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God Is Saying ‘Trust Me With The Cares of Tomorrow Me’ (Inspirational and Motivational)

how do you focus on God instead of the obstacles of life it's a valid question right we all have obstacles in this life we will all come face to face with things that will threaten our faith in the law we'll come up against opposition that may paralyze even the most courageous hearts with fear but you see over and over again in the Bible we're told not to worry we're told not to fear not to be dismayed not to be discouraged but instead to look to the Lord as your deliverer look to the Lord as your rescuer look to the Lord as your help and source of strength now this all sounds good but how do you practically do this well in second chronicles 16. there is an interesting story that we can all learn from there is a king named ASA who initially started well in his walk with God initially ASA was a king who worked to remove idolatry among his people and lead the land to worship and honor the one true God Jehovah but King Ace's story takes a turn when he decides to put his trust in man instead of God when faced with an obstacle this King deviated from his faith and sought to seek help from people instead of the lore here is what the Bible says in second chronicles 16 verse 7 to 9. at that time hanani the Seer came to ASA king of Judah and said to him because you relied on the king of Aram Syria and did not rely on the Lord your God the army of the king of Aram Syria has escaped out of your hand we're not the Ethiopians and lubem a huge army with a great number of Chariots and Horsemen yet because you relied on the Lord he he placed them in your hand for the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the Earth so that he may support those whose heart is his you have acted foolishly in this therefore from now on you will have wolves now from this story of King ASA we don't want to focus too much on this King and what he did but rather I want to highlight what the prophet of God hanani said to King Asa he said the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the Earth so that he may support those whose heart is completely his this is what we should remember as children of God the eyes of the Lord are seeking those who are fully committed in him those who are fully trusting in Him and so dear friend when You Face obstacles in life don't put your trust in people trust in God don't rely on people or things trust in God Almighty because he is seeking for the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the Earth just looking for the person who is fully committed and confident in him have you ever been in a state where you feel as though you've lost out you might feel as though you've lost time or that you've lost out on some opportunities that could have really impacted your life you may feel as though you've lost out on relationships that could have been of great benefit to you now I've been there I have been in this position and I have prayed Lord I've lost so much time I've lost out on so many things would you please restore that which I have lost and let me tell you that we do serve a god of restoration in the Bible a demon-possessed man had an encounter with Jesus Christ the Bible in Mark chapter 5 verse 15 says then they came to Jesus and saw the one who had been demon-possessed and had the legion sitting and clothed and in his right mind and they were afraid this was a man who would dwell in the cemetery he was tormented and tortured by unclean spirits the Bible says night and day he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying out and cutting himself with stones but when this man encountered Jesus Christ he was restored he was made whole he was set free now we should also have the desire to encounter the presence of God in our lives at some point an encounter that will revive and refresh us may be feeling tired and weary from the battles you fought and you may possibly be worried that those same battles will be awaiting you in the morning but allow me to encourage you when you feel outnumbered when your problems look like they are an army marching in your direction do what blind Bartimaeus did in Luke 18 verses 37-38 the Bible says they told him Jesus of Nazareth is passing by he called out Jesus Son of David have mercy on me and so should you find yourself in need of divine intervention do what this man did and call out to Jesus Christ when you feel cornered and your back is against the wall when the enemy looks to have you surrounded then open your Bible to II kings six verses 17-18 and draw strength from the fact that when Elisha's servant became fearful because they were surrounded by their enemies here's what the Bible says about Elisha's response then Elisha prayed and said O Lord please open his eyes that he may see so the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and Chariots of Fire all around Elisha and when the syrians came down against him Elisha prayed to the Lord and said please strike this people with blindness so he struck them with blindness in accordance to the prayer of Elisha so I encourage you to pray that God would open your eyes so that you would firstly not be afraid and secondly when God opens your eyes and you begin to see the hedge of protection around you and you begin to see the angels that encamp around you you can begin to draw strength from that from the fact that Jesus Christ is on your side when you feel tired and frustrated cry out in prayer cry out in Praise there is only but one God who can give you rest only Jesus can lead you beside Still Waters only Jesus Christ can renew your strength so don't be discouraged with what you're facing don't be disheartened at the events of today nor should you be preoccupied and worry about what could come tomorrow instead call unto Jesus Christ today in this very moment whatever situation you face this day God wants you to call on him because his word in Isaiah 65 verse 24. it says before they call I will answer while they are still speaking I will hear Psalm 50 verse 15 in the Bible says call upon me in the day of trouble I will deliver you and you shall glorify me and so I want to encourage you when you look at God's word when you look at his promises he says trust me in your times of trouble and I'll rescue you he says abide in me and I will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest so let your hope be found in God he has the perfect solution each and every time so call on him whether it's day or night whether you're in a season of Darkness or light [Music] chapter 2 verse 17 says and it shall come to pass in the last days says God that I will pour out of my spirit on All Flesh your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your young men shall see Visions your old men shall dream dreams God has promised to pour out his Spirit on All Flesh in the last days now my prayer to the Lord is that I would not be left out of this outpouring promised in the Bible our hearts cry is that the Lord would pour out his Sp

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