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God Has Placed A Gift In You | Motivational and Inspirational

the Bible says in First Corinthians 1 verse 27 but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong this means you can't predict how God will move or act what we deem to be foolish God will use to shame the wise what we deem to be weak God will use to shame the strong so if anyone has ever put a label on you if they've put a limit on you so long as you have faith a willing heart God can use you he can use whomever he wants however he wants he can use the recovering drug addict just as much as he can use the school teacher God can take the ex-con and cause him or her to lead people who've never committed a single offense to turn to Christ so stop doubting if you're chosen by God because you lack this skill you lack this type of style or you've made a few mistakes it doesn't matter if you have a baby out of wedlock a failed business or if you're homeless so long as you are willing so long as you have faith and an appetite to serve God can use you in his kingdom and so today if you're in a situation that seems hopeless you don't have to despair you don't have to lose heart because God has the power to Grant you Victory Against All Odds dare to believe in Jesus and here's the thing if you believe if you dare to let all of your faith rest completely on God's word you too can experience The Impossible becoming possible we can and should be depending on God for that same miraculous power today Against All Odds you can defeat your Goliath Against All Odds you can overcome whatever trial whatever difficulty you are facing right now keep God first and you will lack for nothing let him rearrange your priorities and he will rearrange your life change starts from the heart and God is interested in the heart not in your looks or how much you're giving give God the throne to your heart and he will change your desires and enable you to be truly satisfied in him take a moment to think about what's important in the grand scheme of things everything on this Earth is temporary and fleeting none of it will last but God's kingdom will never end for that reason he is the only one worthy of our devotion he is the only one we should be focused on no matter what everyone else is doing keep God first it doesn't matter how unworthy how unqualified they say you are it doesn't matter how undeserving they say you are if God is for you then no one can be against you if God is for you then goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life with Jesus on your side you better believe he's going to March you to victory he's going to raise up a standard in your life and that's because everything about God is greater it's greater than any opposition it's greater than any amount of money it's greater than anybody's opinion even [Music] his promises are greater than the predictions of man so when the world tells you that you've got no chance or when the devil tells you to just give up stand firm in your faith keep on pushing forward your ability to overcome hardship is not predetermined by a statistical analysis or a roll of the dice your future rests in the hands of God and he will equip you with whatever you need for the battle ahead because of the favor and Providence of God you can look at any situation and say with man this is impossible but With God all things are possible as humans we'd like to be able to measure we like predictable outcomes but life doesn't always work that way our Earthly logic doesn't apply to every situation in our minds victory in life is all about our capability our credentials our material things we believe that unless we look impressive to the rest of the world we have no chance of succeeding in life but God has the power to override all of that God doesn't look for the strongest among us to demonstrate his power that would be too simple too predictable but God doesn't always give us answers while we are in the fire all we can do is have faith in his promises promises like those found in Mayhem 1 verse 7 which says the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knows those who trust in him we ought to hold on to the promises like those found in Psalm 55 verse 22 which says cast your burden on the Lord and He Shall sustain you he shall never permit the righteous to be moved you see in times of difficulty we have to remember God's nature and his nature can be found in his word in the Bible God is described as a refuge and a deliverer he is described as faithful he is described as Alpha and Omega he is the beginning and the end he is patient caring and loving and so I encourage you to put your trust in the Lord regardless of what you are facing whether you are in a valley or on top of the mountain we should be seeking the Lord always we need him to lead and guide us we need his grace we need his Mercy we need his protection to keep us safe as we go about our business and above all we need God's presence you see God's presence is extraordinary when his presence surrounds you you're surrounded by pure love when his presence surrounds you you're covered in safety and there is nothing from the enemy that can touch you in his presence There Is Power so much power that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you so much power that there is nothing impossible it's only in the arms of the Lord that you can find Divine strength it's only in God that you will find strength in your weakness it's only in him that you can do all things because he strengthens you [Music]

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