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God Is Telling You NOT To Walk With Everyone! (Inspirational & Motivational Video)

if there is one thing that I've learned from various Life Experiences it's the fact that not every friend really is a friend a smiling face doesn't always mean pure intentions Open Arms don't always mean that you're welcome and you only have to look in the Bible to find that not everyone can be trusted Judas ate with Jesus he sat under the teachings of Jesus he was there when the Miracles happened he was part of the Inner Circle but he betrayed our Lord Joseph was betrayed by his brothers he grew up with them at one stage they played together ate together they were blood but they betrayed him David said this about someone close to him in Psalm 55 verse 12 to 14. it is not an enemy who taunts me I could bear that it is not my foes who so arrogantly insult me I could have hidden from them instead it is you my equal my companion and close friend what good Fellowship we once enjoyed as we walked together to the house of God we are called to love our neighbor and rightly so we should love our neighbor I also believe that you should love with wisdom and what I mean by that is that there are those who you can and should love at a close proximity and then there are those who you should love from a distance because getting too close to them can lead to your distraction in fact I have found that broken people love to break other people bitter people have a tendency of attempting to make other people bitter the Bible in Hebrews 12 15 says see to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no Bitter Root grows up to cause trouble and defile many one translation says watch out that no bitterness takes root among you for as it Springs up it causes deep trouble hurting many in their spiritual lives the Bible here is clearly telling us that when bitterness takes root in a person that root of bitterness grows and bears fruit now perhaps you have been hurt by someone close to you maybe it was deliberate maybe there was malicious intent behind that person's actions and you've never received an apology do not I repeat do not let that hurt take root in your heart and become bitterness perhaps something unfortunate has happened to you maybe an action was taken against you that was unfair I urge you not to let that hurt take root in your heart and become bitterness whatever it is that may have happened to you or against you be quick to let go be quick to forgive be quick to move on don't give an opportunity for bitterness to grow in your heart don't give an opportunity for the devil to work in your life the reason that bitterness is destructive is because it doesn't just affect the person who is bitter but it affects everyone they come into contact with a bitter person hurts people because they feel as though the world deserves to be hurt because of what they went through but on the opposite scale when you see someone who has the genuine love of God in their heart you see someone who welcomes anyone regardless of what they have done what they look like or who they are the love of God causes you to lead others to Christ the love of God in your heart leads you to have a burden for unbelievers so let me tell you this as born-again Believers we are to love others because Jesus Christ first loved us even while we were still sinners we are to forgive because we are forgiven the Amplified translation for Ephesians chapter 4 verse 31 to 33 says let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor Perpetual animosity resentment Strife fault finding and slander be put away from you along with every kind of malice all spitefulness verbal abuse malevolence be kind and helpful to one another tenderhearted compassionate understanding forgiving one another readily and freely just as God in Christ also forgave you I find it interesting that In this passage of scripture of all the things we are told to put away with bitterness is the first thing to be listed I believe this to be the case because it is a complex and multi-layered emotion it's hard to be bitter and not be angry it's hard to be bitter and not have any resentment it's hard to be bitter and not be spiteful or obsessed with finding fault in anything and everything this is why the Bible tells us to put this emotion away from us do away with bitterness people of God Jesus Christ has loved us even as we are he has forgiven us despite the many many times we have fallen into sin Jesus Christ has and still does show us kindness and mercy and compassion and in his word he has given us the Commandment to love your neighbor as you love yourself and let me tell you it's in your best interest to forgive and move on to forgive and let go because Matthew chapter 6 verse 15 says but if you do not forgive others their sins your father will not forgive your sins bitterness and unforgiveness are inseparable emotions can't be bitter about something you've forgiven and let go of so I encourage each and every one of you listening right now learn to forgive quickly and strive to imitate Jesus Christ let's be people who are full of the love of God in our hearts let's do away with arguments and divisions and let's be kind and helpful to one another let's encourage each other in the faith let's be tenderhearted compassionate understanding and willing to advance the kingdom of God over our own self-interests living a life for God means not repaying back evil for evil the Bible tells us not to repay anyone evil for evil we are no longer an eye for eye lifestyle instead we as Believers should be kindly affectionate to one another we should have a true love for the people around us many times we love people for what they can give us however we move on if they can't provide us with anything God calls us to love everyone and if we are to be more like Christ then we ought to love our neighbor furthermore Romans chapter 12 verse 18 says if it is possible as far as it depends on you live at peace with everyone this world loves to create division whether that be political racial or economic division however God wants us to find ways to live in peace with each other that does not mean we agree upon everything with everyone however as far as we can control we should have peace with those around us [Music]

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