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God Can Still Do A New Thing In Your Life (Inspirational & Motivational)

[Music] as humans who have physical bodies that are prone to injury or illness we all sense if something is physically wrong with us by paying attention to any signs or symptoms like pain that may suggest that something is wrong the usual thing that follows is a trip to the doctor for examination that way we can receive the appropriate treatment that would allow us to heal from whatever condition or illness we might be suffering from now do we do this for our Spirits also here's a question for you have you ever sat down and examined your spirit when something felt a little off I mean really really reflected on the condition of your soul the condition of your heart of your mind why did that make me feel so angry where did those thoughts come from what really caused me to feel so troubled these are questions that we ought to be asking ourselves whenever we feel something that's contrary to the word of God sometimes as Christians we seem to live our lives as if all is well and some of us can actually convince ourselves that we're happy however if we actually pay attention to what is happening on a deeper level we would soon realize that there are all sorts of issues that need to be dealt with issues that cause spiritual infirmity all of us should be sensitive to the signs in our lives that tell us we need healing these signs manifest themselves in different ways if we are objective If we're honest and if we truly examine ourselves against the standard of the word of God we'd begin to pick out oh I have a heart issue someone hurt me and now I feel entitled to sympathy or attention true reflection is when you sit down and notice I have a mind issue my thoughts right now are dirty and impure and then as you dig a Little Deeper you find that they are impure and dirty because you're spending so much time listening to music that talks of making love having sex and all kinds of things that's what you're feeding your mind and what you feed will grow and as it grows it becomes an issue and these issues include bitterness unforgiveness grudges and so on having any of these issues points to the fact that we need to be delivered from them we need to be healed from them you see without inviting the Lord in for deliverance or healing we are unable to mature or grow spiritually because we are stuck in a place of Affliction and cannot possibly have joy in its true sense as Christ commands us to true and Lasting healing can only come from the ultimate healer Jesus Christ should you find yourself always in regret or beating yourself up about past mistakes that's a sign you need healing should you find yourself to always be getting angry at everybody who doesn't share your view or share your opinion that's a sign that you need healing if you find joy in putting others down or gossiping about others that's actually a sign that you yourself need healing these can all be issues of hurt low self-esteem or bitterness all of these can only be healed by Jesus Christ oftentimes when you find someone who can't forgive someone who won't forgive that person usually has wounds or scars that have been left unattended unforgiveness is a sign that a person needs healing in one or more areas in their own life during Jesus ministry one of the main points he focused on was forgiveness he taught his followers to Pray by saying forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespassed against us and so now for us as believers we can be certain that forgiving others is not just something we can choose to do it is something we must do and it would be disobedient to God if we were to be unforgiving towards others but to what extent does God want us to forgive how many times well Peter asked Jesus the same question in Matthew 18 verse 21 to 22. which says then Peter came up and said to him Lord how often will my brother sin against me and I forgive him as many as seven times Jesus said to him I do not say to you seven times but 70 times seven now you might be thinking why is God so insistent that we forgive people who hurt us why so many times Lord 70 seven times if they did it the first time okay but if they kept hurting me why do I have to keep forgiving does the Lord not care about our pain however let me tell you God wanting us to forgive is all about how much he cares for us he loves us so much that he doesn't want us having any bitterness or resentment in our hearts because that would make our lives miserable [Music] bitterness unforgiveness and resentment festers in the heart and in the soul it grows and corrupts you from the inside out that's why I believe the Lord wants us to forgive so often and so freely Jesus the son of God one who was blameless and pure died on the cross and forgave us even while we were sinning against him so who are we that we shouldn't forgive others when you Harbor unforgiveness this should be a sign to you that there is something unresolved within you because if you have received Mercy from the Lord why would you refuse to forgive others if the Lord has forgiven you for all that you have done then who are you to make the decision not to forgive someone else I believe that unforgiveness is a sign you need healing from the Lord because you cannot expect to receive Mercy but Place yourself at a moral High Ground when it comes to forgiving others take a good look at yourself is there anything in your life that is an indication that you need healing is there pain from your past that's unresolved is there regret from previous mistakes that has grown and grown into something else only the power of the blood of Jesus Christ can give you true and Lasting healing [Music]

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