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God Message: The Sign You’ve Been Waiting For | Gods message today | God’s message for me today

[Music] my beloved child I see the longing in your heart the cries of your soul and the prayers that have poured from your lips know that I am here not by chance but by Divine Design responding to your deepest needs in these moments my Holy Spirit surrounds you bringing strength and comfort to your life you've sensed my presence my desire to speak to your heart and I've been preparing you in countless ways my messages written within the pages of your Bible shine brightly before your sincere heart today you've opened your heart to me rekindling the Covenant we share you offer me your faith trust in the fullness of your hope trust that I hear your pleas and let go of the weight of anxiety that might make you think your words do not reach the heavens from the very day you cried out an Ang Angel departed from my Celestial Throne holding the key to your Liberation you are a special Soul engaged in a Celestial battle for your life the adversary seeks to drag you down to wish for your failure but my heavenly armies wage war against these forces of evil the challenges that have befallen You Are Not Mere coincidences they serve a purpose I call on you to be vigilant and wise be cautious with your words share your innermost thoughts with care the enemy seeks to devour you to exploit your vulnerabilities and to break your faith with lies and deception your future is a tapestry of Wonders and miracles while you may face trials for a season know that your problems are not Everlasting they will fade away the burdens that weigh you down will lift and those who have have hurt you may return seeking forgiveness but remember your faith and trust must remain Anchored In Me Alone even when others promise you the world hold fast to the knowledge that only I possess the power to bless and protect you from evil I the source of truth I never fail nor do I deceive should you place your trust in empty promises from deceitful Hearts your blessings will dissipate like the wind and some may never return so this is your moment anchor your faith in my powerful and Eternal Word unchanging and steadfast throughout all time the hour of decision approaches choose my love my affection and embrace it fully make a solemn commitment to meet with me every morning to listen and immerse yourself in the word that has illuminated your path and given you purpose purpose fear not when you come before me for I long to hear your voice no matter your state or emotion my doors are wide open and my ears attentive come before the sun rises it is the perfect moment to bring me your desires and feel my loving Embrace speak to me openly for your words Echo your thoughts and reserving a place for me in your heart is a fragrant offering share your your dreams your needs your frustrations and your doubts tell me everything for I am your friend the one who truly understands and comprehends you the storms of adversity may have shaken you leading to unexpected times of anxiety the Lash of contempt and cruelty may have bruised your soul leaving you breathless yearning for peace my word is yours and you shall receive it I will fill your heart with with strength in the midst of Trials you will find Tranquility when you are weak you will find your strength in me and when you falter fear will not consume you cling to my promises when your burdens become overwhelming come to me never forget that I am with you and do not let doubt rob you of the blessings that await you I bless you because I love you and I have chosen to do so today is a day of special significance A Day of Victory you will forever cherish these promises are sealed with my very blood you shall know happiness and I will bestow upon you eternal life in my presence tears and pain shall be no more this is your sign open your eyes the problems that weigh you down shall fade and the help you seek is on its way know this my child I love you deeply today my love is made manifest tell me you love me tell me you believe in me I understand your concerns I know that often it seems as though things are not going as you hoped and frustration clouds your path exercise patience I will guide you in all that concerns you I will reveal my great power in your life transforming the Discord into purposeful and meaningful outcomes you are of immense importance and value to me I will never allow you to be ens snared by circumstances that threaten your life pay heed to the signs I send you and do not tread upon paths I have not directed you to take I perceive much that is hidden dangers you cannot fathom intentions concealed within the hearts of others not all who claim friendship do so genuinely do not be disheartened by false companions who are quick to anger over trivial matters and then vanish from your life doubt not that your prayers are heard the circumstances that appear to stall or misalign in your life are answers to your prayers for protection to be shielded from harm from adversity and from deceptive Souls know that I am listening and rescuing you from these situations take a deep breath for I am ushering peace and Solace into to your heart I will make things clear to you have faith that I am aiding and preparing you for marvelous things understand that all things take time often I must change the landscape remove obstacles and dismantle snares from your path when the moment arrives for you to step forward it will be without Peril do you comprehend I have never let go of your hand I have never distanced myself from you I have kept my promise now you must do your part trust in me have faith be courageous and raise your head high leave behind the burdens of Sorrow I'm here to help to conso and to heal your wounds recognize that even in your most arduous trials you are never alone dismiss the thought that my love is withheld from you that is never the case your struggles may be significant but my love for you endures and I will always hold your hand I have heard your cries felt your patience we thin and sensed your despair as you sought the door perhaps you have been looking in the wrong places for the door has always been before you I am your path your hope your truth and your future in the midst of your challenges if you choose to believe and come to me you will emerge from the turmoil in my perfect time and in the manner I see fit be assured that I will lead you to the way out if your patience has waned and you are weary of waiting I will grant you more patience and greater strength I will bestow my peace upon you do not surrender now for you stand on the brink of achieving your long-held dreams it is crucial that you believe wholeheartedly trusting in me for all your support consult me before making decisions for risking what you have gained could lead to dire consequences remember you are not in competition and there is no need to prove yourself to others your faith in me has already been demonstrated now simply walk with unwavering steps slowly yet wisely you will reach the pla

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