than what we may see or perceive for god to make us wait we must never stop waiting on the lord this is a promise that tells us that we will be stronger we will renew our strength only if we wait on god we will run and not be weary only if we wait on god we will walk and not faint only through waiting on god the more we trust in god the more confidence we have the more strength we have to press forward the more we're able to press on to run this good race of faith so i'm speaking to you if you're in a season of waiting i'm speaking to the person who's waiting on god to answer their prayer request the person who's waiting on god to act and turn things around the bible says in psalm 130 verses 5 to 6 i wait for the lord my soul waits and in his word i hope my soul waits for the lord more than watchmen for the morning more than watchmen for the morning is your soul waiting for the lord because if you are i encourage you to wait on the lord in prayer as you wait on god i encourage you to pray today pray tomorrow pray the day after that and continue praying don't give up in this season of waiting daniel prayed for 21 days he waited on god for three weeks he waited until his prayers were answered we too must have the same resilience we must have this same fight within us a fight to pray as we wait on our god too often many people are discouraged when the answer to their prayer doesn't come right away but hold on to the words in psalm 40 verse 1 it says i waited patiently for the lord he inclined to me and heard my prayer keep praying because god will hear your prayer keep praying because god will hear your cry furthermore i want to encourage you to wait on the lord patiently when you need an answer don't force the issue wait on the lord when you need direction when you need guidance don't act on emotion please don't act on impulse but wait patiently on god because there is a promise that's worth the wait isaiah 40 verse 31 says but they who wait for the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint when you wait on the lord when you wait patiently in prayer god will answer you god will respond and he can respond by simply giving you peace in your heart about the issue that you're dealing with he can open a new door of opportunity so make a decision to trust in the lord continue to wait on the lord with hopeful expectation continue to wait on the lord in prayer continue to wait on the lord for direction continue to wait on the lord and he will renew your strength in all aspects of your life you need to accept that in the grand scheme of things your control is limited what you can control is your effort on a daily basis your attitude on a daily basis that's what you can control the rest you leave it up to god pray that god intervenes in that situation with your boss or supervisor pray that god steps in when it comes to who your kids are influenced by at school pray that the lord will see your hard work and reward you remember that the bible says you are blessed when you place your trust in god you are blessed when you place your hope in jesus and here's what i've learned when you fully trust god he becomes your strength when the situation ahead looks dim and bleak when the mountain ahead looks to be too great for you i want to encourage you to place your trust in jesus put your hope in the lord we have a god who can make a way where there seems to be no way we should be placing our hope and faith not in the promises of man not in the resources or abilities of man but in the promises of an everlasting god when life happens you can stand strong in the lord don't allow life's challenges to shake your faith in god stand strong in the lord stand and let him fight your battles he has promised that the deep waters won't drown us and when we go through the fire we will not be burnt so whether you're in the lion's den today or facing pharaoh tomorrow stand strong in your deliverer who is jesus we can trust him we can rely on him we can depend learn and stand strong in the lord but i'm not saying it will be easy i'm not saying it won't be tough but with god it's possible [Music] [Music] you

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