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GOD IS STILL WORKING IN YOUR LIFE | Trust His Promises | Inspirational and Motivational

if you look around today many people are struggling someone somewhere is worried and anxious about a prodigal child a child who has lost their way someone else in this world has just received terrible news now life will never be the same again for them so let me ask you who do you depend on when life gets tough who do you depend on when you see nothing but trouble and Chaos around you who do you depend on when you have no strength who is it that you depend on when you are faced with circumstances that you can do nothing about well today people of God I want to encourage you to depend on God depend on a God who has given us wonderful promises in the Bible promises that should Lift us up when life tries to push us down promises that should bring peace to our hearts even if our external environment is tumultuous God's promises are what you and I should depend on because God is a faithful God he's a God who keeps his word because he is truth now I pray that this message will serve as a reminder to each and every believer listening I want you to know that when you begin to trust in God's promises you'll realize that you are well taken care of you will lack for nothing and for those who may be wondering what are these promises allow me to remind you what the Bible says in Isaiah 41 verse 13 the Bible says for I the Lord your God hold your right hand it is I who say to you fear not I am the one who helps you this is a promise a promise for those seasons in life when you feel as though you can't get a break it's a promise that God Almighty will help you the Lord will come to your Aid he will be your support he will be your Pillar of Strength Isaiah 40 verse 29 says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might he increases strength this is a promise a promise for us to hold on to in times of weakness God will give strength to the weary he will help you to stand when times get tough he will help you to move forward when it looks like you are about to be overwhelmed in Exodus 14 verse 14 the Bible says the Lord will fight for you you shall hold your peace this is a promise for us promise of safety God will fight your battles he will fight our battles and we need only to hold our peace and so there is no need to go back and forth trying to fight Here There and Everywhere instead let God work on your behalf because we have a promise that the battle you face Belongs to the Lord the Bible in Philippians 4 verse 19 says and my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in Glory by Christ Jesus this is a promise for provision if you have a need God can meet that need this doesn't mean you'll have everything you want but in Jesus Christ you will have everything that you can ever need so I encourage you to get to know God's promises get to know them and hold on to his promises there's one thing to come to terms with in life it's the reality that life is unpredictable but here's the thing I am so grateful for the fact that in this ever-changing life we have a never-changing God Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forevermore he doesn't change he healed thousands of years ago on this Earth and he still heals today he loved those considered to be unlovable those considered to be outcasts and rejects and he still loves those same people today he spoke the words peace be still and the storm bowed down and I believe he can and will speak those very same words in the middle of your storm today that's why when life happens you can stand strong in the Lord don't allow life's challenges to shake your faith in God stand strong in the Lord stand and let him fight your battles he has promised that the Deep Waters won't drown us and when we go through the fire we will not be burnt so whether you're in the Lion's Den today or facing Pharaoh tomorrow stand strong in your deliverer who is Jesus we can trust him we can rely on him we can depend learn and stand strong in the Lord but I'm not saying it will be easy I'm not saying it won't be tough but with God it's possible now the Bible says in Psalms 34 17 the righteous cry out and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles isn't that amazing that the Bible actually says that the righteous cry out and the Lord hears but it doesn't stop there the Lord delivers them out of all their troubles so what happens to the unrighteous when they cry out who hears them who delivers them out of all their troubles from this passage of scripture in Psalm 34 we should all be encouraged to pursue righteousness because when the day comes when it's your turn to cry out if you've been pursuing righteousness then the Lord will hear you and deliver you God the father has given his people the license to call upon him when Troubles of Life come notice how I said his people God's people those who pursue righteousness and it's not to say that you're perfect but it's to say that your desire has nothing to do with the world and everything to do with Jesus Christ the righteous cry out and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles there is a condition for you to be heard by God that condition is righteousness are you a righteous man are you a righteous woman and I mean righteousness according to the word of God not the self-righteousness which the Bible describes in Isaiah 64 verse 6 saying all of us have become like one who is unclean and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags we all shrivel up like a leaf and like the wind our sins sweep us away this is self-righteousness being described here this is where you are righteous in your own eyes not according to God's word but according to the standards you've set this isn't the type of righteousness we want or need as Believers we ought to chase the type of righteousness that pleases God and rid ourselves from any trace of Pride arrogance or self-righteousness we are to chase after the righteousness of God that qualifies you and me to get God's attention second Corinthians 5 verse 21. for our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin so that in him we might become the righteousness of God don't miss how the Bible says in him so that in Christ we might become the righteousness of God are you in Christ are you in him I asked these questions because there are people who are so in distress and so bothered saying why does God never answer my prayers well once again Psalms 34 Verse 17 says the righteous cry out and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles and then second Corinthians 5 verse 21 says for our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin so that in him we might become the righteousness of God so we've established a criteria for God to hear your cry it's righteousness and we've discovered the source of righteousness which is Jesus Christ none of us can be righteous unless we are in Jesus Christ unless we are submitted to him we can never achieve righteousness unless we are in love with Jesus unless we are sold out for him we can never achieve ri

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