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God Has You On His Heart So Be Still & Trust Him | Inspirational & Motivational

if I had never faced a problem in my life I would have never known that God could solve it if I'd never been Up Against All Odds I would have never known the victory ultimately belongs to Jesus if my last relationship never broke me then how would I have known that God could heal me and make me whole again and so I understand now I understand what the Bible meant in Psalms 119 verse 71. it is good for me that I have been Afflicted that I may learn your statutes while I was going through the trial it was painful yes it was hard and sometimes I didn't see a way out but when I did pass I found that I didn't take God's goodness for granted anymore I began to see just how good God was and is to me but it was only through the lens of affliction that I saw things clearly Jesus Christ spoke these words in John 14 verse 1. he said do not let your hearts be troubled you believe in God believe also in me many people in this world are walking around and battling countless troubles and if this is you I would like to give you this word of encouragement let not your heart be troubled in other words do not let your heart be in distress don't allow your heart to surrender to fear if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior then you have every reason not to be troubled you have every reason not to be anxious or worried within your heart I believe that the reason we should not let our hearts be troubled can be found in John 14 verse 6 which reads Jesus said to him I am the way and the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me and if you move on further to read John 14 verse 16 the Bible says and I will ask the father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever and so from these two verses we know that if you have accepted Jesus Christ into your heart then you have accepted the way the truth and the life there is nothing that he doesn't regulate there is nothing that he is unaware of he is the answer the only way and the best solution for all things and the fact that he has given us a helper the wonderful holy spirit means that we have help in times of trouble we have strength in times of weakness we have guidance in times of uncertainty so do not let your heart be troubled because if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior and if you submit to his ruling and Authority in your heart then you and I become like sheep to the Good Shepherd and in John 10 verse 11 the Bible says I am the Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd lays down his life for the Sheep what a privilege it is to have the Son of God Jesus Christ the firstborn from the dead say that he will give his life for his sheep now to the person who is listening right now I want to encourage you and tell you that you need not be worried let your heart not be troubled because Jesus Christ is with you and if Jesus Christ is in your heart then you have accepted the way the truth and the life you have accepted the Good Shepherd the writer of the Hebrews tell us don't throw away your confidence it will be richly rewarded that's what David found he tells us there was a time when he was struggling in Psalm 55 he writes fear and trembling overwhelm me and I can't stop shaking morning noon and night I cry out in my distress and the Lord hears my voice then David says this can be our experience also at the end of the psalm he writes give your burdens to the Lord and He will take care of you he will not permit The Godly to slip and fall and we need to hold on to this God will never let you slip so I urge you brothers and sisters the Lord Jesus is King and he invites you to come to him for rest the Bible says let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us looking onto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the Throne of God troubles can be a blessing for believers you see God uses our troubles to remind us that he is a deliverer he is a savior he is our hope and rescue God is faithful to empower you to stand strong and Victorious and not to be defeated understand that we are Overcomers it is not God's will for us to be slain by evil it is not God's will for us to be defeated it's not the will of the Lord for us to be victims of the devil no it's quite the opposite God wants us to be the victors God doesn't sit in heaven looking down at you saying figure it out my child you've got this battle I'll take care of the next one the Lord doesn't leave us to fend for ourselves he will not abandon us but hear me what God really wants us to do is to suit up he wants us to put on his armor he wants us to be in the battlefield fighting on his side there is no middle ground in this Warfare if we don't fight for the Lord then we are fighting for evil now the question is who will you stand for in this battle many Believers fall on this trap of kindest sort of living for God but all that does is leave you lukewarm but the good news is that God's judgment has already been passed to the devil the devil has been judged to suffer Eternal damnation but us as children of God Believers in Christ we are destined for victory we are destined for victory when we make the choice to fight on God's side and the Lord is not a dictator he will never Force us to stand with him he granted us the free will to let us choose between right or wrong Good and Evil Warrior of God or a warrior of the enemy will you choose to be a prayer Warrior will you choose to fight the battle on your knees what will you choose as Soldiers of Christ we go into every battle knowing that we are more than conquerors we have already won we are the ones that will testify that we are not Fallen Soldiers but we are the Victorious ones so make the decision today the decision to keep your hands raised even in the middle of your battle make the decision to pray often to pray first and to pray with boldness make the decision to pray at times in the spirit persevere in prayer Press On don't give up keep praying and keep pushing and remember Mark 11 verse 24 says therefore I tell you whatever you ask in prayer believe that you have received it and it will be yours [Music]

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