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God Knows What Is Known and Unknown | Trust God and Don’t Worry!

fear is a liar because fear leads you to forget all that God has done one description of fear that I like says fear is false evidence appearing real fear creates a cloud that makes you think you are alone it creates a cloud that makes you blind to God's promises and his word and one way fear manifests itself in today's society is in the prevalence of anxiety disorders stress-related diseases and health conditions anxiety and stress are both the children of fear We Fear the Future We Fear the past we fear things we cannot control and we don't want to admit that most of life is out of our control we are not in control of when we're born or when we die we are reminded of our lack of control when faced with an unwanted diagnosis or a natural disaster this is why Jesus invites us and commands us not to worry Matthew 6 verse 25 tells us therefore I say to you do not worry about your life what you will eat or what you will drink nor about your body what you will put on is not life more than food and the body more than clothing Jesus goes on to say in verse 33 but seek first the kingdom of God in his righteousness and all these things shall be added to you Jesus is telling us to let go of the illusion that we are the ones in control because while we are not in control God is Sovereign he's always in control while we don't know the future God is already in the future while we can't let go of the past God is already in the past working out your present and your future the devil is the father of fear but God is the master of the future the devil is the Warlock of worry but Jesus is the Prince of Peace the devil is the architect of anxiety but the holy spirit is the conduit of comfort the Lord tells us in Isaiah 41 verse 10 so do not fear for I Am With You do not be dismayed for I am your God I will strengthen you and help you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand as Believers Our Lives should not be dictated by fear but rather our faith Our Lives should not be crippled by worry but rather empowered by encouragement our future is secured in the Lord the Bible says in Hebrews 9 verse 28 so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many and he will appear a second time not to bear sin but to bring Salvation to those who are waiting for him you see Jesus took all of our sins to the cross he took up our pain he took our shame blameless he was but out of love he went through all of that for us he endured the cross so that we could be saved and when he appears for a second time the Bible is clear that Christ's second appearance will not be to Bear any sin but it will be to bring Salvation to those of us who are waiting for him and so I would like to encourage you today to wait on the Lord the Lord is the one who will bring you salvation is the one who will bring hope Everlasting joy and peace you see the Lord is the one who's able to renew your strength now once again the Bible says in Hebrews 9 verse 28 so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many and he will appear a second time not to bear sin but to bring Salvation to those of us who are waiting for him I encourage you to note how the Bible says to those who are waiting for him it's not saying to all people but it's saying to those meaning he is only bringing salvation to a group of people who have made their decision to wait on him those who have made the decision to trust in him listen salvation it's personal it is your decision it's up to you to decide to place your hope in the Lord or to place it elsewhere the decision is yours as to whether you answer the call of Christ in your heart and live for him it's your decision to pray even and so I encourage you to examine yourself today are you in the group of those who are waiting on him Hebrews 1 verses 1 through 2 says therefore since we are so rounded by such a great cloud of witnesses let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles us and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us fixing our eyes on Jesus the pioneer and perfector of faith for the joy set before him he endured the cross scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the Throne of God Saints we're so rounded by a great cloud of witnesses and I want to encourage you today to make a decision decide to wait and trust in Jesus decide to rely on his strength so that you can lay aside every weight that means anything that's burdening you you need to lay it down decide today to rely on the power that's in the blood of Jesus so that you can lay aside the sin which so easily ensnares you decide to look unto Jesus because he is the author the finisher of our faith now it is my belief that all we can offer to the Lord as a sign of gratitude is our lives all we can offer Jesus Christ is ourselves we cannot repay him we cannot compensate the Lord or do anything to equal his sacrifice but I tell you the least we can do is serve him the least we can do is to become a servant of the Lord [Music]

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